Phlebotomy Mock Certification Exam

What is phlebotomy?

The process of drawing blood

What is a phlebotmist?

A trained professional in blood drawing

Which of the following is not part of a phlebotomist's point-of-care job-related duties?

Performing a tracheostomy

All of the following are considered hazards, except:

Bending your knees when lifting heavy objects.

All of the following are true about laboratory safety, except:

You may store food in the laboratory refrigerator

As written in the Patient's Bill of Rights, the patient has the right to:

1. Refuse treatment, 2. Not participate in experimental procedures. 3. Know the name of the phlebotomist

Certification is evidence that:

The phlebotomist has demonstrated proficiency in the area of blood drawing

Which of the following is not an OSHA-required personal protection equipment?

Steel-toe shoes

The Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendment of 1988 follows guidelines and standards set by the:


Samples collected from a patient in a nursing home are sent to:

Reference laboratory

Quality assurance for laboratory personnel includes all of the following, except:

The laboratory supervisor's home telephone number

Personal protection equipment must be provided by the:


Which of the following personal protection equipment must a phlebotomist use when performing a skin puncture?


Under HIPAA protected health information is defined as:

Any part of a patient's health information that is linked to information that identifies the patient

Employers must provide vaccination against _______ free of charge

Hepatitis B virus

Which of the following would be a reason for rejection of a specimen by the lab?

An ESR has been collected in a red-topped tube

The quality of the test result depends on:

The time lapsed between collection of the specimen and analyzing the specimen

The purpose of quality control is to:

Check machinery with automated procedures, Ensure that proper laboratory procedures are being followed. Ensure that adequate patient care is being provided

A specimen may be rejected by the lab it:

The tube was not initialed. The blood is hemolyzed. The tube was not transported properly.

Transport bags have a separate compartment (pouch) for requisition in order to:

Prevent contamination if the specimen leaks.

____________ is the most important step in phlebotomy and other testing procedures.

Proper patient identification

When identifying a patient, the phlebotomist must:

1. Ask the patient to give his or her name and DOB. 2. Check the patient's ID band. 3. Ask the patient to present a photo ID

When an admitted patient is not wearing an ID band, the phlebotomist must:

Contact the nursing station and request an ID band be placed on the patient

What is the proper procedure for a phlebotomist to follow if a physician or clergy is in the patient's room at the time of draw?

Ask the physician or clergy to step outside
Return at another time if the specimen is not a STAT

What should the phlebotomist do if he or she cannot communicate with the patient?

Communicate with the hands

Most tubes containing additives should be inverted:

5-8 times

The additive within the lavender-topped tube is:


The green-topped tube contains:


The yellow-topped tube contains:


The glass red-topped tube contains:

No additive

Which of the following tubes contain(s) sodium fluoride and potassium oxalate?

Gray-topped tube

Which of the following tubes would hold a glucose specimen for 24 hours?

Gray-topped tube

In which tube would a phlebotomist collect an erythrocyte sedimentation rate?

Lavender-topped tube

Cardiac enzymes are drawn in:

Red-topped tube

Which of the following tubes yield(s) a serum specimen?

Red-topped tube

Coagulation studies include all of the following except:

Complete blood count

A blood donation given by a patient for use during his or her surgical procedure is called:

An autologous donation

Why should a glass red-topped tube be drawn before a green-topped tube?

Since there are not additives in the red-topped tube, it cannot contaminate the green-topped tube.

Which of the following is false for blood culture collection?

Must be collected in the red- and marbled-topped tube

Which of the following is correct for arterial blood gas collection?

Area must be prepped with iodine before draw.

A heparinized needle and syringe are necessary in the collection of:


Hemogard top:

Is a plastic top that fits over the stopper. Is used to reduce aerosol and splattering of blood

Cold agglutinin test must be maintained at a temperature of:


Chilling a specimen will:

Maintain the stability of the specimen during transport

Specimens for which of the following tests must be kept chilled?

Ammonia, Pyruvate, Lactic acid

When labeling tubes, all of the following information must be placed on them, except:

Patient's diagnosis

Which of the following is not needed for a routine phlebotomy procedure?


What additional equipment may be needed when drawing blood from a patient in the premature nursery?

Additional personal protection equipment

The depth of a heel puncture cannot exceed:

2.0 mm

The tourniquet is placed _________ above the site of draw.

3-4 inches

When a tourniquet is left on too tight, capillaries may rupture, causing:


Which of the following is true when using a tourniquet during a phlebotomy procedure?

1. Never tie a tourniquet on open sores
2. Tying a tourniquet too tightly can cause petechiae
3. Leaving a tourniquet on too long can cause hemoconcentration

A phlebotomist must inspect the needle for:

1. Burrs 2. Expiration date 3. Bevel facing up

Which of the following is the smallest needle?

21 gauge

A butterfly needle should be used:

1. For patients with sclerosed veins and one tube being drawn. 2. On adult's dorsal and metacarpal veins 3. On pediatric and geriatric patients

A tube hold is used to connect needle and evacuated tube in order to:

Ensure a firm stable connection between them

The proper way to dispose of a needle is to:

Put in into a sharps container, without recapping, immediately after withdrawing it from a patient

Factors to consider in site selection prior to a venipuncture are:

1. Scars or burns, 2. Edema, 3. Mastectomy

Which of the following are correct for ending the phlebotomy procedure?

Remove tourniquet, remove tube, place gauze, remove needle, apply pressure, discard needle in sharps container

The most commonly occurring complication in phlebotomy is:


A tourniquet that has been left on too long can cause:

1. Petechiae, 2. Hemolysis, 3. Hemoconcentration

What should a phlebotomist do first if a patient has syncope during a phlebotomy procedure?

Remove the needle and tourniquet, and apply pressure

Which of the following are signs and symptoms of syncope?

Cold, damp, clammy skin

Blood that has seeped from a vein into tissue is called:


Which of the following may cause vein occlusion?


Which of the following complications may occur if the phlebotomist punctures a bone?


Veins that are hard and cord-like are called:


The term that means the rupturing of red blood cells is:


High bilirubin levels can lead to:

Jaundice, which can lead to brain damage

Thrombosis is:

Clot formation within a blood vessel

Which of the following will cause a shortened bleeding time test?

Hair at incision site

A hematoma can be prevented if:

Pressure is applied on the vein until bleeding stops completely

Aspirin may affect a patient's:

Bleeding time.

In a CSF collection the phlebotomist will:

Transport the specimen to the lab

Body fluid collections are:

Always a STAT specimen

The process for collecting amniotic fluid is known as:

An amniocentesis

The amniotic fluid must be:

1. Transferred into a sterile container 2. Protected from light 3. Transported immediately to the lab for analysis

Prompt delivery to the lab of semen samples is necessary to determine ________ in fertility testing.


Fecal specimens are collected for:

1. Ova and parasite testing 2. Testing for digestive abnormalities 3. Occult blood analysis

What is the best sample to determine blood pH and blood gases?

Arterial blood

An un-iced ABG must be delivered to the lab within:

5-10 minutes

Arterial blood gas must be processed immediately in order to minimize:

Changes in the analyte

All of the following are safety equipment for arterial blood collection, except:

Heparinized syringe and needle

If the Modified Allen test is negative,

Another artery must be selected for blood collection

The NPC culture is used to diagnose:

1. Whooping cough 2. Croup 3. Upper respiratory infections

The SE (Sweat Electroloytes) test is used to diagnose:

Cystic fibrosis

Which procedure is normally collected by a nurse or respiratory therapist?

Arterial blood gas

Dermal punctures can be used as an alternate for all of the following except:

ESR-Sed rate

Which of the following would be a reason for performing a dermal puncture?

1. Patients who require frequent blood draws 2. Patients with burns on the arms 3. Patients who are at risk for venous thrombosis

Which of the following is the reason for cleansing the first drop of blood in a dermal puncture?

To rid the specimen of fluid from tissue

When collecting blood from a child, the phlebotomist should:

1. Consider the psychological aspect of the draw 2. log the amount of blood collected to avoid depletion 3. Collect dermal punctures whenever possible

Which of the following should a phlebotomist NOT do when drawing blood from a child?

Tell the child that the procedure will not hurt

What does the phlebotmist look for when identifying a newborn?

The hospital identification number and the last name

Improper cleansing of a venipuncture site can cause:


A pathogen is:

An infectious disease-causing microorganism

Which of the following components is needed in order to make what is known as the chain of infection?

Causative agent

A health care-related infection is:

An infection contracted within a health care institution

When a patient has a highly contagious disease, he or she is placed in:

Strict isolation

A patient who is known to have a blood-transmissible disease is placed on:

Blood and body fluid precautions

A patient who has diarrhea and bacterial gastroenteritis is placed on:

Enteric isolation

Patient within a neonatal ICU/burn unit or the recovery room are in:

Reverse isolation

The most frequently occurring laboratory healthcare-related infection is:


An infection is:

The invasion and growth of a pathogen

Microorganisms that cause disease are:


Which of the following are causative agents?

Bacteria, viruses, protozoa, fungi

Elevation of ______________ is an indication of an infection.


Red blood cells are:


The primary function of a red blood cell is to:

Carry hemoglobin

The most abundant white blood cell is:

The neutrophil

The liquid portion of blood is:


The average adult has approximately how much blood?

5 liters

The vein most subject to venipuncture is:

The median cubital

Veins carry:

Blood back to the heart

Arteries carry:

Oxygenated blood away from the heart

The outermost layer of the heart is:

The epicardium

The contractile layer of the heart is:

The myocardium

The upper receiving chamber of the heart is:

The atrium

Which of the following heart chambers has the thickest myocardium?

The left ventricle

Which of the following are the semilunar valves?

The aortic valve and the pulmonary valve

Which of the following are atrioventricular valves?

The mitral or bicuspid valve and The tricuspid valve

The aorta is:

The major artery

The pulmonary vein will carry blood:

To the heart from the lung

The exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide occurs in:

The capillaries

Anatomy is:

The structure of the human body

Physiology is:

The function of the human body

The main function of the kidneys is:

The filtering of waste from blood

Blood in the urine is called:


A loss of pituitary gland function:

Is likely to be very serious, since this gland regulates many others

Homeostasis is:

The ability of the body to return to normal conditions under stress

Hemostasis is:

The ability of the blood to clot whenever necessary

When a person has had adequate rest and has not eaten in 12 hours, it is called:

Basal state

The building blocks of all living things are:


The blood cells that carry oxygen are:

Red blood cells

Groups of cells working together to perform the same job are called:


The location where bones come together is called:


The appendicular and the axial are two main divisions of the:


The bones withing the spinal column are called:


The three kinds of muscles in the body are:

Voluntary, involuntary, cardiac

The beginning of a muscle is attached to a bone that the muscle cannot move. This is called:


Which kind of muscle straightens as part of the body?


The stomach passes food into the:

Small intestines

Compared to arteries, veins:

1. Have thinner walls, 2. Carry blood under lower pressure 3. May be closer to the surface of the skin

Substances that speed up digestion are called:


Tissue fluid is returned to the circulation through the:

Lymphatic system

Which is the correct ratio of plasma to formed elements in the blood?

55% plasma, 45% formed elements

Digestion begins in the:


When you exhale you rid the body of:

Carbon dioxide

The organs of the excretory system are:

Kidneys, skin, lungs, large intestines

Tiny microscopic hairs called _________ are found in all of the air pages of the body.


The master gland in the endocrine system is (are):

The pituitary