Phlebotomy National Certification Review Pt 1

Maintaining eye contact when interacting with a patient assist with establishing ___________


Infectious agent, reservoir, portal of exit, mode of transmission, portal of entry, and susceptible host are parts of the ______________________

chain of infection

If the chain of infection is broken at ______________, an infection will not develop.

any of the links

POCT can assist the physician with early patient __________ and can result in shortened length of stay for hospitalized patients


What are the links in the chain of infection

infectious agent, reservoir, portal of exit, mode of transmission, portal of entry, and susceptible host

All of the following are components of correct patient identification except

state the patients name

Avoiding a patient with aids is considered what


Phlebotomist must demonstrate mastery of the principles and techniques established by JACHO


Regardless of the work setting, which of the following is critical to prevent the need to repeat a test

collecting a specimen properly

You have just entered the laboratory and another team member requests that you label her remaining tubes with the labels on the counter. What would be your best response

I do not feel comfortable labeling specimens I did not collect

Various subspecialties exist within the laboratory. The one that studies blood and blood forming tissues


_________ is a simple technique that decreases the transmission of disease producing microorganism


The standard bloodletting of the 1800's resulted in what amount of blood loss

10 ml

which of the following best defines phlebotomy

to cut into a vein

List three examples of inpatient facilities

hospitals, nursing homes, rehabilitation centers

what organization is responsible for minimizing workplace injuries


List three negative nonverbal gestures

drooping shoulders with head held low
looking down or away from the patient
wrinkled lab coat and poor grooming
failing to respect an individual's personal space

Reference laboratories are also called

off site laboratories

List three examples of outpatient facilities

physician offices,ambulatory care centers, home health agencies, reference labs, blood banks

Dermal puncture requires a much larger specimen than does venipuncture


In order to validate correct patient identification, the phlebotomist must call the patient by name


Sarah, age 12 is about to have her blood drawn. She asks the phlebotomist, will it hurt. what is the best response for the phlebotomist to make

You will feel it but if you keep still it will not take long

Hospital laboratories are also known as clinical laboratories


The study of human body tissues and cells is known as


the fastest growing outpatient health care facilities are _____________

ambulatory care centers

The heel is often used in infants to obtain capillary blood


Patients must give their permission for blood to be drawn


Another term for dermal puncture is


List the three instances in which a patient can not refuse consent

patient is a minor, patient is mentally incapacitated, patient is ordered by law to have his or her blood drawn

During the 1800's bloodletting procedures were mostly performed by


Allison age 4 months needs to have a blood test performed. The phlebotomist will collect capillary blood from what site for this infant


The three step process; Ask/Compare/Validate is used to confirm

patient identification

_______________ can be both verbal and nonverbal


The term that refers to patients' privacy regarding information is ________________


List three indications for handwashing

before putting on gloves, between patient contact, between different procedures on the same patient, after handling specimen containers or tubes, after restroom visits, after eating, after combing hair, after handling money, anytime your hands get contami

Laboratories in hospitals are also called __________ laboratories


Phlebotomy is a(n) _____________ procedure


JCACHO is the main ___________ agency for hospitals


The figure below demonstrates dermal puncture

false - venipuncture

List any three ways the phlebotomist can break the links in the chain of infection

perform hand hygiene, wear gloves when obtaining and handling any specimens, dispose of contaminated materials properly, use personal protective equipment when required - including mask/gown/gloves/and eye protection, perform aseptic technique when requir

Failure of any institution to comply with CLIA '88 regulations may result in the termination of Medicare and Medicaid reimbursements


Which of the following are examples of personal protective equipment (PPE)

gowns, gloves, masks

An infection acquired while in a health care facility is called a(n)

nonsocomial infection

What is the primary role of a phlebotomist

obtain blood for diagnostic testing

List in order the three step process to correct patient identification

Ask, Compare, Validate

List any three HIPAA guidelines that could apply to the care of patients during phlebotomy

close patients room doors when caring for them or discussing their health

Specimens ordered 'stat' must be collected immediately


Gloves are not a requirement when you are obtaining blood from patients with no known infectious diseases


Laboratories categorized as ___________ are not subject to inspections because they only perform simple test


List three positive nonverbal gestures

good body posture/maintaining good eye contact/neat well groomed appearance/respecting personal space

List the four different blood types


White blood cells are also known as


What are the smallest blood vessels called


_____________ is an enzyme used to convert fibrinogen into fibrin


The appearance of the white blood cell (leukocyte) is referred to as biconcave


What blood vessels contain valves


Disease producing microorganisms are called __________


The ____________ system consist of both pulmonary and systemic circulation


Pus contains dead neutrophils, pathogens, and parts of the cells at the site of infection or injury


All arteries carry oxygenated blood


What percentage of our total blood volume is stored in veins


Anticoagulants prevent blood from clotting


List 3 layers of blood vessel

tunica intima
tunica media
tunica adventitia

____________ which release histamine, are the least common granulocytes


Jamie has been diagnosed with parasitic infection and has just had an allergic reaction to the medication she is given to treat the infection. Which of the cells would you expect to be elevated above normal?


___________ carry blood away from the heart


The outermost layer of a blood vessel is called the ____________

tunica adventitia

The layer of blood vessels that is capable of contracting and relaxing is the ____________

tunica media

Antigens are complex protein substances produced as a response to a foreign substance


The first event to occur following an injury is

blood vessel spasm

Which of the following cells assist with stopping bleeding


During a bacterial infection white blood cell counts decrease


The ability of red blood cells to carry oxygen and carbon dioxide occurs as a result of a molecule called


The figure below is a cross section of a vein


Red blood cells are also known as


A hematoma occurs when blood collects under the skin due to insertion of a needle through a vein or artery


The veins most commonly used for venipuncture are located in the middle of the arm; this are is referred to as the

antecubital fossa

What are the four major events involved in stopping the flow of blood at an injured site

blood vessel spasm or vasoconstriction
platelet plug formation
blood clotting or coagulation
fibrinolysis or dissolving of the clot and return of the vessel to normal function

The ABO blood group consist of three different blood types: A, B, O

false there are four - AB is missing

The liquid portion of whole blood is called


__________ is the process of blood coagulation or clotting


The preferred site for venipuncture is the

median cubital vein

Male hemoglobin levels are slightly higher than female hemoglobin levels

true male = 14-18grams/100mL of blood
female = 12-16 grams/100mL of blood

The vena cava is the largest vein in the body


___________ are the largest of all the white blood cells


What are the smallest of all the blood vessels


The pulmonary artery is the largest artery in the body


Individuals with the A antigen on the surface of their red blood cells are classified as Type


Venous blood has higher concentration of

carbon dioxide

Veins carry blood under a much higher pressure than arteries


The innermost layer of veins and arteries is called the

tunica intima

Individuals with the B antigen on the surface of their red blood cells are classified as Type


Type and crossmatch specimens require a full signature on both the requisition form and the test tubes


What are the 3 veins that make up the antecubital fossa

median cubital

A special test called ____________ is used to differentiate between granulocytes and agranulocytes

Wright's stain

What blood vessels contain an extremely thin wall


The average life span of the red blood cells is 4 months


__________ carry blood toward the heart


What are the three main blood vessels


Which of the following cellular components of blood is the smallest in size


List the four characteristics of an indicator

well defined
essential to the process

You are about to perform a POCT but the system check readings you obtain fall outside the established parameters. You may need to do all of the following except;

continue with performing the POCT

Quality assurance is a(n)

system for evaluating performance

Patients requiring phlebotomy services evaluate the care they receive based on all of the following except

the level of education the health care worker has

All of the following agencies are responsible for providing phlebotomy except


The patient's chart is a communication medium used by various members of the health care team


Failure to adhere to specific collection procedures can adversely affect the results


________ is the adjustment of equipment to a known test value


The core of total quality management is to improve ________

customer satisfaction

Another term for results is


If there is a lack of quality performance at only one point in the process the outcome will more than likely be a quality outcome


A MSDS documents specific chemical ingredients found in a _____________ substance


A variance is an unwanted outcome or occurrence


List four possible causes of liability for phlebotomist

misidentification of the patient
breach of confidentiality
improperly labeled specimens
performing venipuncture without the patient's consent
injury to blood vessels or nerves
poor sterile techniques,resulting in patient infection
permanent scarring or di

Phlebotomists are usually responsible for analyzing test results


List three agencies responsible for providing phlebotomy certification


An unwanted outcome is called a(n)


All employees at risk of exposure to bloodborne pathogens are to

be given the hepatitis B vaccination free of charge

List the two factors that most influences 'customer satisfaction'

health care encounter
accuracy of the result

Phlebotomists must be concerned with quality performance during the venipuncture procedure only


__________ is a process that, along with a passing score on a national exam, ensures successful co mpletion of defined academic and training requirements


Disclosing confidential patient information can lead to liability


Leaving the tourniquet on the patient's arm for more than ___ min can adversely affect potassium levels


____________ serves as the blueprint of the health care facility's account of the patient's care and treatment


Quality control measures ensure that

procedural steps are followed and yield consistent results

In the event of an accidental spill or injury with a chemical or laboratory substance, the MSDS books can provide data and treatment recommendations


Accreditation is a process that ensures successful completion of defined academic and training requirements and a passing score on a national examination


Malpractice is the failure of a healthcare worker to perform reasonably expect duties for patients


All of the following are common causes of liability for phlebotomist except:

using good sterile technique

Failure to label a specimen properly may result in a bad evaluation, but no legal action is likely


Perform skills that you are not fully trained to do only if requested by a physician


__________ departments are responsible for generating policies and procedures that will protect employees, patients, and the employer from injury

risk management

The sheet in the figure shown below is maintained on all hazardous chemicals


If you obtain test results that are not consistent with previous results, or results that do not agree with the patient's clinical symptoms, the first thing you should do is call the physician


Point of care testing requires preparation of

patient and equipment