Phlebotomy State Exam Review

Which of the following are basic functions of the circulatory system?

Delivering blood with oxygen to the body

The three components of the circulatory system are the:

blood vessels, the heart, and the blood

Which of the following is a function of the circulatory system?

Delivering carbon dioxide to the lungs

The amount of blood pumped by the heart:

depends on the metabolic needs of the body

Which of the following lists all three of the major types of blood vessels?

Arteries, veins, and capillaries

The capillaries are the blood vessels where:

oxygen diffuses into the tissues

The protein in RBCs that carries oxygen is:


White blood cells are responsible for:

fighting infection

Platelets are involved in:

the coagulation process

Blood coagulation depends on:

blood vessels, platelets, and clotting factors

The first step in the patient care process is:


Assessing medical conditions determines if the patient has:

circulatory or coagulation problems that would affect phlebotomy

Always check to see if the patient has a/an:

bleeding disorder or takes aspirin

You dont need to ask a patient about HIV status because:

standard precautions prevent HIV transmission

According to the text, a professional:

does not need strong external motivators or supervision

The first principle of phlebotomy or any medical procedure is to:

maintain patient safety

An emergency directly associated with phlebotomy is:


The best way to stop minor bleeding is by using:

direct pressure

Accuracy in phlebotomy is important because:

treatment decisions are often based on blood tests.

Phlebotomy is defined as:

puncturing a blood vessel and removing blood

Professional conduct is behavior that:

inspires trust and confidence

In order to properly identify a patient, you must:

ask the patient to state his or her name and date of birth

You should never perform a venipuncture if the patient:

refuses to have it done

You should never perform a venipuncture if the patient:

is confused or disoriented

Needles used for venipuncture are:

sterile and should never be reused

The first choice for a venipuncture would be a vein in the:

fold of the elbow

The site of a venipuncture must be cleaned to:

prevent an infection

Complications of phlebotomy include:

hematoma and infection

If you suffer a needle stick injury, you should:

A.notify a physician or infectious disease specialist as soon as possible

Why was Mrs. Smith at risk for fainting?

D.she is a thin woman of small stature

What other factor directly contributed to this episode of fainting?

high level of stress

The average woman typically has a blood pressure that:

is lower that the blood pressure of the average man

What part of the patient care process did the technician fail to preform?

patient assessment

What could the technician have done to predict the risk of fainting?

He could have used vebal and non-verbal communication

In order to properly identify a patient, a phlebotomy technician must ask the patient:

to state his/her name

Another method for properly idenifying a patient is:

checking the patients wristband

Knowing the patient had a stroke and seeing he is anolder adult, the technician should:

ask the patient if he needs assistance with walking

If a patient is taking aspirin and warfarin

pressure on the venipuncture site should be applied for longer than usual

If a patient is taking any drug that decreases the ability of the blood to clot, the patient should:

be advised to return if there is excessive bruising

Standard precautions involve:

treating all body fluids as if they were infected

Povidine iodine should be used for blood specimen collection:

when collecting blood cultures

Handwashing should be done before performing venipuntures:

in every situation

It is important to correctly perform the order of draw because:

an incorrect order of the draw can affect the accuracy of the tests.

Phlebotomy technicians should not ask about a patients HIV status because:

the information isnt needed to perform care/prevent disease transmission


condition in which the blood is deficient in red blood cells, in hemoglobin or in total volume


chamber of heart that receives blood from the veins and forces it into a ventricle


tubular branching muscular and elastic walled vessels that carry blood from the heart through the body


relatively slow heart action


thin walled vessel connecting arterioles with venules and forming networks throughout the body

cardiac cycle

complete sequence of events in the heart from the beginning of one beat to the begininng of the following beat

Cardiac output

volume of blood ejected from the left side of the heart in 1 minute


Complete blood count


passive rhythmical expansion or dialation of the cavities of the heart during which they fill with blood


Red blood cell