
median cubital

the forearm vein most commonly used for venipuncture is the


the smallest veins in the human body are known as


the aorta branches into smaller divisions called arteries,which in turn branch into even smaller divisions called


the heart,lymphatic organs, and blood vessels are in the what system


the major vein that drains the upper arm is called the what vein


the study of blood is known as


the liver,stomach,mouth and pancreas are in the what system

identifying the patient properly

the most important step to ensure accuracy in sample collection is


the bladder,urethra,kidneys,and ureters are in the what system


the instrument that measures blood pressure is called a


the trachea,nose,lungs and pharynx are in the what system


the common name for the thrombocyte is the

white blood cells

neutrophils,eosinophils,basophils,lymphocytes and monocytes are types of


the body system that is a primary regulator of hormones is the what system


the liquid portion of an anticoagulated blood sample is known as


the sebaceous glands,skin hair and nails are in the what system

wipe away the first drop of blood

when preparing a blood smear directly from a skin puncture, it is best to


what color topped tube for collection of blood for electrolyte testing

clotting factors

sodium citrate is an anticoagulant of choice for coagulation studies because it protects


the oral glucose tolerance test is used for detection of

thrid and fourth (middle and ring)

adult capillary punctures most often involve use of what fingers

smaller the needle bore

to determine the size of the needle,remember that the higher the gauge, the

separate liquid from cells in blood

a centrifuge is used in a clinical laboratory setting to

hand washing

the single most important means of preventing the spread of infection in a hospital is by

hiv virus

aids is caused by

inside sealed plastic bags

when delivering blood samples to a laboratory, they should always be transported

share supplies from one infant to another

when performing heelsticks on infants in a hospital nursery, it is important never to

contain the spill safely

if a biohazard spills in the laboratory,a phlebotomist should first try to

urinary tract

the most prevalent type of nosocomial infections are those of the


phlebotomists have a statistically greater chance of contracting what in a workrelated incident than they do of contracting AIDS


an unlawful threat or attempt to do bodily injury to another is


the term that refers to right and wrong conduct is

sharps container

according to OSHA,a contaminated needle may be safely discared into a


to eliminate bacteria from the skin of a bacterial culture venipunture site,what is sometimes used in addition to alcohol in the skin cleaning process

second durable watertight container

when you send blood tubes by mail for analysis in a watertight container,they should be enclosed in


an artery can be distinguished from a vein because an artery will be

capillary or skin puncture

lancets are used to collect blood samples by

venous access devices

the abbreviation VAD is commonly used in hospitals to refer to


what color topped tube is used for collection of blood for cholesterol testing


what color topped tube is used for collection of blood for CBC

facing up

when performing a venipuncture,postion the needle

insufficient mixing

one possible cause of unexpected clotting in an anticoagulated blood tube might be

bleeding time

one test often used to assess hemostasis before surgery is

tissue fluid

when performing a skin puncture squeezing the finger too tightly may dilute the blood with what and ruin the test

5 minutes

in a patient with a clotting disorder, pressure should be applied to the punture site for at least how long after venipuncture to insure blood stoppage


when blood seeps into the surrounding tissue during a venipuncture,a___ may form

participating in hemostasis

platelets help the circulation by

defending against foreign invaders

white blood cells help the body by

prevent blood from clotting

anticoagulants are used to


the purpose of doing blood cultures is to detect

waived tests

tests that basically pose insignificant risks to patients if errors occur in the test performance are called

complexity of laboratory tests performed

the classification the physician's office laboratory (POL) falls into will be determined by

watertight containers

the federal government requires that specimens are transported or shipped in

quality assurance

in the health care field when all evaluted services and the results compare with accepted standards, principles of____ have been used

exposure incident

a specific eye,mouth, other mucous membrane,non-intact skin, or parenteral contact with blood or other potentially infectious materials that results from the performance of an employees duties is called____.

bagged or containerized at the location

contaminated laundry should be ____ where it was soiled.


center for disease control


red top or speckled tube

contaminated sharps

are contaminated objects that can penetrate the skin including, but not limited to needles, scalpels,broken glass, broken capillary tubes, and exposed ends of dental wires.

quality control



anticoagulant in lavender top tubes


anticogulant in blue top tubes

complete blood count


arterial blood gases



hemoglobin and hematocrit

sexually transmitted diseases


fever of unknown origin


having thin-walls,forming microscopic pathways,and connecting arterioles with venules

characteristics of capillaries include