Chapter 14 Terminology Phlebotomy

absolute polycythemia

erythrocytosis; an increase in the number of red blood cells because of increased red blood cell production.


a clumping together, as of red blood cells.


a deficiency of oxygen.

aplastic anemia

anemia caused by deficient red blood cell production, due to disorders of the bone marrow.


small, thin glass used to cover liquid specimens on the slides to protect the microscope and stabilize the specimen. A special coverslip is manufactured for use by the hemacytometer.


adrenaline; an adrenal gland hormone that stimulates the sympathetic nervous system.


polycythemia vera

erythrocyte count

red blood cell count.


absolute polycythemia


a counting device or counting chamber to count cells such as red or white blood cells.


the destruction of red blood cells, which releases the hemoglobin.


having the same osmotic pressure. An isotonic solution with the same osmotic pressure as red blood cells is used to prepared blood for red blood cell count

leuocyte count

white blood cell count.


an abnormal high white blood cell count.


an abnormally low white blood cell count, usually below 4,500/mm


an abnormal growth of tissue, such as atumor.

nucleated red blood cell(nRBC)

a red blood cell that contains a nucleus. It resembles a white blood cell under low power magnification and may erroneously inflate the white blood cell count.

pernicious anemia

a potentially fatal form of anemia that may be due to deficiency or malabsorbtion of vitamin B12. Pernicious anemia is associated with an abnormally low white blood cell count.


an increase above normal in the number of red blood cells in circulation.

polycythemia vera

erythremia; a chronic, usually fatal disease of the bone marrow that results in greatly elevated red blood cell count.


the clumping together of red blood cells as in the formation of rouleaux but differing from true agglutination in that the clumped cells can be dispersed by shaking.

red blood cell (RBC) count

erythrocyte count; the number of reb blood cells per cubic millimeter of blood; performed manually by counting red blood cells under a high power magnification on a hemacytometer. Whole blood is diluted with an isotonic solution that prevents lysing of re

relative polycythemia

an increase in red blood cells relative to plasma volume. It occurs due to dehydration.


an immature red blood cells that retain traces of endoplasmioc reticula.


a clump of red blood cells that appear to be stacked like a roll of coins.

white blood cell (WBC) count

leukocyte count; the number of white blood cell per cubic millimeter of blood; counted manually under low power magnification on a hemacytometer. Whole blood is diluted with a solution that lyses red blood cells.

absolute polycythemia

erythrocytosis; an increase in the number of red blood cells because of increased red blood cell production.


a clumping together, as of red blood cells.


a deficiency of oxygen.

aplastic anemia

anemia caused by deficient red blood cell production, due to disorders of the bone marrow.


small, thin glass used to cover liquid specimens on the slides to protect the microscope and stabilize the specimen. A special coverslip is manufactured for use by the hemacytometer.


adrenaline; an adrenal gland hormone that stimulates the sympathetic nervous system.


polycythemia vera

erythrocyte count

red blood cell count.


absolute polycythemia


a counting device or counting chamber to count cells such as red or white blood cells.


the destruction of red blood cells, which releases the hemoglobin.


having the same osmotic pressure. An isotonic solution with the same osmotic pressure as red blood cells is used to prepared blood for red blood cell count

leuocyte count

white blood cell count.


an abnormal high white blood cell count.


an abnormally low white blood cell count, usually below 4,500/mm


an abnormal growth of tissue, such as atumor.

nucleated red blood cell(nRBC)

a red blood cell that contains a nucleus. It resembles a white blood cell under low power magnification and may erroneously inflate the white blood cell count.

pernicious anemia

a potentially fatal form of anemia that may be due to deficiency or malabsorbtion of vitamin B12. Pernicious anemia is associated with an abnormally low white blood cell count.


an increase above normal in the number of red blood cells in circulation.

polycythemia vera

erythremia; a chronic, usually fatal disease of the bone marrow that results in greatly elevated red blood cell count.


the clumping together of red blood cells as in the formation of rouleaux but differing from true agglutination in that the clumped cells can be dispersed by shaking.

red blood cell (RBC) count

erythrocyte count; the number of reb blood cells per cubic millimeter of blood; performed manually by counting red blood cells under a high power magnification on a hemacytometer. Whole blood is diluted with an isotonic solution that prevents lysing of re

relative polycythemia

an increase in red blood cells relative to plasma volume. It occurs due to dehydration.


an immature red blood cells that retain traces of endoplasmioc reticula.


a clump of red blood cells that appear to be stacked like a roll of coins.

white blood cell (WBC) count

leukocyte count; the number of white blood cell per cubic millimeter of blood; counted manually under low power magnification on a hemacytometer. Whole blood is diluted with a solution that lyses red blood cells.