Review Questions

The proper way to dispose of a needle is to

Put it into a sharps container, without recapping, immediately after withdrawing it

The "Good Samaritan Law" encourages healthcare professionals to

Provide medical care within the scope of their training at the scene of an accident without fear of being sued for negligence

If a patient refuses a venipuncture procedure, the phlebotomist should

Immediately report the refusal and actions taken to the nurse

Microorganisms that cause disease are


The vein in the arm that is most subject to venipuncture?

Median cubital vein

Post-prandial means

After a meal

Tourniquets may be left on the patient for

1 minute

This complication results from repeated venipuncture of the same vein


Which of the following is not a component that makes up the chain of infection?

Mode of transportation

A hematoma can be prevented if

Pressure is placed on the venipuncture site until the bleeding stops

Arterial blood gases need special handling. What is the handling requirement?

Specimen must be chilled after collection

The recommended depth for an infant microcapillary collection should not exceed

2.0 mm

Which of the following represents the correct order of draw?

Yellow, light blue, green, gray

Which test tube would be used for "Fasting Blood Sugar" or Glucose Tolerance Test


What is not a common symtom of shock


Bacteria,viruses,fungus or parasites belong to which type of hazard


What does PPE stand for?

Personal Protective Equipment

Which of the following is not considered a PPE; Goggles, Face Shield, Mask, Bio hazard bags


Which of the following is considered a preanalytical error; Wrong order of draw, Exposure to light, Underfilling tubes, Inadequate fast?

Inadequate fast

Latex sensitivity is a type of

Allergic reaction

Which of the following analytes is a hormone; Cortisol, Cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, Blood urea nitrogen


Which of the following clinical laboratory sections usually has drug analysis; Clinical microbiology, Clinical chemistry, Clinical immunology, Hematology

Clinical chemistry

Which of the following is not an important purpose of laboratory analyses to the entire health assessment or patient? Monitoring of the patient's health status, Therapeutic assessment to develope the appropriate treatment, Monitoring of the patient's heal

Monitoring of the patients health status to develop a community needs assessment

Mrs. J Hamm, a patient who had blood tests requested from th nephrology department, probably has a disorder related to


Ambulatory care refers to health care services provided by


Which of the following body systems provide carbon dioxide and oxygen exchange? Nervous, Muscular, Respiratory, Reproductive


The anterior and ventral surface of the body has which of the following body cavaties

Thoracic, abdominal and pelvic

Swollen lymph nodes are

Common after infections

The blood vessels that carry oxygenated blood away from the heart are the


The upper chambers of the heart are the

Right and left atrium

Which of the following reflects the primary function of leukocytes; Oxygen transport, Host cells, Blood clotting, Defense


Plasma is blood that

Contains anticoagulant

Serum is blood that

Does not contain anticoagulant

Which arteries provide blood to the heart?


Which of the following answers describes the term "diastole"? Contraction of the heart, Relaxation of the heart, Blood tension, A Heart murmur

Relaxation of the heart

In the process of preparing to enter a patient's room in isolation, which of the following would occur first?

Donning gloves and positioning them

In drawing blood for multiple laboratory tests, why is it recommended that at least one other tube be drawn before the tubes for coagulation tests?

To reduce the chances of contaminating the specimen with tissue fluids

Emotional stress, such as anxiety or fear of blood collections, can lead to an increase in

WBC count

When the phlebotomist collected blood from the patient, the patient was in a supine position. The patient was

Lying down