
Role as a Phlebotomist

Safety, accuracy, work well under pressure and communicates effectively

Do patients have the right to decline medical treatment?


If they refuse medical treatment what do you do?

report to supervisor

Point of care testing

diagnostic testing at or near the site of patient care

Quality Assurance

a program that guarantees quality patient care by tracking that outcomes through scheduled audits

Primary role of phlebotomist

To obtain blood specimen from patients

what is negligence defined as?

failure to exercise the standard of care

Materials needed before normal venipuncture

get 2 cotton balls, needle, needle adapter, antiseptic wipe, vacutainer, tourniquet

Antecubital fossa

preferred site of venipuncture, is the ditch or impression opposite the elbw

Vein selection is based on...

the sized and condition of the vein

3 major veins that are located in the antecubital fossa are..

median cubital vein, cephalic vein, basilic vein

Median Cubital Vein

this vein is the most commonly used

Cephalic Vein

easiest vein to palpate in obese patients

Basilic Vein

least firmly anchored located near brachial artery

Only veins have........


Laboratory requisition; labels will include

an order form that specifies what tests are being requested. Labels will include an accession number

Accession number

a unique tracking number different for each sample


70% isopropyl


slows the venous outflow of blood from the arm causing veins to bulge making them easier to locate

gloves must always be


Winged infusion set also known as

butterfly needle

Identify patient. They must state their

name and birthday.

Most critical mistake a phlebotomist can make

is failing to properly identify the patient


clean in circular motion, starting in center and spiraling outward

Bevel faces


Slopes down =

Bevel is up (pink cap up)

Fill the needed tubes according to the

order of draw

Tourniquet should not be left on for more than

2 minutes (entire length of draw)

The proper way to ...................... of a needle is to ................ it and put it into a ............ immediately after withdrawing it from the arm.

dispose; safety cap, sharps container

The diagnosis should never be written on the patients

blood tubes

If a specimen has been collected from the wrong patient....

immediately report the incident to your supervisor

The proper steps to complete a blood draw are

tourniquet, tube, cotton ball, safety cap!

Microcapillary collection is also known is

dermal puncture or a Finger stick

A capillary is a ...............

microscopic blood vessel

Excessively milking the finger during a skin puncture can result in ............ and ............... of the specimen with tissue fluids

hemolysis; contamination

Site selection for infant microcapillary collection

great toe

Heel punctures for infants should not exceed

2.0 mm

In a Dermal puncture always wipe away

first drop of blood

Vanupuncture problems

Failure to obtain blood and inappropriate puncture sites


excess water in tissue under skin


surgical connection between artery and vein. Dont poke!


most common complication from phlebotomy

How to prevent a hematoma

after the needle has been removed a hematoma can be prevented if pressure is placed on the venipuncture site until the bleeding stops

first thing to do if patient faints

get needle out of arm of patient


Caused by tourniquet being left on too long


tiny non-raised red spots that appear on the skin from rupturing capillaries due to the tourniquet being left on too long or too tight


inflammation of vein as a result of repeated venipuncture


Healing process of blood vessles

Vascular phase

injury to blood vessel causes blood vessel to constrict

Sclerosed veins

scarred veins

Coagulation phase

coagulation factors that converts temporary platet plug to a stable fibrin clot

The average person weighing 15 pounds has approximately

5 liters of blood in their system

The heart has 3 layers

Endocardium, myocardium, epicardium


the inner endothelial lining of the heart


the muscular middle layer, contractile element of heart


fibrous outer layer of the heart, coronary arteries which supply blood to heart are found here

Heart has two upper chambers (........) and tow lower chambers (..........)

Atriums; ventricles

The Left side has 2 valves

Mitral valve and aortic valve

Mitral valve also known as

the bicuspid valve

Pulmonary circulation (Deoxygenation Cycle)

This carries deoxygenated blood from the right ventricale to the lungs

oxygenation takes places

in the alveoli within the lungs

Systemic Circulation (Oxygenation Cycle)

carries oxygenated blood from the left ventricle throughout the body

In Pulmonary Circulation, Arteries carry .......... blood ............ from the heart and veins carry ............... blood .......... to the heart.

deoxygenated; away; oxygenated; back

In systemic circulation arteries carry .......... blood .......... from the heart and veins carry ............... blood ............. to the heart.

oxygenated; away; deoxygenated ; back

Capillaries are

microscopic vessels

blood vessels in the body are

aorta, arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules, veins, superior and inferior vena cava

capillaries connect

arterioles and venules and allows a rapid exchange of O2 and CO2, nutrients and waste between the blood and tissue cells

Whole blood consists of

55% plasma, 45% FCE


pale yellow fluid which carries nutrients lipids glucose NA Mg2+ Ca2+ K+ O2 CO2 N and antibodies vitamins hormones

What is the primary function of the capillary network?

exchange material between blood and tissue


liquid portion of unclotted blood

primary function of erythrocyte

carry oxygen to tissue, and expell CO2


nothing per oral

Basal State



after a meal

Therapeutic Drug Monitoring

used to monitor the blood levels of certain medications to ensure patient safety and maintain therapeutic plasma level