NHA Phlebotomy - Study Guide - Part 2

Defined what a direct contact transmission is ?

Skin to Skin

What do you use to disinfect a surface other than boiling water ?


When you explain the venipuncture procedure to the patient and they agree to the test it is called ___________.

informed consent.

When failing to provide reasonable standards of care causing someone to suffer an injury, it is known as _______.


What is the term when you are touching someone without their permission called?


Does the Good Samaritan Law allows health care workers to provide medical care above and beyond their normal field without being sued ? T or F


If a patient refuses treatment you should ?

First, try persuasion. If not tell your supervisor.

Which vein is commonly used for venipuncture ?

Median Cubital

What is the term for repeated venipuncture in the same vein can cause ?

Phlebitis - means inflammation of a vein

Bacteria and parasites belong to which type of hazard ?


What is another name for blood in the urine ?


What is another name for RBC's ?


Which term is the definition of destruction of red blood cells?


What does OSHA requires that health care professionals receive a vaccine for ?


Which vein in the antecubital fossa is usually easiest to palpate in an obese patient ?


Which needle has the largest gauge? 16, 21, 22, 23


How many minutes does normal coagulation take in a red topped tube ?

30 - 60

When the body has adequate rest and no food for 12 hours is it said to be in the __________ state.


When taking aspirin it is most likely going to effect a BT (bleeding time) test? T or F


What is the additive in a pink tube ?


What is the term for a group of tests collected as one unit ?

Profile or Panel

Which way should the bevel be facing as indicated as the proper insertion of a needle ?


What is a patient in the Oncology dept is probably being treated for ________?


Which tube is used for PT and PTT?

Light blue top - coagulation additive

Is the first drop of blood in a capillary puncture the best for analysis ? T or F

False. Always wipe the first drop.

When someone's skin is cyanotic, it means that the skin color is _________.


Where is the POC testing done ?

At the patient's bed

Which laboratory section performs blood pregnancy (hormone) tests?


Where is a clean catch test collected ?

In a sterile cup

What color is the Lipemic (presence of excess lipids (fat) in the blood) blood serum appears ?


What is an example of a nosocomial infection?

Catheter site of ICU patient becomes infected such as UTI.

What is the proper order for doning PPE?

Gown, Mask, Gloves

What is the test of the respiratory system ?

ABG's (Arterial Blood Gases) - measures the acidity (pH) and the levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood from an artery. This test is used to check how well your lungs are able to move oxygen into the blood and remove carbon dioxide from the bloo

Which test shows how well is the function of the urinary system?

Creatinine clearance - measure the level of the waste product creatinine in your blood and urine. These tests tell how well your kidneys are working.

Which body plane divides the body in equal portions ?


What is the term for the ability of the body to achieve "steady state


Which test must be performed on whole blood ?

CBC - means Complete Blood Count

Serum is depleted of fibrogen. T or F


Where does Oxygen-poor blood enter the heart through __________?

Right Atrium

What is the term for the relaxing phase of the cardiac cycle ?

Diastole - lower # on BP

Which blood vessel is NOT part of systemic circulation?

Pulmonary artery

Which represents the proper order of blood flow?

from arterioles to capillaries to venules

Does the left ventricle deliver oxygenated blood to the aorta ? T or F


What is in the green topped tube ?

heparin - (3 types - ammonium, lithium, sodium)

Which tube is used for collecting an ethanol specimen?

Gray top - has sodium fluoride.

Which additive is usually in a lavender tube?

EDTA - Ethylene diamine tetra acetic-acid

In a routine venipuncture the lavender tube shoud be drawn before the red tube ? T or F

False. Red before Lavender.

What is the purpose of an antiglycolotic agent is ?

To preserve glucose

In a routine blood draw the red tube is drawn before the green tube ? T or F

True. Red before Green. (Red, green, lavender)

What is the purpose of the glass particles in serum separator tube ?

To enhance clotting - activator

According to CLSI which tube is filled last when using a syringe ? EDTA - lavender tube, Heparin - green, Citrate - Blue, Sterile SPS - yellow tube

EDTA - Lavender tube

What test are usually collected in a light blue tube ?


What is the most common source of carry over problems for EDTA ?


What gauge multi-sample needle is considered to be standard ?

21 gauge

Which should not be done during vein selection ?

Having the patient pump their fist.

How many hours before a blood test should a patient discontinue the use of medications known to interfere with blood tests ?

4 - 24 hours (at least 1 day but not more than 2 days)

What color is the serum if the patient didn't fast as recommended for test ?

Lipemic - Milky

When does Cortisol peaks ?

During the day

If an infant is screaming during a CBC test what happens ?

The WBC may be elevated.

When should a drug known to interfere with urine tests be discontinued ?

48-72 hours prior to the test

What capillary puncture reference ranges are higher for this analyte ?


What capillary puncture blood most closely resembles ?

Arterial Blood

At what intervals should blood be blotted during a BTT bleeding time test ?

30 seconds - normal average

Which test may require a chain of custody (as in the court of law) ?

Drug screen

When collecting a Blood Culture with a butterfly into culture bottles, which is filled first ?

Aerobic. (Air to Air)

What is the most critical aspect of blood culture collection ?

Skin Antisepsis

Which tube can be used to collect blood for a type and crossmatch ?

Lavender or Pink - EDTA

What hormone is detected in a positive pregnancy test ?

HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG))

What organization develops standards for specimen handling and processing ?


Which specimens are least likely to require special handling ?

Cholesterol and Uric Acid

What is a pathogen ?

Microorganisms that cause diseases.

What is the purpose of an urine C & S test when ordered ?

The presence of UTI.

What is a NP culture swab is collected to help diagnose ?

Whooping Cough (Nurses perform Nasopharnyx culture swab)

How do you collect urine by aspiration through the bladder wall ?

via Suprapubic catheter

What is Sputum ?

Fluid aspirated from the peritoneal cavity.

Which test requires a 24 hour urine specimen ?

Creatinine Clearance

Which fluid is obtained by lumbar puncture ?


Why is sputum collected ?

To Diagnose tuberculosis

Which element prevents glycolysis?

Sodium Fluoride - gray topped tube

How do get a 9:1 ratio of blood to anticoagulant in a light blue tube ?

Need filled 100% full. Must deplete the vacuum in the tube.

What chamber of the heart that receives blood from the systemic circulation ?

Right Atrium

What is a lumen ?

is the inside space of a tubular structure, such as an artery or intestine.

Where does lymph originates from ?

Tissue Fluid

What is a congestive heart failure ?

A heart disorder characterized by fluid buildup in the lungs. Missing oxygenated blood.

Blood types are determined by the presence or absence of _________ on RBC's.


What items are needed for a routine venipuncture ?

PPE, tourniquet, alcohol swabs, tubes as ordered, gauze squares, and tape (band-aids).

What is the order of draw in routine venipuncture?

Yellow - SPS; Blue - Coagulation; (Gold, Red/gray tiger; Red; Green; Lavender/Pink, Gray, Yellow - ACD.

Glycolysis (breakdown of glucose by enzymes, releasing energy and pyruvic acid) occurs faster in newborns ? T or F


Vigorous mixing of serum tube can activate platelet and shorten clotting times. T or F

True. Clot tube ok to mix vigorously.

Which lab dept does a red top tube indicate ?


What happens when the first tube collected with a butterfly needle ?

It will underfill due to air in the line.

Which tubes contains an additive ?

All except SST.

Sodium Citrate is in what color topped tube ?

Light Blue (Use for Prothrombin Time or PT).

What causes vacuum tubes to fill with blood ?

vacuum in the tube

Which is not true of WBC's?

They are all the same size and shape.

Veins are located deeper than arteries. T or F


Veins have thinner walls that arteries. T or F.


Arteries have valves that prevent the blood from flowing back.

False. The veins have valves.

Serum has the same appearance as plasma. T or F.


The hollow part of the needle is called the lumen. T or F
