3 Domains & 6 Kingdoms

Animal Kingdom

multicellular only
heterotrophic only
mostly sexual reproduction

Plant Kingdom

autotrophic only
mostly sexual reproduction

Protist Kingdom

eukaryote both unicellular & multicellular
both autotrophic & heterotrophic
both sexual & asexual reproduction

Fungi Kingdom

both unicellular and multicellular
heterotrophic only
asexual reproduction

Eubacteria Kingdom

prokaryote unicellular
both autotrophic and heterotrophic
asexual reproduction
found in your body or on a desk

Archaebacteria Kingdom

prokaryote unicellular
both autotrophic and heterotrophic
asexual reproduction
live in extreme environments like heat & salt

Archaea Domain

Domain of single celled organisms that are prokaryotic; ancient bacteria that are found in extreme environments; one kingdom - Archaebacteria

Bacteria Domain

Domain of single celled organisms that are prokaryotic; typical bacteria that are found almost everywhere; one kingdom - Eubacteria

Eukarya Domain

Domain that includes organisms that are eukaryotes; includes four kingdoms - plant, animal, fungi, protist


An organism that cannot make its own food and instead obtains its food and energy by consuming other substances


Organisms such as plants and algae, which can use energy from sunlight to create their food

Sexual reproduction

production of new living organisms (offspring) by combining genetic information from two parent organisms

Asexual reproduction

new living organisms (offspring) arise from a single organism, and inherit the genes of one parent organisms only


Made of a single cell


Made up of more than one cell.


A unicellular organism that lacks a nucleus and membrane bound organelles


A cell that contains a nucleus and membrane bound organelles