Chapter 9 Science

1. Density

The mass of an object divided by its volume.

2. Matter

Anything that has mass and takes up of different kinds of atoms; includes all things that can be seen, smelled, or touched but does not include heat, sound or light.

3. Atom

A very small particle that makes up most kinds of matter and consists of smaller parts called protons, neutrons, and electrons.

4. Law of Conservation of Matter

States that matter is not created or destroyed but only changes in form.

5. Electron

Invisible, negatively charged particle located in the cloudlike formation that surrounds the nucleus of an atom.

6. Nucleus

Organelle that controls all the activities of a cell and contains hereditary material made of proteins and DNA; positivity charged, central part of an atom.

7. Proton

Positively charged particle located in the nucleus of an atom and that is counted to identify the atomic number.

8. Neutron

An uncharged particle located in the nucleus of an atom.

9. Element

Natural or synthetic material that cannot be broken down into simpler materials by ordinary means; has unique properties and is generally classified as a metal, metalloid, or nonmetal.

10. Atomic Number

Number of protons in the nucleus of each atom of a given element; is the top number in the periodic table.

11. Isotope

Two or more atoms of the same element that have different numbers of neutrons in their nuclei.

12. Mass Number

Sum of the number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom.

13. Atomic Mass

Average mass of an atom of an element; its unit of 1/12 the mass of carbon- 12 atom.

14. Metal

Element that is malleable, ductile, a good conductor of electricity, and generally has a shiny or metallic luster.

15. Nonmetal

Elements that are usually gases or brittle are the basis of the chemicals of life.

16. Metalloid

Element that has characteristics of both metals and nonmetals and is a solid at room temperature.

17. Substance

Matter that has the same composition and properties throughout.

18. Compound

A substance produced when elements combine and whose properties are different from each of the elements in it.

19. Mixture

A combination of substances do not change or combine chemically but instead retain their own individual properties; can be gases, solids, liquids, or any combination of them.

20. Mass

A measurement of the amount of matter an object has.

21. Formula

Shows which elements and how many atoms of each make up a compound.

22. Heterogeneous Mixture

Type of mixture where the substances are not evenly mixed.

23. Homogeneous Mixture

Type of mixture where two or more substances are evenly mixed on a molecular level but are not bonded together.

24. Solution

Homogeneous mixture whose elements and/or compounds are evenly mixed at the molecular level but are not bonded together.

25. Solute

Substance that dissolves and seems to disappear into another substance.

26. Solvent

Substance that dissolves the solute.