Chemistry Stoichiometry Vocabulary


generic term for individual molecules, formula units, or atoms(regardless of what is being counted)

formula unit

smallest amount of an ionic compound(ionic compounds= compound made up of all metals and nonmetals)


generic term for individual elements


a covalent compound's smallest molecule (Covalent compound= compound made up of all nonmetals)

mole (mol)

the convenient unit expressing the amount of a substance (typically the mass on the periodic table or sextillion particles)

1 mole is the number of particles of substance that is contained in 12.0 grams of__________


The number of particles in a mole

6.02 X 10^23

How can we show that Avogadro's number is about 6.02 X 10^23?

by looking at the structure of a crystal

Molar Mass

amount of substance that contains Avogadro's number of particles (or the mass of one mol of a substance)
-generally stated in grams /1 mole

Avogadro's number is

6.02 X 10^23 (aka sextillion)

mole to mass(g) conversion

multiply by the molar mass of the compound

mass(g) to mole conversion

divide by molar mass of the compound


ALWAYS convert to moles if you aren't already starting there!

percent composition

the percentage by mass of each element in a compound

to calculate percent composition...

divide the mass of the specified element in the compound by the mass of the compound; then multiply by 100 to get a percentage

molecular formula

shows the exact number of each kind of atom (found in covalent compounds)

empirical formula

shows the lowest ratio of atoms in an ionic compound

for ionic compounds, the empirical formula is the same as...

the chemical formula

to calculate empirical formula:

1. Convert the mass of each element to moles
2. divide each moles by the smallest number of moles
(if they are .5, multiply ALL by 2)
3. These mini answers become the subscripts of each element in the compound

molecular formula

the actual formula of a molecular compound (a multiple of the lowest ratio)

to find molecular formula

Find the number of times the mass of the empirical formula mass will divide into the GIVEN mass; Whatever that multiple is, should be the number the subscripts in the empirical formula are multiplied by. molecular formula mass


the numerical relationship that exists in chemical formulas and reactions

molar ratio

the coefficients that are used to balance chemical reactions

limiting reactant

the chemical that runs out first in the reaction and determines the amount of product that will be produced

excess reactant

the reactant that is left over

the reactant that produces the smallest amount of product is

the limiting reactant

percent yield

percent of the expected amount of product that was actually produced

to get percent yield:

divide the actual yield(amount produced in the lab) by the theoretical yield (calculations done with stoichiometry)