Gen Chem Chapter 3: Bonding & Chemical Interactions (MCAT)

chemical bonds

atoms are held together by what kind of bonds?

hydrogen (2), helium (2), lithium (2), beryllium (4), boron (4)

incomplete octet: exceptions (5)

phosphorus (10), sulfur (12), chlorine (14)

expanded octet: exceptions (3 examples)

amount of energy released when a gaseous species gains an electron in its valence shell

ionization energy definition

increases from left to right, decreases from top to bottom

periodic table trend for ionization energy

ionic and covalent

two types of bonds

a metal and a non-metal

ionic bonds typically contain two kinds of atoms:

typically non-metals with similar electronegativity

in covalent bonding, an electron pair is shared between two atoms:

the degree to which a pair of electrons is shared equally/unequally between the two atoms

what determines polarity in a covalent bond?


are electrons shared in an ionic bond?

high MP/BPs, dissolve in H2O/other polar solvents, a good conductor of electricity

characteristics of ionic bonds

atoms share electrons, lower MP/BPs, poor electricity conductors, weak intermolecular interactions

characteristics of covalent bonds