Intro to Psychology 2- MOD 2

Which of the following parts of the brain is most likely to form and retain procedural memories?


Robert is making a conscious effort for prolonged retention of his homework by processing its meaning fully. This strategy is called

deep processing

Visual images remain in the sensory register for a maximum of

a half second

From many experimental studies, a child is more likely to give a false report when an interviewer strongly believes that the child has been molested and

uses suggestive techniques to get the child to reveal molestation.

According to the decay theory, forgetting occurs because

memories simply fade with time if they aren't accessed now and then.

Confusion of an event that happened to someone else with one that happened to you, or a belief that you remember something when it never really happened, is called


The inability to remember events and experiences that occurred during the first two or three years of life is termed _______ amnesia.


_______ acts as a holding bin, retaining information in a highly accurate form until we can select items for attention.

the sensory register

_______ memory refers to a vivid recollection of an emotional event.


In his work with rabbits, Richard Thompson showed that classical conditioning of the eye-blink response depends on activity in the


According to the _______ theory, new information entering memory can wipe out old information.


Eyewitness testimonies are most likely to contain errors when the suspect

is of a different ethnic background from the eyewitness

Irene swears that she was there the night her best friend got into a fight with her ex-boyfriend. It takes several of her friends to convince her that she wasn't. Which of the following likely made Irene's fake memory seem so real to her?

she only heard the story of the fight a few times

_______ is thought to be a biological mechanism of long-term memory.

long-term potation

During short-term memory tasks, the _______ is especially active.

frontal lobe

Critics of repression as a mechanism of forgetting argue that

people who have suffered disturbing events cannot forget them.

The _______ model represents the contents of memory as connections among a huge number of interacting processing units.

parallel distributed processing

Maintenance rehearsal involves

the rote repetition of material in to maintain its availability in memory.

As she studies her physics textbook, Marilyn wants to make sure that she remembers that sound intensity is measured in units called decibels and that each decibel is one-tenth of a bel, which is a unit named after Alexander Graham Bell. Marilyn creates a

a mnemonic.

Lucio is two years old and doesn't seem to recall meeting his aunt a few months earlier. This is likely because he

has little ability to encode episodic memories.