ELO 3 Industrialization Goal 1 Vocab

Industrial Revolution

The shift from handmade goods in homes to machine made goods in factories

Assembly line

A line of workers and equipment that puts a product together piece by piece

Mass production

Process of making large quantities of a product quickly and cheaply

Samuel Morse

inventor that developed a way to send telegraph messages using a code called Morse code

Alexander Graham Bell

Invented the telephone

Thomas Edison

American inventor who invented the phonograph, motion picture projector, the telephone transmitter, storage battery, and "the light bulb

Henry Ford

Inventor of Model T automobile and one of the first businessmen to use assembly line


the practice of buying out smaller companies or forcing them out of business


a business the sells stocks to investors to raise capital


money and equipment used by corporations to make a profit


parts ownership or shares of a business


some who buys shares, or stocks from a business


a group of companies managed by a board of directors


cash payments made to investors after they sell their stock at higher prices


Complete control of a product or business by one person or group


when two or more companies combine to form a single, larger company


when a corporation buys smaller companies that make parts for its product, so the corporation can control prices

Trade union

Organization of workers with the same trade or skill

Collective bargaining

negotiation of wages and other conditions of employment between the workers and the ownership of the company, usually organized by unions


Court order that forbids a party or group from performing a certain action, such as stopping violent strikes


economic system in which business can make, buy, sell, or trade their product with little government interference

Risks of the Stock Market

if stock prices decrease, investors either sell their stock for less than they paid for or wait for the stock price to increase

Negative effects of Corporations control of the economy

workers pay decreases, quality of product doesn't improve, little competition for the product

Working Conditions during Industrialization

long hours, little pay, dangerous machines with no safety measures