Fire test 3

When oxygen levels in a fire decrease below 21% ___________.

Burning process reduces and smoke production increases

Carbon monoxide and other products produce increases as oxygen drops below ___________.


At what percentage does oxygen free burning become a smoldering fire?


Horizontal, vertical, and ___________ ventilation will improve visibility.


Vent for fire is usually done ___________.

In coordination with engine company's advance on the fire

What gas is 30 times more toxic than carbon monoxide?

Hydrogen Cyanide

Before ventilating, it is critical to know the size and location of the fire as well as ___________.

Building type

What type of roofs, under regular conditions, have a spongy feel?

Inverted roofs

Roof covering that may cause a rapid moving roof fire is:

Rubber membrane

What is the best practice when cutting roofs with rubber or plastic membranes?

Remove the rubber before cutting

The two types of ventilation methods performed in conjunction with either vertical or horizontal ventilation are ___________.

Mechanical and Natural

By opening windows, doors, and roof scuttles, and skylights you are performing ___________.

Natural ventilation

Natural ventilation can . be affected by wind currents and ___________.

Atmospheric conditions

Types of pressurized ventilation are categorized in these two ways:

Negative and Positive

When contaminates fill a room. heavier gasses ___________.

Settle to the bottom

The fresh air inlet to the blower ___________.

All of the above; follows the path of least resistance, is usually in a straight line, and can limit air flow in areas near the ceiling

Compared to negative pressure, positive pressure is ___________ at removing smoke.

Twice as effective

Positive pressure should not be used for:

Vent enter search (VES)

Maximum effort for hydraulic ventilation is gained from ___________.

A few feet back

When performing hydraulic ventilation, firefighters must watch for ___________.

Fire lighting up behind them

Safety and ease make this the most popular style of ventilation:


Window screens can restrict ventilation airflow by as much as ___________.


Vent pipe that seems to be growing indicates ___________.

Roof is sagging

Venting windows should be performed at a safe distance, in crouched position, and to the ___________ side.

Windward side

Trimming a window is done by ___________.

Using a tool to remove all the glass from the frame

Venting Lexan should be done by ___________.

Rotary saw

Breaking the glass an d then cutting around three edges is a method used on ___________.

Wired glass windows for ventilation

In order to look professional during post-fire operations,. particularly on newer double hung windows, firefighters should ___________.

All of the above; size up the window, open if possible, and remove window

Which operation will make firefighters look unprofessional in post-fire?

Breaking windows

Vent enter search (VES) is used remotely from the fire where ___________.

There is suspected or known victim

Which tool is not usually used in roof venting operations?

Pry bar

Roof beams are usually supported at the ___________.


Which of the following are indications on where to cut over a fire?

Both A and B; asphalt shingles curling up and a wet roof with dry areas

In lightweight wood construction, roof ventilation should ___________.

Should never be attempted

When pushing down a ceiling for ventilation, stand on the ___________ of the hole.

Windward side

A safety tactic when operating on roofs in to cut ___________.

An inspection hole

Punched, kerf, and triangle are three types of ___________.

Inspections holes

Making multiple cuts between the joists is ___________ type of ventilation cuts.


Trench cuts should be wall to wall and approximately ___________ feet wide.

3 feet

Many homes with attic space have ___________, which can be used to ventilate if roof conditions are unsafe to operate.

Gable end vents

On metal deck roofs, joists can be spaced ___________ feet apart.

2-8' apart

Opening the floor near and exterior window works for ___________.

Basement with no openings

In high-rise fires, reverse stack attack is ___________.

When outside air is warmer than inside air

High-rise fires with positive pressure in stairwells and open roof doors will:

B and C only; Stop contaminates from entering stairwell and improve fire conditions

True or false:
In the coffin cut, your third cut is usually the longest cut.


True or false:
Bulkhead or penthouse doors used as exits will usually open inward.


True or false:
The windward side should always be opened first for horizontal ventilation.


True or false:
Positive pressure ventilations is always a viable option.


True or false:
Using a power saw to vent the roof makes this mechanical ventilation.


True or false:
Determining the building type and roof pitch helps select the ladder for access.


True or false:
Ventilation is necessary to extinguish structure fires.


A wye is an appliance where water flows through a single inlet and flows through ___________ outlets.

Two outlets

A siamese appliance takes two inlets and turns them into ___________ outlets.

One outlet

Spanner wrenches are used to ___________ hose connections and fittings.


It is much safer to close a valve at the ___________ then to use a hose clamp.

Pump pannel

A ___________ should be used on a hose exposed to vibration.

Chaffing block

Before loading hose back on the truck after use, it should be ___________.


When cleaning fire hose it is important to inspect the ___________.


The female end of the fire hose should have a pliable ___________.


Fire hose is susceptible to ___________ in folds.


Fire hose should be tested to NFPA ___________.

NFPA 1962

The ___________ is required to be stenciled on all new fire hose.

Service test pressure

All fire house should be kept track of by using a ___________.


Along with pressure testing, the annual service testing of a hose should include a ___________.

Visual inspection

Establishing an adequate water supply is ___________.

One of the first critical elements of a successful fire attack

Two of the most important physical rules governing water supply are that water is non-compressible and ___________.

Is capable of being pumped

One cubic foot of water is approximately ___________.

7.48 gallons

If you bleed the trapped air of a charged hose line by cracking open the nozzle momentarily and then took a pressure reading at the closed nozzle with no water flowing, what type of pressure reading would you get?

Static pressure

The best practice to prevent water hammer is by always operative valves and nozzles in a ___________.

Slow, deliberate and cautious manner

What is the main access point for the fire department water supply in municipal water systems?


Engine 6 is responding to a working fire on the east side. They are second due and directed by command to lay in to Engine 13 from a nearby hydrant. What size water main are hydrants NOT typically connected to?

20 inch

Hydrant spacing is typically every ___________ feet in high fire load areas, and ___________ feet in lesser fire loaded areas such as single-family neighborhoods.

300 feet and 500 feet

Using NFPA color-coding system for hydrants, how much water should Engine 16 expect to get out of a green coded hydrant?

1000-1499 gpm

Which type of fire apparatus is built to carry up to 4,500 gallons of water?

Water tender

A basic water shuttle operation consists of three elements, what are they?

Dump site, fill site, and necessary fire apparatus

FF Maddox has been assigned to establish a sustainable water supply for a shuttle operation at a large building fire. What is a mandatory requirement for a fill site to be selected?

Site produces at least 1000 gpm of water

Identify relay pumping in its simplest form:

One pump supplying water through fire hose to another pump

Pumping water through hose takes energy and fire hose has friction loss. For example a 4 1/2 inch hose moving 1000 gpm has ___________ friction loss per 100 feet of hose.

10 psi

Fire service hose is broken down into different classifications. Which class of fire hose is sometimes referred to as hand line hose?

Attack hose

The NFPA Standard for the inspection, care and use of fire hose, couplings and nozzle is ___________.

NFPA 1962

True or false:
A reverse lay goes from the fire to the water supply.


True or false:
Water in motion as it flows out the nozzle represents residual pressure.


True or false:
A wet barrel hydrant is usually found in freezing climates so that water is quickly available.


Flow rates of nozzles today are required to be much higher because ___________.

The type and loading of fuels is much greater than it used to be

The minimum acceptable flow rate for interior structural fire attack is ___________.

150 gpm

One combat is joined, one must bring overwhelming force to hear upon the enemy in an extremely rapid manner to ensure the highest likelihood of victory in the shortest duration. What best describes that Doctrine?

The Powell Doctrine

Water turns to steam at 212 degrees F absorbing an additional 970 BTUs. This process is known as ___________.

Latent heat of vaporization

Useful in indirectly attacking a fire in unoccupied spaces, water's expansion from a liquid to steam can quickly smother a fire. The approximate expansion rate is ___________.

1,700 times

Nozzle reaction is measured in pounds of force and is a function of which two factors?

Flow rate and nozzle pressure

Which type of fire attack is most routinely associated with life saving efforts?

Direct fire attack

A well planned hose and nozzle combination should deliver between ___________ with relatively low friction loss.

150-180 gpm

A dangerous potential of the adjustable gallonage fog nozzle is that is can produce:

Less than acceptable minimum water flow

By using a baffle and spring design inside this nozzle, approximately 100 psi nozzle pressure is maintained. This provides the appearance of an adequate stream with good reach but may not truly be producing the proper water volume needed fire fire extingu

Automatic fog nozzle

Under most circumstances, in a typical room and contents fire in a low rise one and two family hime, which size hand line is sufficient for proper water flow?

1 3/4 inch

High-rise residential, commercial and industrial structures require larger volume hand line to adequately combat fire. 2 1/2 inch hose can be aggressively advanced as a hand line while producing how many gpm?

250 gpm

2 1/2 inch hose paired with a 1 1/8 inch smooth bore tip produces a use friendly, offensive, large caliber weapon. This combination provides all of the advantages except ___________.

Massive water vaporization

As a rule of thumb, when approaching a fully involved vehicle with a charged hoseline, what is the safest way to approach it?

Toward the corner of the vehicle

Why is it necessary to open the hood of the vehicle?

To completely extinguish the fire and to disconnect the battery cable to prevent re-ignition

The following are all chemical hazards associated with vehicle batteries except for:


On most hybrids, a small logo is found on the ___________ of the vehicle.

Trunk, hatchback and front fender

In addition to an internal combustion engine and standard 12-volt electrical system, hybrids also contain specialized electrical systems that include ___________ volt NIMH DC dry cell battery packs.

144 to 300

Where are battery packs in hybrid vehicles usually located?

In the rear of the vehicle or under the back seat

The high voltage cables in hybrid vehicles are encased in plastic conduit and colored ___________.


Alternative fuel vehicles have a small placard located ___________ for designation purposes.

On the trunk lid or rear bumper

Although it is impossible to predict with certainty the direction a blown cylinder in an alternatively fueled vehicle will travel, it is likely to blow out from the ___________.

Side that is exposed to heat

When approaching an alternatively fueled vehicle fire, you should do so at a ___________ degree angle.

45 degree angle

At night, ___________ can be used to look for victims who may have been thrown from the vehicle.

Thermal imaging camera

When responding to a truck fire, it is essential to determine ___________ before committing resources

Presence of hazardous materials

The best resource for information regarding the contents of a cargo truck is/are ___________.

The truck driver

What is the minimum application of AFFF foam on a hydrocarbon fuel fire according to NFPA 11?

0.1 gpm/sqft

On a burning fuel fire that measures 40x40, how much total foam solution would need to be applied over a 15 minute period?

2,400 gallons

Propane has an expansion ratio of ___________.


According to the NHTSA, less than ___________ of all reported bus crashes result in fire.


In a bus, the engine is typically located ___________.

In the front of the bus or in the rear of the bus

Hazmat guidelines recommend evacuations in all directions of ___________ when an LPG tank is involved in a fire.

1 mile radius

The average search rope should be approximately ___________ feet long and indicator knots should be tied in ___________ feet intervals.

200 feet long and 20 feet intervals

Tether lines attached to a search rope should be no longer than ___________ feet long.

10-15 feet long.

Which search priority is the top floor?

Third search priority

Which search priority is the floor below and the building exterior?

Fifth search priority

Which search priority is the fire room/fire floor?

First search priority

Which search priority is the floors in between?

Fourth search priority

Which search priority is the room above/floor above?

Second search priority