The normal logic for a High Containment pressure Safety Injection actuation is (1) channels.
If one of the Containment pressure channels that provides input to the Safety Injection logic is placed in BYPASS, then the logic becomes (2) channels.
Which ONE

C The Containment pressure logic for Safety Injection is 2 of 3 channels (II, III, and IV) greater than 1.0 PSIG. With one channel in BYPASS, that channel can no longer provide an input to the logic. Since two channels are still required to cause a Safet

Given the following initial conditions on Unit 1:
� A LOCA has occurred inside Containment � NC pressure is 1700 PSIG
With Containment pressure at 2.5 PSIG and increasing rapidly, the crew MANUALLY initiates Containment Spray.
Assuming all automatic and

D Since Containment pressure has increased greater than 1.0 PSIG, an AUTOMATIC Safety Injection signal and Phase A isolation have occurred.
As a result of the AUTOMATIC Safety Injection Signal, a Containment Ventilation Isolation signal has occurred.

Given the following conditions on Unit 1:
The unit is at 100% RTP
An inadvertent Phase A Containment Isolation occurs
Based on the conditions above:
NC Pump Seal Water Return Flow is . NC Pump RN Flow is . . "
A: isolated
B: isolated
NOT isolate


Given the following:
� Unit 2 is operating at 100% RTP � A leak in the Letdown Line develops outside Containment � NC system pressure drops to 1825 PSIG and stabilizes
Which ONE (1) of the following identifies the flow paths, if any, that have been isola

B The RN and KC supply and return, as well as the Seal Water return lines have Containment Isolation Valves that will close, isolating NCP support systems under certain conditions. The Seal Water return line is isolated under a Phase A Containment Isolati

Given the following conditions on Unit 2: � The unit is at 100% RTP � A failure of the 2A S/G Main FRV has resulted in a P-14 signal being generated
The following actions have occurred: � Unit 2 Turbine is tripped � S/G CF Control Valves are closed � S/G

D A Feedwater Isolation signal generated by a P-14 signal will result in the following automatic actions:
Turbine trip Both CFPT's trip A FWI signal which closes: S/G CF Control valves S/G CF Control valve Bypass Valves S/G CF Containment Isolations CF t

Given the following conditions on Unit 2:
� The unit is at 15% RTP � The Main Turbine is running at 1800 RPM in preparation for syncing to the grid
Subsequently, the following occurs:
� Annunciator alarm 2AD-5 G/6 (INNER DOGHOUSE LEVEL HI) illuminates �

C On a Hi Doghouse level, a FWI for the Feedwater Lines associated with that Doghouse occurs. So, for an Inner Doghouse Level Hi, a FWI occurs on the B & C S/Gs. If the leak was in the Outer Doghouse, the A & D S/Gs would receive a FWI.
In addition to a

Given the following conditions on Unit 2:
� A LOCA has occurred inside Containment � Containment pressure is currently 3.5 PSIG
Which ONE (1) of the following indicates the action(s) required before Component Cooling Water (KC) can be restored to Contain

B Phase B actuation secures Component Cooling Water (KC) to the Reactor Coolant pumps, Nuclear Service Water (RN) to the Reactor Coolant Pump Motor Coolers, Containment Ventilation Cooling Water (RV) and Instrument Air (VI) to the containment.
Phase ""B

Given the following on Unit 2:
� A Feed Line Break inside containment has occurred � 2A S/G pressure is 600 PSIG and LOWERING � 2B, 2C and 2D S/G pressures are 860 PSIG and LOWERING � Containment pressure is 2.8 PSIG and RISING � NC system Tavg is 557�F

C The applicants will be required to determine that a Reactor trip and SI has occurred based on containment pressure and then determine which ESF actuations have occurred.
A Main Steam Isolation (MSI) signal can be actuated by any one of the following si

Given the following:
� At time 08:10:00, an inadvertent Reactor Trip/Safety Injection occurs due to IAE testing
At time 08:10:30, SI (1) be reset.
When the Safety Injection RESET pushbutton is depressed after the required time delay, any subsequent AUTOM

B Each train has a Safety Injection Reset pushbutton on the Control Board. In order to reset safety injection, one minute must have passed since the actuation (60 second timer has timed out) and the train related reactor trip breaker must be open (P-4). F

Given the following:
� Unit 1 is at 100% power � A LBLOCA inside containment occurs � Containment pressure is 3.7 PSIG and stable � Safety Injection Train ""B"" fails to actuate
Based on the conditions above AND PRIOR TO any operator actions,
1) Phase A,

D Phase "A" Containment Isolation (St) is actuated by a Safety Injection (SS) or Manually (1/2 pushbuttons). Phase "B" Containment Isolation (Sp) is actuated by Hi Hi Containment Pressure (Sp) or Manually (1/2 pushbuttons). Since 1B Safety Injection faile

Given the following initial conditions on Unit 1:
� Unit is at 75% RTP
� A small steam leak develops on 1A S/G � NC system pressure is 2210 PSIG and STABLE
Based on the conditions above,
1) a Main Steam Isolation will occur if the 1A S/G pr

C With NC system pressure greater than P-11 (1955 PSIG) a Main Steam Isolation (MSI) will occur if SG pressure decreases to less than 775 PSIG.
A Main Steam Isolation Signal will close: - MSIVs - MSIV Bypasses - SM PORVs

Regarding Containment isolation signals,
1) the S/G CF Containment Isolation valves (CF-35, 30, 28, & 26) will close if Containment pressure increases to a MINIMUM of PSIG.
2) a Containment Phase A isolation will occur if NC system pressure decreases to

A Phase A containment isolation (St) is generated by:
- any Safety Injection signal - Manual pushbutton
A Feedwater Isolation (FWI) will occur if Containment pressure increases to 1.0 PSIG. The S/G CF Containment Isolation valves go closed on a Feedwater