Gas Laws

Boyle's Law ( define in words)

For a fixed amount of gas at a constant temperature, the volume of the gas increases as the pressure decreases.

Charles Law (define in words)

For a fixed amount of gas at a constant pressure, the volume of the gas increases as the temperature increases.

Gay-Lussac's Law (define in words)

For a fixed amount of gas at a constant volume, the pressure of the gas increases as the temperature increases.


the average kinetic energy of gas particles. (i.e. how fast the particles move); ALWAYS USE KELVIN


the force of gas particles hitting against the walls of the container; Make Units Match


how much space the gas occupies (Remember, a gas fills the volume of its container.); Use Liters

Boyle's Law (equation)

P1V1 = P2V2

Charles Law (equation)

V1/T1 = V2/T2

Gay-Lussac's Law (Equation)

P1/T1 = P2 /T2


True or False: If you have a balloon inside a car at noon during a hot summer day, the molecules inside the balloon will increase in pressure.


As the volume of confined gas decreases at constant temperature, the pressure exerted by the gas___________.

Boyle's Law example

Which gas law is involved when a balloon pops after being sat on?


unit of measurement used for temperature


unit of measurement used to describe pressure


unit of measurement used to describe volume

0 degrees C

Standard temperature

1 atmosphere

Standard pressure

sitting at your desk

Where would there be more air pressure - sitting at your desk, Boulder City Colorado or on top of a mountain?


Heating up the molecules of a gas allow the particles to move......

MORE pressure

If MORE gas molecules created MORE collisions with the sides of a container, then there will be_____

Burst because increased altitude will decrease external pressure allowing the internal pressure of the balloon to expand the balloon beyond its capacity.

A fly away balloon will eventually ......