Gas Laws

If the volume is constant and the temperature increases, the pressure


If the pressure is constant and the temperature increases, the volume


If temperature is constant and the pressure increases, the volume


The data points form a curve, showing that gas pressure is _________ proportional to the volume


The data points form a straight line, showing that the volume of a gas is _____ proportional to the temperature


Why do truck drivers need to monitor and adjust tire pressure on long trips during the summer?

Because the tires can become very hot and as the temperature increases, so does the pressure of the air inside the tires. If the pressure becomes greater than the tires can hold, the tires will burst.

3 properties of a gas that you can measure are: temperature, volume and pressure. In order to study the relationship between 2 of these, what must be done to the 3rd

It must be kept constant

If a gas is at constant volume, what will happen to the pressure when the temperature decreases?

pressure increases

How does adding thermal energy affect a gas

It will get warmer and the pressure it exerts on its container, increases.

If you were to blow up a balloon indoors and then take it outdoors on a cold day, what would you observe?

It will contract and shrink

You have helium-filled balloon and you decide to heat it to see what would happen. Describe what you observe.

It will expand

Gas pressure is inversely proportional to volume at constant temperature. What does this mean?

As one increases, the other will increase at the same rate. The graph will show a curve.

If the sun shining through a window heats the air in a sealed room, what happens to the air pressure in that room?

It increases

The volume of a gas is directly proportional to its temperature (in Kelvin) at constant pressure. What does this mean?

As one increases, the other will increase at the same rate. The graph will show a straight line.

What effect does increasing pressure have on gas particles?

It pushes them close together.

Describe charl's law

When the temperature of a gas at constant pressure is increased, its volume increases, When the temperature of a gas at constant pressure is decreased, its volume decreases.