206 B3

Max operating altitude below 3000lbs

20,000' pressure altitude

Max operating altitude above 3000lbs

13,500' Density Altitude

Vne below 3000lbs

150 MPH IAS Sea to 3000' density altitude.
Decreases 4 MPH/1000' above 3000' DA

Vne above 3000lbs

140 MPH IAS Sea to 3000' density altitude.
Decreases 8 MPH/1000' above 3000' DA

Vne 85-100% Torque

92 MPH
Why? Mast bending

Aft doors off Vne

100 MPH power on or off

Fwd doors off Vne

80 MPH power on or off

Max Internal gross weight


Max external gross weight

3350lbs if not imposed on landing gear

Min Pilot weight


C of G limits

106 to 114.2
3.0" left
4.0" right

C of G limits doors off

106 to 110
3.0" left
4.0" right

N2 minimum


N2 maximum


N2 transient

Torque 0-32% N2 107
Torque 33-100% N2 decreases linearly from 107% to 103%

N1 maximum


N1 transient

106% max 15 seconds

5 minute takeoff torque limit


Transient torque limit

110% max 5 seconds. Intentional use prohibited.

TOT takeoff
5 minute limit


Max continuous TOT


TOT during power transient

810 to 843�C max 6 seconds. Intentional use prohibited.

Exceeding 810� TOT or 100% torque may cause what?

N1 topping resulting in rotor droop

Minimum engine oil pressure

Below 78.5%N2 - 50 PSI
78.5-94.2%N2 - 90 PSI
Above 94.2%N2 - 115 PSI

Maximum engine oil pressure

130 PSI

Continuous engine oil temperature


Max engine oil temp


Min fuel pressure

4.0 PSI

Max fuel pressure

30.0 PSI

Starter limits battery

40 sec on
60 sec off
40 sec on
60 sec off
40 sec on
30 min off

Anti ice shall not be used in ambient temperatures above...


Use anti ice when...

Flying in visible moisture below 4.4�C

Min transmission oil pressure

30 PSI

Continuous transmission oil pressure

30-50 PSI

Continuous transmission oil temperature


Max transmission oil pressure

70 PSI

Max transmission oil temp


NR Rotor power on min


NR Rotor power on max


Transient rotor droop is allowed down to ___ for ___ seconds?

95% for 5 seconds

Accelerate rapidly through ___%-___% NR with cyclic in neutral

50% to 60%

Rotor NR power off minimum

90% RRPM

Rotor NR power off maximum

107% RRPM

Loadmeter max


Vne Autorotation


Max Glide airspeed in Autorotation

89 MPH (69 Kts)

Airspeed for minimum descent Autorotation

60 MPH (52 Kts)

Red Triangle on the fuel gauge allows us to...

Operate at -32 and above