Idioms for English CAE

Which person has decided to work much harder?

I think it's time I pulled my socks up

Which person is getting suspicious?

I'm starting to smell a rat.

Which person talked about his/her job at the party?

We talked ship most of the evening.

Which person has made an embarrassing mistake?

I think I've put my foot in it.

Which person has given away a secret?

I'm afraid I let the cat out of the bag.

Which person has financial problems?

It's really hard to make ends meet.

Which person is very clumsy?

I'm all fingers and thumbs.

Which person wants a friend to write to him/her?

Don't forget to drop e a line.

Which person is pleased with a dress she has bought?

It fits like a glove.

Which person has recently lost his/her job?

I've just been given the sack.

Which person has been completely ignored by someone?

She gave me the cold shoulder.

Which person is just teasing someone?

I was only pulling your leg.

Which person got angry last weekend?

I rally hit the roof.

Which person wants to go for a walk'

I think I think I'll go and stretch my legs.

Which person almost missed the last train home?

I caught it by the ski of my teeth.

Which person doesn't like classical music?

It's not really my cup of tea.

Which person has offered to pay his/her share of a meal at a restaurant?

Let's go Dutch, shall we?

Which person wants someone to hurry up?

Get a move on, will you?

Which person has bought something very cheaply?

I got it for a song.

Which person thought the English exam was easy?

It was a piece of cake.