The Winter's Tale Critics

It has all the license

and charm of a fairytale [Arthur Symons]

At once a symbol

and a human being [E.M.W. Tillyard]

Florizel and Perdita re-enact

the marriage of Leontes and Hermione, but with better success [E.M.W. Tillyard]

The country life

is given the fullest force actuality [E.M.W. Tillyard]

If through Hermione

Shakespeare exposes contradictions in male attitudes to women, through Paulina he demystifies the stereotype of the scold [Bill Overton]

The ending of The Winter's Tale

is not...a vision of ultimate unity. The emphasis is not on the social group but on the individuals whose sufferings we have closely followed. [They] must salvage what they can [Stanley Wells]

A counter-cultural figure,

an outsider, a figure of music and sexuality [Marjorie Garber]

No character in the play

operates outside a power structure, often corrupted and in need of redemption and reform [Pete Bunten]

Shakespeare prioritises

apprehension over suspense [Samuel Taylor Coleridge]

Green-eyed monster

which doth mock the meat it feeds on [Othello]

Now is the winter

of our discontent [Richard III]

[The sheep-shearing scene] surpasses all

Shakespeare's earlier poetry of pastoral and romance [G Wilson Knight]

Shakespeare confronts the

potential epistemological tyranny of the rational and posits the marvellous as a means of overcoming this powerful force [Peter G Platt]

The first three acts are

consumed with the search for reason, logic and univocal interpretation [Peter G Platt]

Hermione's infidelity has become

a central truth in Leontes' view of reality...the alternative is nihilism...In this process Hermione will become utterly dehumanised

[Leontes] brings death into

a setting replete with warmth, life, and imminent birth [Peter G Platt]

Cleomenes and Dion...

seem out of place in Sicilia as they speak about their journey in the langauge of the marvellous [Peter G Platt]

The humour and irony

are rich here, for the entire play has exposed the potential falsehood of language [Peter G Platt]

Shakespeare has become

increasingly aware of the necessity of an audience to make his spectacle work its wonders [Peter G Platt]

Perdita is allowed to

grow up as part of the natural cycle, in a natural and nature-bound family [Rosalie Colie]

Silence, then, becomes

the final language, the langauge of love and forgiveness [Matchett]

The Pastoral Scene...

functions, basically and indisputably, as a contrast with life in the Sicilian court [Philip M Weinstein]

A balance between ideal youth

and realistic adulthood must be struck, one that welds past and present [Philip M Weinstein]

[Florizel] is Leontes

as he was not and should have been [Philip M Weinstein]

Shakespeare inverts

the potentially tragic material of his major source [Philip C McGuire]

His accusation is

one sentence, urged on by enjambement [Joe Nutt]

The act of betrayal

is as heinous here as the act of adultery [Joe Nutt]

The romances dramatise

a world subject to change and the irrational actions of humans [Joe Nutt]

His intemperate language

is also in marked contrast to Hermione's quiet reason [Joe Nutt]

Oracular pronouncements

are conventionally enigmatic. This one could not be more blunt [Joe Nutt]

[Antigonus is] a tool

of the divine will [Joe Nutt]

There is something suggestive

of an obsessive personality in his complete dependence on Paulina [Peter Malin]

There is a profound sense

of loss and change [Peter Malin]

Polixenes is an unattractive

character in Act IV [Peter Malin]

[Camillo's] motives are

essentially selfish [Peter Malin]

[Antigonus'] death, along with

that of Mamillius, haunts the play's positive resolution [Peter Malin]

The climax of her role,

her response to her mother's reanimation, is silent but steeped in emotion [Peter Malin]

[Perdita is] the agent

of reconciliation [Peter Malin]

Their mutual jealousy

is a far cry from the destructive passion of Leontes [Peter Malin]

The destructive power

of his jealousy is thrown into relief by the sexual rivalry of Mopsa and Dorcas, which revisits the theme in comic mode and in a minor key [Peter Malin]

Her forgiveness is made

explicit not in words but in her embracing him [Peter Malin]

As a princess raised

to be a shepherdess, Perdita is a symbolic embodiment of the best of both worlds [Peter Malin]

Ultimately the play seems to

endorse Polixenes's viewpoint, with its statue scene that represents a complex interaction of art...and nature [Peter Malin]

It owes as much to

Greek mythology and pagan fertility rituals as it does to any specific relationship with the official orthodoxy of Jacobean Protestanism [Peter Malin]

The play's structure is

partly based on the Christian patterning of sin, penance and redemption [Peter Malin]

Camillo is an old

rogue whom I can hardly forgive for his double treachery [Hartley Coleridge]

The impossibility of

reconciliation is passed by in silence, and Leontes busies himself in finding a husband for the aged and unattractive Paulina [Robert Bridges]

Bored, in fact,

with everything except poetry and poetical dreams [Lytton Strachey]

Pastoral is never to be mistaken

for a transcript of rustic life. Its significance resides not in any fidelity to the fact of the peasant but in its relation to the state of mind of the world-wearied courtier or scholar who writes it [E.K. Chambers]

The play is about

the process of social change in 17th century England [Charles Barber]

The morals of silence are as

unstable in The Winter's Tale as time itself. The eloquence of Hermione and Paulina contrasts with the cowardly silence of Leontes's courtiers [Juliet Dusinberre]

Time's glory

is to calm contending kings, to unmask falsehood and bring truth to light [Rape of Lucrece]