Vocabulary Unit 5


(n.) A general pardon for an offense against a government; in general, any act of forgiveness or absolution.
Every year, the president grants amnesty to one turkey on thanksgiving.


(n.) Self-government, political control.
Synonyms: Home Rule
Antonyms: Dependence, Subjection
Before the american revolution, the colonies were not autonomous


(adj.) Self-evident, expressing a universally accepted principle or rule.
Synonyms: Taken for granted
Antonyms: Questionable, Dubious
We hold these truths to be axiomatic, that all men are created equal.


(v.) To adorn or embellish; to display conspicuously; to publish or proclaim widely.
Synonyms: Broadcast, Trumpet
Antonyms: Hide, Conceal, Cover Up, Bury
The king and queen blazonly adorned their castle with gems and stones.


(n.) A warning or caution to prevent misunderstanding or discourage behavior.
Synonyms: Admonition, Word to the Wise
The disclaimer to the buyer acted as a ceveat.


(adj.) Fair, just, embodying principle of justice.
Synonyms: Right, Reasonable, Evenhanded
Antonyms: Unjust, Unfair, One-Sided, Disproportionate
FBI agents strive to be equitable law enforcement officers.


(v.) To free from entanglements or difficulties; to remove with effort.
Synonyms: Disentangle, Extract
Antonyms: Enmesh, Entangle, Involve
My friend was caught in a hunting trap while we were hiking so i used my knife to extricate him.


(v.) To steal, especially in a sneaky way and in petty amounts.
Synonyms: Pilfer, Purloin, Swipe
I was hungry so i filched food from Stop and Shop.


(v.) To mock, treat with contempt.
Synonyms: Scoff at, Sneer at, Snicker at, Scorn
Antonyms: Obey, Honor, Revere, Uphold
My Brother Carrick is a rebel, and flouts the rules.


(adj.) Tending to be troublesome; unruly, quarrelsome, contrary; unpredicatable.
Synonyms: Refractory, Recalcitrant, Peevish
Antonyms: Docile, Tractable, Cooperative
My fractious friend doesn't obey the rules.


(n.) A rule of conduct or action.
Synonyms: Principle, Maxim


(adj.) Beneficial, helpful; healthful, wholesome.
Synonyms: Salubrious, Curative
Antonyms: Detrimental, Deleterious


(adj.) Bitterly severe, withering; causing great harm.
Synonyms: Searing, Harsh, Ferocious, Savage
Antonyms: Bland, Mild


(v.) To whip, punish severely.
(n.) A cause of affliction or suffering; a source of severe punishment or criticism.
Synonyms: (v.) Flog, Beat; (n.) Bane, Plague, Pestilence
Antonyms: (n.) Godsend, Boon, Blessing


(adj.) Funereal, typical of the tomb; extremely gloomy or dismal.
Synonyms: Doleful, Lugubrious, Mortuary


(adj.) Tending to cause sleep, relating to sleepiness or lethargy.
(n.) Something that induces sleep.
Synonyms: (n.) Narcotic, Anesthetic
Antonyms: (adj.) Stimulating; (n.) Stimulant, Stimulus


(adj.) Extremely strict in regard to moral standards and conduct; prudish, puritanical.
Synonyms: Highly Conventional, Overly Strict, Stuffy
Antonyms: Lax, Loose, Indulgent, Permissive, Dissolute


(adj.) Lasting only a short time, fleeting.
(n.) One who stays only a short time.
Synonyms: (adj.) Impermanent, Ephemeral, Evanescent
Antonyms: (adj.) Permanent, Imperishable, Immortal


(adj.) Not easily carried, handled, or managed because of size or complexity.
Synonyms: Cumbersome, Bulky, Clumsy, Impractical
Antonyms: Manageable, Easy to Handle


(adj. Dull, uninteresting, tiresome; lacking in sharpness, flavor, liveliness, or force
Synonyms: Insipid, Lifeless, Colorless
Antonyms: Zesty, Spicy, Savory, Colorful, Lively