Symbols in a Doll's House


represent transitions, boundaries between the characters, escape


show us the outside, warmth, also represents the role of women in norweigan society

christmas tree

represents the materialistic properties and decoration of christmas, similar to the personality of Nora

locked mailbox

represents secrecy, control, and where power lies in the household

christmas presents

represents how nora pushes the role of being dolls onto her children, nora's role as a spendthrift


the struggle between nora and helmer and where the power lies. the symbolic indication of rot at the center of their marriage, foreshadowing nora's rebellion

the fireplaces

represent the wealth and comfort of the helmer's lifestyle


represent the inner thoughts of the characters and the reality of their behaviour

nora helmer

represents the way most women are treated as a posession of their father and then their husbands, also represents immaturity

torvald helmer

materialist traditional man, not self aware, hypocrite, victim of abritrairy roles

christine linde

represents the reality of society and contrasts with nora, betrayal of friendship, pragmatism

dr. rank

false friendship, he is infected with an STD from his father, love is lust

nils krogstad

represent the pitfalls of society, the villain but also a victim (not the antagonist, rules of society are)

anne marie

represents the consequences of the materialistic world, and how she had lost her child (the mother figure but a failure for nora and her children)

the children

represents how society and traditions remained unchanged, they are responsibilites, they represent immaturity (the way nora was raised as well, nora says their lines)

nora's father

the cause of nora's inability to grow up

the miracle (failed)

nora' mistaken belief in torvald's chivalry

the helmer marriage

represents the ideal norweigan society which is a lie


nature represents the hostile, dangerous conditions outside

the black mail

represents a threat and the hidden corruption (related to forgery and fraud)


represents the control that helmer has over nora, tarantella dance represents sexuality in this play

pet names

demonstrates torvald's "possession" over nora in their marriage, how torvald keeps her as a child (bird, squirrel, skylark)

post christmas costume party

represents how the way of life of the helmer's is like a put on or fake (helmer instructs nora how to dance)

hide and seek

avoidance of reality, refusal to grow up

new year's

new phase in life; usually met with high expectations (nora's new beginning)