Nausea, Vomiting, Constipation, Diarrhea

Non-prescription antiemetic uses include mild infectious disease, pregnancy, and _____ _______.

motion sickness

Physiology of vomiting includes:
-CTZ =
-Vestibular apparatus =
-Cortex =
-Vagus nerve and GI tract

-CTZ = neurons in this area simulated by bloodstream contents
-Vestibular apparatus = cholinergically signals motion sickness
-Cortex = sensory input
-Vagus nerve and GI tract

Viceral Stimulation can cause vomiting
Caused by GI obstruction, motility disorders (gastroparesis), hernias, peritoneal and topical irritants, others: cardiac diseases, _________ diseases, and overeating


____ disorders such as vestibular disorders, increased ICP, infections like meningitis or psychogenic problems can cause nausea and vomiting


Irritation of the ___ can occur at initiation or withdrawal or drugs, or caused by systemic disorders


Things that can cause you be nauseated or vomiting include psychogenic stimuli from cortex/limbic system (anticipatory/bulimia), motion sickness, GI disturbances, pregnancy, post-op vomiting, ______ poisoning involving CTZ


The three sources of sensory input are: ______, proprioception, and vestibular apparatus


Symptoms of motion sickness include headache, malaise, restlessness, drowsiness, and feelings of ________


Sign and symptoms of nausea and vomiting include: regurgitation and ______


Treatment goals of nausea and vomiting include:
-identifying and correcting underlying cause
-recommend appropriate _____ for symptom relief


Treatment options for adults per underlying conditions include:
Pregnancy -
Motion sickness -
Overeating -
Food poisoning -
Medication use -

Treatment options for adults per underlying conditions include:
Pregnancy - R&R, non-Rx, referral
Motion sickness - OTC, antihistamines
Overeating - antacids, H2RAs, bismuth containing, or phosphorylated carb bev
Food poisoning - oral rehydration

Exclusion for Self-Treatment for nausea and vomiting in adults include:
-food poisoning lasting more than ___ hours
-severe abdominal pain
-dark urine
-head injury
-meningitis-like symtpoms
-caused by cancer, d


General treatment for children with nausea and vomiting:
Motion sickness -
Gastroenteritis -
Episodic or situational -

General treatment for children with nausea and vomiting:
Motion sickness - avoid triggers, OTC antihistamine
Gastroenteritis - oral rehydration, avoid antiemetic, restart feeding with formula/solids
Episodic or situational - phosphorylated carb solution

Exclusion for nausea and vomiting in children
-meningitis like symptoms
<_ months old or weight <_kg
-refusal to drink
-lack urination in past _-_ hours
-lethargic or sleepy
-vomiting each feeding
-projectile or continuous vomiting >_ hours
-colored vomit


NonRx therapy for nausea and vomiting in pregnancy include
-eating dry toast or crackers
-sips of liquid especially ______ or fruit juices
-eat _-_ small meals
-avoid overeating
-avoid greasy, spicy, acidic foods


NonRx therapy for nausea and vomiting in motion sickness include _____________ wristbands


Rx therapy for motion sickness is ___________ while food related nausea and vomiting includes: antacids, H2RAs, PPI, phosphorylated carbs, bismuth subsalicylate


Antihistamines work by reducing the stimulation the ________, but can cause drowsiness and anticholinergic side effects.
Do NOT give to patients with conditions who you shouldn't give anticholinergics


Antihistamines can have drug interactions with other CNS depressants and anticholinergic and sedative effects with ____


Meclizine or bonine is not recommended for children <__ years old


Emetrol is a carbohydrate solution that contains sugars and ______ ____ which exerts an osmotic effect and slows GI motility and emptying. It is used for emesis associated with intestinal flu, food, or emotional upset.

phosphoric acid

Avoid Emetrol in __ or hereditary fructose intolerance


Why is gatorade not the best oral rehydration solution?

high amounts of sugar makes the solution hypertonic, pulling water into the GI tract and exacerbates diarrhea

For special populations of nausea and vomiting recommend...
Pregnancy -
Children -
Elderly -

For special populations of nausea and vomiting recommend...
Pregnancy - use OTC emetics with MD
Children - Antacids and H2RA with MD support
Elderly - prone to dehydration, avoid antihistamines

NonRx antiemetics are only for preventing and controlling occasional, ___-_______ symptoms


Causes of primary idiopathic constipation include: normal-transit, slow-transit, and outlet ______


Causes of secondary constipation include
-inadequate fiber or fluids
-underlying disease like colon cancer, IBD, diabetic neuropathy and ___________


Drugs that can cause constipation include
-calcium or aluminum antacids
-iron supplements
-non-K+ sparing diuretics
-______ ______ ________

sodium polystyrene sulfonate

Signs and symptoms of constipation include: decreased frequency of bowel movements and _________ _________

abdominal discomfort

Treatment goals include reliving constipation, establishing good habits of diet and exercise, promote safe use of laxatives and avoid ____ of laxatives


Step-wise therapy for constipation starts with
-diet and lifestyle + bulk formers
-_____ or _________ laxatives
-stimulant laxatives

saline/hyper osmotic

Exclusions for self-treatment for constipation include
-abdominal pain, cramping
-unexplained farts
-fever, nausea, vomiting
-para or _____________
-______ laxative use
-unexplained change in bowel habits
-blood in stool
-symptoms recurring after lifestyl


NonRx constipation therapy is to
-increase fiber intake gradually starting with 2 servings daily and increase every 7-10 days for a recommended __-__ grams daily
-drink non caffeinated beverages 32-128oz daily
-increase exercise


Rx therapy for constipation includes bulk forming laxatives, hyperosmotics (saline/polymer), stimulants, stool softeners (emollients/______)


Bulk forming laxatives work by retaining water to help stimulate ______ and stool water content
They work within ___-___ hours


Adverse effects of bulk formers include: abdominal cramping, bloating, and ____.
CI include: fluid restriction, partial intestinal obstruction, fecal impaction, and difficulty swallowing


Bulk laxatives include: psyllium, methylcellulose and _____ ___________

Calcium polycarbophil

Hyper-osmotic laxatives include: saline, lactulose, and ______ type.


Saline laxatives work by drawing water into the intestines.
__________ containing can cause illeus of GI, heart block, and renal failure. Sodium containing avoid in fluid restriction, CHF, cirrhosis.


Adverse effects of saline laxatives include: abdominal cramping, excessive diuresis, dehydration and _-_____ disturbances


Examples of saline laxatives include magnesium citrate, _____ _______, and dibasic sodium phosphate

magnesium hydroxide

Sodium phosphate solutions have a BBW to Rx-only products for ____.
Non-Rx products should not be used for bowel cleansing.


Polymer laxatives work because they are large in size which helps have an osmotic effect, they are _____ tolerated than salines, and adverse effects include bloating, cramping, farting. PEG 3350 is an example of a polymer laxatives


Stimulant laxatives work in _-__ hours. It stimulates peristalsis by irritating mucosa. Often used for rapid relief, bowel prep or OIC.


Adverse effects of stimulant laxatives are worse and include: severe cramping, fluid and e-lyte imbalances, and ______________.


Examples of stimulant laxatives include senna which can discolor urine and colon; ________ use chronically can cause pH problems, hypoCa2+, and malabsorption, glycerin suppositories, and castor oil which is only used for acute bowel evacuation


Stool softeners can be emollients because the ______ surfactants help wet the poo. There are _____ adverse effects aside from mild cramps because it's not rally absorbed. Some significant drug interactions include increased absorption of digoxin, warfarin

anionic/minimal/mineral oil

Examples of stool stool softener emollients include: ________ in colace and kaopectate.


Stool softeners that work as lubricants like _____ ____ work by softening and coating. It is only indicated for the short term to prevent straining. It can cause a _______ ______ _______ or aspiration.

mineral oil/foreign body reactions

Special patient populations in constipation include
Pregnancy -

Elderly - sensitive to e-lyte and fluid shifts, important to becareful with saline laxatives and use tap water or bulk forming laxatives
Pregnancy -diet is preferred, mineral oil, castor oil, and osmotic agents all have problems

For constipation, most patients benefit from dietary and lifestyle medication. However, laxative therapy should be limited to short term or <_ week


Causes of diarrhea include infections, _______ poisoning or intolerance and medications


medications that can cause diarrhea include cefixime, amoxicillin/clavulanate, clindamycin, anticancer agents, mistoprostol, colchicine, and ______________


Goals of diarrhea therapy include correcting fluid and e-lyte loss, reliving symptoms, treat and identify cause, and prevent acute morbidity and _______


To treat mild-moderate, uncomplicated diarrhea seeking symptomatic relief with _________ or correction of fluid and e-lytes with pedialyte


Exclusions for Self Treatment include
-symptoms >__ hours
-kids <6 months, severely dehydrated, >6 months with high fever
-blood, pus, mucus in stool
-severe abdominal pain, vomiting
-risks like DM, CVD, CKD, IS, pregnancy, chronic


NonRx therapy for diarrhea includes
-fluid and electrolyte management
-dietary management
-preventive measures like isolation, hand washing, sterile technique, proper food handling, and caution when _______ to high risk areas


Loperamide works by binding to peripheral mu receptors to decrease GI motility and secretions. Adverse effects of loperamide include headache, drowsiness, and abdominal pain. it can cause _______ ___ including arrhythmias and death at higher than recommen

cardiovascular risks

Dose of loperamide is 4mg initially then 2mg after each stool for max of _mg/daily