MET 2010 Module 2 Quiz


� ability/Capability to do work
� potential for causing change

kinetic energy

energy of motion

potential energy

Energy that is stored?


the measure of the average kinetic speed of atoms and molecules


Energy in the process of Being Transferred from one object to another


horizontal transfer of heat energy by wind


transfer of heat from one molecule to the next through a substance


transfer of heat by mixing of a fluid (liquid or gas)


In the atmosphere this type of energy transfer takes the form of

electromagnetic radiation

� permits the transfer of energy through a vacuum
� energy transfer mechanism does not require a special medium

EM Spectrum

full range of electromagnetic radiation

wien's Law

hotter bodies radiate energy at short wavelengths

stefan-boltzman law

hotter body emits more energy than a cooler body


� measure of mass per unit of volume
� mass/volume

air pressure

air is constantly pushing down on us

low pressure

upward movement of air will result in


situation when temperature rises with increasing elevation

Ozone Layer

part of the atmosphere that protects us from harmful UV radiation


that part of the atmosphere that bounces radio signals back to earth and is responsible for the phenomena known aurora borealis

the first law of thermodynamics tells us?

� energy is not created or destroyed
� changed or transferred from one from to another

What happens to air when it is heated?

Molecules move faster and father apart

mechanisms of energy transfer

� advection
� conduction
� convection
� electromagnetic radiation

A Very Cool Body Will Emit Lots of Energy At Much Shorter Wavelengths Than That Of A Very Hot Body?


a volume containing a fixed mass that is compressed will result in a _____ in density


air is _____ dense at higher altitudes than that a lower altitudes


With increasing elevation BOTH Pressure & Density will Decrease?


Average Air pressure at sea level is what?

1013.2 mb

Evaporation is a warming process

False; it is a cooling process
� The warming process is Condensation

What proportion of the earth's atmosphere is composed of oxygen and nitrogen?

� 21% oxygen
� 78% nitrogen respectively

the atmosphere can be categorized into two chemical layers.

� homosphere
� heterosphere

the four distinct temperature layers of the atmosphere

� Troposphere
Temp decreases with increase elevation
� Stratosphere
Temp increases with elevation
� Mesosphere
Temp decreases with increasing elevation
� Thermosphere
Temp increase with elevation

temperature decreases with increasing elevation in the troposphere. Why?

because the air is heated by energy in the surface.