The spread of Greek culture all over the eastern Mediterranean and the former Persian Empire is known as
The spread of Greek culture all over the eastern Mediterranean and the former Persian Empire is known as


By the time he died, at the age of thirty-two, Alexander had conquered all except

central Gaul and the Iberian Peninsula

Greek philosophy

was distinguished by the ideas of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle.

In The Republic, Plato

created a utopian, ideal state composed of three social classes.

The Greek historian who wrote the History of the Persian Wars was


All of the following was true about the Peloponnesian War except

the ultimate result of the war was a unified Greece headed by the city by Thebes

Spartan society

was organized as a military state.

Greek colonization

resulted from overpopulation, an increase in trade, and a widening gap between rich and poor.

In ancient Greece, tyrants

served in a transitional role from oligarchy to democracy for many city-states.

Which of the following statements is not an accurate characterization of the Greek polis?

It played a significant role in unifying all Greeks throughout the entire region under a single government.

Greek geography

contained mountainous areas that impeded Greek unity and the ability to grow an abundance of crops

The Persian Empire

was very intolerant of the ideas and practices of the peoples it conquered.

Cyrus the Great

created a great Persian Empire.

All the following are important principles of Greek culture that had a wide influence on later civilizations EXCEPT:

new religious concepts that redefined the nature of god(s)

the following are accurate comparisons of Athens and Sparta EXCEPT

Spartan women did not have as many freedoms as Athenian women.

The spread of Greek culture all over the eastern Mediterranean and the former Persian Empire is known as


The physical features of the Greek terrain led to the characteristics of early Greek society that

increased trade by sea and wealth for coastal Greek cities.

Which of the following would be an accurate example of the Hellenistic period?

constructing buildings made of stone and marble in southwest Asia

After the Peloponnesian Wars, the Macedonians took control of Greece and spread Greek culture throughout much of the known world under the leadership of

Alexander the Great

The Socratic method emphasized the importance of


This Phoenician product was highly prized by royalty and elite ruling classes

fine textiles in a red-purple dye

What new mode of transportation arrived in western Asia around 2000 BCE that allowed the creation of large states and empires?


Alexandria, the famed Hellenistic city built by Alexander the Great, was established in


What religion were the Persians?


Which of the following is most true concerning Alexander the Great?

his conquests and achievements were the product of being a philosopher-king