AP World History: Roman Vocab


first settlers of land near Rome


Beginning in the 700s BCE,first rulers of Roman Republic and Empire; Laid the foundation for Rome and Roman civilization

roman republic

The period from 507 to 31 B.C.E., during which Rome was largely governed by the aristocratic Roman Senate.

roman law/ 12 tables

foundation of law in Rome


The common people during the Roman era.

tribal assembly

assembly organized by plebeians that elected tribunes and made laws for common people


the aristocrats of Rome, owned land, controled the government


in ancient Rome, the supreme governing body, originally made up only of aristocrats


one of two officials who led the government in the ancient Roman republic

roman roads

allowed for better military transportation and facilitated trade throughout their empire. Cities grew larger and more powerful

punic war

conflict between Rome and Carthage in the 200s B.C., ending in a victory for Rome


fought with Rome in the Punic Wars, had the great general Hannibal but was later defeated


government ruled by three individuals; Julius Caesar, Pompey, and Crassus was formed in 60 B.C.E.

Julius Caesar

the Roman leader that suffered from epilepsy

Marc Antony

One of Caesar's generals, Falls in love with Cleopatra, He and Cleopatra declare war on Rome in 31 BC which they lose

the ptolemy line (egypt)

family ruled Egypt until the Roman conquest of 30 BC

Cleopatra VII

tried to reestablish Egypt's independence; her involvement with Rome led to her suicide and defeat

Ven, Vidi, Vici

i came, i saw, i conquered

roman empire

Existed from 27 BCE to about 400 CE. Conquiered entire Mediterranean coast and most of Europe. Ruled by an emperor. Eventually oversaw the rise and spread of Christianity.

jesus of nazareth

founder of christianity;, a teacher and prophet born in bethlehem and active in nazareth

Paul of Targus

Paul of Tarsus was a Jew who had Roman citizenship and tried to stamp out Christianity until he had a vision on the Road to Damascus.




constantine founded the city of constantinpole; is known for making christianity an accepted religion of the roman empire

edict of milan

granted freedom of worship to all citizens of the roman empire


The Roman emperor who made Christianity the official religion of Rome


division; split

eastern roman empire

a continuation of the Roman Empire in the Middle East after its division in 395

germanic invasions

came into Rome, fleeing the huns, invaded from the north 300- 700

fall of the roman empire

Too big; high taxes; no one to farm the land because too many people were in the army; corruption