Framework Notecards Period 4

Describe the degree of global 'interaction' after 1500 CE compared to before 1500.

Another side of the world was now added with the discovery of the Americas. Trade increased dramatically and new regional and financial centers were created.

What were the overall effects of this change in global inter connectedness?

Migration around the world, the spread of germs and disease across the world, and the exchange of crops and animals across the whole world.

How did the global network after 1500 CE affect the pre-existing regional trade networks? (Indian Ocean, Mediterranean, trans-Saharan, Silk Roads)

The dramatic intensification brought prosperity and economic disruption to merchants and governments across all areas of these trade networks

What technical developments made transoceanic European travel and trade possible?

Developments in cartography and navigation built on previous knowledge
-revised maps
-improved understanding of global wind and current patterns

Where did those developments originate?

The original knowledge was based off of classical Asian and Islamic developments but we're further advanced by Europeans

What were major notable transoceanic voyages between 1450-1750 CE?

-Zheng He under Ming direction
-Portuguese exploration (Columbus)
-Spanish sponsorship of these voyages
-North Atlantic Crossings by Europeans

Where did Zheng He and the Chinese Treasure Fleets travel?

Expanded Chinese presence into the Indian Ocean region

Why did Portugal begin longer maritime voyages ca. 1430 CE?

Development of a school for navigation led to and increased travel to and trade with West Africa

What effect did Columbus' travels have on Europeans?

Increased European interest in transoceanic travel and trade

What originally motivated Europeans to travel across the northern Atlantic?

Fishing and settlements and the search for more routes to Asia

What new financial and monetary means made scales of fade possible?

The use of silver from the Americas and the movement goods, wealth, and free and unfree laborers

What previously established scales of trade continued?

Commercialization and the transportation of good throughout the Eurasian regions

Describe European merchants overall role in world trade c. 1450-1750

Mostly transporting goods all throughout Eurasia

What role did silver play in facilitating a truly global scale of trade?

The global circulation of silver helped the commercialization and creation of a global economy

What new mercantilist financial means developed to facilitate global trade?

Joint stock companies were created to control colonial economies and for competition amongst one another

What were the economic and social effects of the Atlantic trading system?

The movement of goods, wealth, and free and unfree laborers and the mixing of African, American, and European cultures and peoples.

What were the unintentional biological effects of the Colombian Exchange?

Spread of diseases (smallpox, measles and influenza), transfer of vermin (Mosquitos or rats)

What foods were transferred to new geographic regions as part of the Columbian Exchange, and what labor systems made this transfer possible?

American foods (potatoes, maize, manioc) on plantations with coerced labor

What plants/animals were transferred across the Atlantic as part of the Columbian Exchange?

Potatoes, maize, manioc, sugar, and tobacco were grown on plantations with unfree slaves

What effects did American food crops have on the diet of Afro-Eurasians?

Nutritional benefit due to an increased diversity of foods

How did settlers' actions affect the America's environment?

Deforestation and soil depletion

How did the Columbian exchange affect the spread of religions?

There was an increase of interactions between newly connected hemispheres and the spread and reform of existing religions and created syncretic belief systems and practices

Where did the universal religions of Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam spread?

Islam spread to Asia and Africa,Christianity continue to spread throughout the world, and Buddhism spread within Asia

How did the practice of religions developed in this era?

Syncretic forms of religion formed
- vodum (Carribean)
- cults of saints (Latin America)
-Sikhism (South Asia)

how did the arts fare during this period?

Funding for visual and performing arts, even for popular audiences, increased

How did public literacy as well as literacy and artistic forms of expression develop during this period?

Renaissance art began in Europe, miniature paintings in the middle east, and south Asia were created, and woodblock prints in Japan or post con-quest codices in Mesoamerica.
Literacy expanded accompanied by the role of a ration of popular authors. (For ex

How did agriculture's role change between 1450 to 1750?

New methods in crop and field rotation were developed and new crops were introduced.

What pre-requisite conditions made these changes possible?

Agricultural labor, the systems and location of manufacturing, gender and social structures, and environmental processes. New forms of manufacturing and new commercial patterns were also needed for economic growth

How did laser systems developed between 1450-1750?

Peasant labor was intensified, slavery in Africa continued and was now a main export, the growth of plantations and the demand in America, in the dependence on a range of coerced labor.

How was peasant labor affected between 14 50-1750?

Peasant labor intensified.
-frontier settlements and Russian Siberia
-Cotton textile production in India
-Silk textile production in China

How did slavery within Africa compared to the pre-1450 era?

Slavery continued, but the export of slaves to the Mediterranean and Indian Ocean developed

What caused the Atlantic slave trade to expand so dramatically?

The growth of the plantation economy and increased demand due to constant death and injury

How did labor systems developed in the colonial America's?

Colonial economy depended on a range of coerced labor
-chattel slavery
-indentured servitude
-encomienda and hacienda systems
-Spanish adaptation of the Inca mit'a

How did the post 1450 economic order restructure the social, economic, and political elites?

Imperial conquests were made and global economic opportunity was widened. There were also demographic changes in both Africa and the Americas

How did pre-existing political and economic elites react to these challenges?

Elites often confronted new challenges to their ability to affect policies of increasing powers

How were gender and family structures affected to these challenges?

A family restructuring occurred . there was a dependence of European men on South East Asian women for conducting trade

How did societies in the Americas reflect the post 1450 economic order?

These demographic changes resulted in new ethnic and racial classifications

How did empires attempt to administer the new widespread nature of their territories?

European powers moved into existing trade networks. more strategies of centralization where pursued and more efficient taxation system were created. Public displays of art and architecture were used to legitimize state power.

How did the role of Africa, the Americas, Asia, and Europe develop in this new world wide political order?

European empires in the Americas created a new Atlantic trade system that included trans- Atlantic slave trade. Changes in Africa and global trading patterns strength and some west and central African states.

How did the people of Darius empires react to their governments methods?

Text Seshan systems often put strings on peasant producers, sometimes prompting local rebellions

How did political rulers legitimize and consolidate their rule?

Visual displays of political power, the continued use of religious ideas, different treatment to ethnic and religious groups and different economic contributions, recruitment and use of bureaucratic elites and the development of military professionals, an

What role did religion play in legitimizing political rule?

Notions of divine right was used, Shiism in the Safavid empires, Mexica and Aztec practice of human sacrifice, promotion of Islam in Songhay and Chinese emperors public performance of Confucian rituals

How were ethnic and religious minorities treated in various empires?

Ability to challenge the authority of the state was limited.
- Ottoman tax on non-Muslim subjects
-Manchu policies to Chinese subjects
- Spanish Rebulica de Indios

How did rulers make sure that their governments were well run?

Bureaucratic elites were recruited and used as well as military professionals.
-Ottoman devshirme
-Civil service exam
-salaries samurai

How did rulers finance their territorial expansion?

The use of tribute collection and tax farming

What was the relationship between imperial expansion and military technology?

There was an increased use of gunpowder, cannons and armed trade

How did Europeans go about creating new global empires and trade networks?

New trading post empires in Africa and Asia gained a high profit for both rulers and merchants involved in the global trade, But this also affected power of states in West and Central Africa

How did pre-existing land-based empires and new empires in this era compare to the previous era's empires?

Land empire is expanded dramatically in size, and new maritime empires were established in the Americas

What obstacles to empire building did empires confront, and how did they respond to these challenges?

Empires faced competition over trade routes, rivalries, state rivalries, and local resistance.