World War 1


British passenger ship sunk by a German U-Boat - 1200 people died including 128 Americans

Sussex Pledge

After the Lusitania sunk Woodrow Wilson threatens to end diplomatic relations with Germany, than Germany promises not to sink more merchant vessels without warning

Zimmerman Note

German telegram sent to Mexico proposing an alliance- stated that Germany would help Mexico reconquer the lose territory of New Mexico

Selective Service Act

Required men 21-30 to register to be drafted into the armed services

Fourteen Points

Wilsons ideals after war, freedom of ships on the seas, smaller armies, end of secret agreements between nations

Liberty Bonds

Money from the sale of these provided loans to the Allies to buy food and war supplies


Truce that ended the war- 11th hour, 11th day, 11th month of 1918(Veterans Day)

Wilhelm II

German leader who thought Germany could get though Belgium to get to France before Russia could mobilize their troops and the war would be over in 6 months


Britain, France, and Russia- Later joined by Italy

# of Nations that fought in WWI



To prepare military for war

Schlieffen Plan

Germanys plan for a fast attack on France then an attack on Russia(Belgium slowed them down)

First Battle of the Marne

German army was 25 miles out of Paris, the French stopped Germany at the Marne River east of Paris. Germany retreated

Triple Entente

France, Britain, Russia's alliance

No-man's land

Area between opposing trenches


submarines, were the worlds largest and most advanced, causing heavy losses to Allied shipping


neither side can win a clear victory

3 new weapons used to fight in the trenches

Airplanes, poison gas, machine guns, and tanks


posters created to encourage Americans to support the war

causes of political tension in Europe

nationalism, militarism, the triple alliance, the triple entente


belief that a specific nations language or culture is superior to all others

Treaty of Versailles

Final peace settlement of world war I (included some of 14 points)

Dough Boys

American foot soldiers

Victory Garden

a kitchen garden planted during wartime to relieve food shortages

Franz Ferdinand

heir to throne in Austria who was assassinated by a Serb nation alisted(started war)

Central Powers

Austria-Hungray, Germany, joined later by Bulgaria and Ottoman Empire

Second Battle of the Marne

both sides suffered heavy casualities, Germans losses destroyed their ability to attack againS

George Creel

Ran the commitee on public information(CPI)

Nicholas II

Russian czar who hesitated to mobilize troops after Austria-Hungray declared war on Serbia(bcaz of the assassignation of Ferdinand)

Treaty of Brest- Livtovsk

Peace treaty to keep Russia out of the war

Triple Alliance

Germany, Austria-Hungray alliance later joined by Italy

League of Nations

congress of nations formed to settle international disputes and maintain peace

Trench Warfare

French + German armies built protective ditches- they dug simple holes or complex networks with rooms for sleeping and eating


the building up of military forces or strong influence of military values on a society

balance of power

a situation in which the strength of rival alliances is nearly equal

Arthur Zimmerman

the German forgeign secretary who proposed an alliance between Germany and Mexico againist the United States

CPI- Committee on Public Information

agency to help raise public support for the war effort

Sedition Act of 1918

made it illegal for Americans to speak disloyally about the U.S. goverment

War Industries Board(WIB)

created by Wilson to oversee the production and distribution of goods made by the country's war industries

National War Labor Board

created by Wilson that worked to settle disputes between workers and management and to prevent strikes

American Expeditionary Force(AEF)

commanded by Pershing-included a large force of volunteers and draftees as well as soldiers from the regular army and the National Guard


people who seek the equal distribution of wealth and an end to all forms of private property

an armistance

a truce


the right of people to decide their own political status


payments for damages and expenses caused by the war

Western Front

In WWI, the region of Northern France where the forces of the Allies and the Central Powers battled each other

Woodrow Wilson

28th President of the United States

David Lloyd George

British prime minster-main concern was keeping the British empire together and protecting it's interests

Georges Clemenceau

French premier-wanted to punish Germany so severely that it could never hurt France again

Vittorio Orlando

Italian prime minster- wanted Italy to recieve land it had been promised when it entered the war on the allied side

Nicolai Lenin

Russian leader of the Bolsheviks, made treaty of Brest-Litovsk

Alexander Kerensky

took control of nation, tried to keep Russia in war while implementing democratic reforms