Traditions and Encounters Ch 22, 23, 25, & 26

� Which of the following men conquered the Moroccan port of Ceuta and sponsored a series of voyages down the west African coast?

Henry of Portugal

� The center of the Spanish commercial activity in Asia was


� Christopher Columbus's decision to sail west to reach Asia was based on

his miscalculation of the distance from the Canary Islands to Japan

� The Portuguese viewed the Atlantic Ocean islands as the perfect location for the cultivation of


� The first European to sail around the Cape of Good Hope was

Bartolomeu Dias.

� In the long term, the Columbian exchange

increased world population because of the spread of new food crops.

� Most of the actual exploration of the Pacific Ocean was carried out by the


� Lateen sails had the advantage of

working better in crosswinds.

� The Portuguese dominance of trade was dependent on their ability to

force merchant ships to call at fortified trading sites and pay duties.

� From 1500 to 1800, the largest contingent of migrants consisted of

enslaved Africans.

� The most prosperous country in Europe in the seventeenth century was

the Netherlands.

� The Dutch policy in Indonesia was to

control the production of spices

� The profitable merchandise that Vasco da Gama purchased in India was made up of

pepper and cinnamon.

� Which of the following cities was NOT a Portuguese trading post?


� Jan Pieterszoon Coen was responsible for

founding the city of Batavia on the island of Java.

� The reconquista came to an end in 1492 when

the Muslim kingdom of Granada fell to Spanish Catholic forces.

� In the end, Portugal was unable to maintain its early domination of trade because

it was a small country with a small population.

� Ferdinand Magellan established a trade route between Mexico and

the Philippines.

� By 1750, all parts of the world participated in a global trade network in which Europeans played dominant roles, EXCEPT


� The English explorer James Cook died during a fight in


� The most destructive European conflict before the twentieth century was

the Thirty Years' War.

� The theory of universal gravity is associated with

Isaac Newton.

� Luther's initial stimulus for formulating the Ninety-Five Theses was

the sale of indulgences.

� Who said, "I cannot and will not recant anything, for it is neither safe nor right to act against one's conscience. Here I stand. I can do no other"?

Martin Luther

� Eighty-five percent of the condemned witches were


� Which of the following states developed constitutional governments in the seventeenth century?

England and the Netherlands

� The council that helped define and advance the Catholic Reformation took place in


� Versailles was the magnificent royal palace of

Louis XIV.

� The most important consequence of the Peace of Westphalia was in

promoting the notion that the European nations viewed each other as sovereign and equal.

� The architect of French absolutism was

Cardinal Richelieu.

� The event that inspired Henry VIII to confront the pope was

Henry's desire to gain a divorce.

� The Ptolemaic universe was based on

a motionless earth surrounded by nine hollow spheres.

� The leader of England during the attempted invasion of the Spanish Armada was

Elizabeth I.

� The individual associated with the phrase "l'�tat, c'est moi" was

Louis XIV.

� The author of the Ninety-Five Theses was

Martin Luther.

� The first great philosophical proponent of capitalism was

Adam Smith.

� The Catholic church dramatically pushed the sale of indulgences in the sixteenth century because of the

need to raise funds for the construction of St. Peter's basilica.

� The Spanish Inquisition was first established in 1478 by

Fernando and Isabel.

� The Spanish leader who sent an armada against England in 1588 was

Philip II.

� Charles V was the

leader who tried, but failed, to centralize authority in the Holy Roman Empire.

� The first European colony in sub-Saharan Africa was


� Over the course of the entire period of trans-Atlantic slavery, the mortality rate for the middle passage was

25 percent.

� The center of Islamic learning in west Africa was


� The vast majority of slaves

provided agricultural labor on plantations.

� The arrival of the Europeans

dramatically increased previously existing slave networks.

� When the Dutch founded Cape Town they encountered which of these indigenous groups?


� The most important American crop introduced into Africa in the sixteenth century was


� Islam and Christianity usually spread into sub-Saharan Africa

as syncretic versions of the originals.

� Thomas Peters was

central in promoting the establishment of a colony for ex-slaves in Sierra Leone.

� Sunni Ali built a powerful imperial navy to patrol the

Niger River.

� Throughout most of history, the majority of slaves came from

war captives.

� The first European slave traders were the


� The chief obstacle to Portuguese control of Angola came from

Queen Nzinga.

� An alliance with Portugal brought wealth and foreign recognition to Kongo, as well as

the eventual destruction of the kingdom.

� In an effort to drive the Portuguese out of Ndongo, Queen Nzinga formed an alliance with the


� Which of the following was NOT an accomplishment of the Fulani?

They eliminated the traditional elements of syncretic Islam.

� During the early modern period in Africa, the basis of social organization continued to be

kinship groups.

� What was the massive fortified city in southern Africa that dominated the gold trade in its region of the continent until the late fifteenth century?

Great Zimbabwe

� King Nzinga Mbemba of Kongo is best known for his

conversion to Catholicism.

� One of the factors that made African slavery different from the varieties practiced elsewhere was that

African law did not recognize private property, and thus slaves served as a measure of personal wealth.

� Daimyo were

powerful Japanese territorial lords.

� Beginning in the 1630s and enduring for the next two centuries, Japanese foreign policy included all of the following EXCEPT

open, vibrant trade with Europeans.

� By 1750, the population of China had grown to

225 million.

� Zhu Xi was the

foremost scholar of neo-Confucianism.

� Which of the following popular novels dealt with the intrigue following the collapse of the Han dynasty?

The Romance of the Three Kingdoms

� Taiwan was conquered by


� Who sought to convert China to Christianity?

Matteo Ricci

� The term "native learning" relates to

a growing Japanese emphasis on indigenous traditions.

� The phrase "Son of Heaven" refers to the

Chinese emperor's role in maintaining order on the earth.

� One of the results of the peace brought by the Tokugawa period was

a reduction in status for the samurai and daimyo

� In regard to ruling philosophy and techniques, the Qing

followed the same pattern that the Ming had established.

� In 1421, Yongle moved the capital of China to


� China fell behind technologically during the Ming and Qing dynasties because

the governments favored political and social stability over technological innovation.

� Matteo Ricci and other Europeans discovered they were more successful in their negotiations with the Chinese if they presented them with

mechanical clocks.

� The leader who first organized the Manchu tribes into a centralized state was


� During the Ming and Qing dynasties,

patriarchal authority over females became tighter than ever before.

� In 1600, Tokugawa Ieyasu

finished the process of unifying Japan.

� The practice of foot binding

represented the increasing subjugation of women during the Qing dynasty.

� The Manchus called their dynasty Qing, which meant


� The author of The Life of a Man Who Lived for Love was

Ihara Saikaku.