World History 3: Ancient Egypt and Nubia

Nile River Valley

The area of land surrounding the river that flows through Egypt


ancient kingdom of the pharoahs and modern day country

Nile River

brought life to the people who lived by it, the longest river in the world


a triangular shaped area of soil at the mouth of a river


a mixture of soil and small rocks, deposited by the innundation of a river, very good for growing crops

Lower Egypt

northern ancient Egypt, the land of the delta

Upper Egypt

southern ancient Egypt


a city in ancient Egypt on the Nile, capital of the Old Kingdom


a reed-like crop used for making paper by the Egyptians




How many cataracts break up the flow of the Nile?


to bring together


What color crown did the king of Upper Egypt wear?


What color crown did the king of Lower Egypt wear?

red land

the name the Egyptians gave the desert land beyond the river valley because it was dry and lifeless

black land

An ancient Egyptian term for the area long the Nile that was flooded. Because of the silt carried by the river, the annual flood acted both to moisturize and fertilize the ground, providing the basis for the very productive Egyptian agriculture


What legendary king is said to have unified lower and upper Egypt?

Scorpion and Narmer

What other two kings do some scholars believe may have first unified Egypt?


c. 300 BC - Egyptian priest and advisor who began keeping records of the ancient Egyptian kings


Egyptian word meaning, "great house of the king". Used in New Kingdom, first by Ahmose


picture writing where the symbols represent words or ideas (but each symbol can also stand for sounds)

Rosetta Stone

Stone that contained carved messages in hieroglyphics, Greek and demotic. Led to deciphering of hieroglyphics.


monumental architecture typical of Old Kingdom Egypt; used as burial sites for pharaohs.


a preserved corpse


an ancient Egyptian city on the west bank of the Nile opposite Cairo, site of the Great Pyramid among other pyramids and the Sphinx


the egyptian pharoh who in about 2250 b.c. ordered the construction of the largest pyramid.

Deir el-Medina

on the west bank of the Nile, across from Thebes a workers village was built - what was this village called?


the way people in a civilization or country use and manage resources

the Red Sea

Name the sea that borders Egypt to the east


female pharaoh who expanded Egypt through trade


The heretic Egyptian pharaoh. He built a new capital at Amarna, fostered a new style of naturalistic art, and created a religious revolution by imposing worship of the sun-disk.


A pharaoh, or king of Egypt, who lived about 1400 B.C. His reign was relatively unimportant, but the discovery of his unplundered tomb in the 1920s is numbered among the great archaeological discoveries of all time. He restored traditional worship to Egyp


a kingdom to the south of Egypt


one of the most important cities of Nubia, capital of the kingdom of Kush


Capital city of Egypt and home of the ruling dynasties during the Middle and New Kingdoms. Amon, patron deity of this city, became one of the chief gods of Egypt. Monarchs were buried across the river in the Valley of the Kings.


An African state that developed along the upper reaches of the Nile c. 100 B.C.E.; conquered Egypt and ruled it for several centuries.


group of people form Asia, used horse-drawn war chariots and conquered Egyptians, egypt learned a lot then used knowlege to drive them out



Thutmose III

Stepson of Hatshepsut; considered the greatest Pharoah of the New Kingdom of Egypt; reigned from 1479 B.C. to 1429 B.C.; expanded empire to include Syria and Nubia


Kushite king who attacked Egypt, conquering Upper Egypt and began relations with Lower Egypt.


Son of Kashta, ruler of Kush, he was one of Kush's most successful military leaders. His army captured all of Egypt.


second capital of kush


First Century BC Queen of Kush who led military expeditions and built monuments.

Ramses II

known as "the Great," he was the most powerful pharaoh of the New Kingdom; fought the Hittites in battle and signed peace treaty with them


I was the eldest daughter of their majesties King Tutmosis and Queen Ahmose. When I was young I married my half brother and after my father's death we reigned together for 14 years. My nephew became King upon my husband's death but he was still quite youn


famous beautiful wife of Akhenaten


he built 3 pyramids; the true pyramid, the bent pyramid, the pyramid at meydum


the real person- He was a brilliant scribe and architect who designed the first pyramid, Zoser's Step pyramid. He was later worshipped as the god of wisdom


pharaoh for whom the step pyramid was built


How is the period before Narmer/Menes/Scorpion unified upper and lower Egypt described?

early dynastic period

How is the era before the Old Kingdom and after the predynastic period described?


Name the pharaoh who threw the Hyksos out of Egypt around 1550 BC.


a large room with many columns


the first Nubian king to conquer ancient Egypt, he began the 25th dynasty

the Assyrians

Who conquered Egypt in 671 and ruled until 525 BC?

the Persians

Who conquered Egypt in 525 BC and ruled it until 332?

Alexander the Great

What famous Macedonian conquered Egypt in 332 BC?

Ptolemy I

What general and friend of Alexander succeeded Alexander and pharaoh of Egypt? His family dynasty ruled Egypt for the next 275 years.