Why did the original inhabitants of Australia not develop agriculture?

The first Australians were too isolate to learn of developments elsewhere until recently

The tenth century BCE refers to

990~900 years before the birth of Crhist

Egypt differed from Mesopotamian civilization by stressing

Well organized, durable empires

A characteristic of the human species before the advent of civilization was

the ability to spread to various geographic settings and climate zones

The charactersitic political organization of the Tigris-Euphrates civilization was

regional/city states

The develoment of agriculture cause important changes in all of the following EXCEPT

the tendency to believe in many gods

The development of writing

helps explain why goverments could become more formal and bureaucratic

A society is almost certainly a civilization if

it is agricultural

Sumerian civilization produced the first

written law code

Which river-valley civilization was almost completely destroyed by invasion


The Paleothetic age refers to

the period in which simple stone tools were developed

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of all early civilizations

a written way of communication

Hunting and gathering societies

organize rather small groups into political units

All of the folllowing were features of the civilizations in Mesopotmia, Mesoamerica, the Indus River valley, and the Yellow River Valley EXCEPT

religious systems that included sacrifice rituals

The Neolithic Revolution occured first in

the Middle East

Once developed, metal tools were preferred over stone tools for all of the following reasons EXCEPT

they were easier for ordinary people to make at home