AP world


What different societies were able to emerge from the Neolithic Revolution?


Which of the First Civilizations experienced the greatest cultural continuity from its earliest formation into modern times?

they were not located in river valleys

What made the Olmec and Chavin civilizations different from the other early civilizations?


Which of the following species of large animals did not become extinct after the arrival of the Clovis people in the Americas?


Which of the following crops was the first grain to be domesticated in sub-Saharan Africa?


What is the name given to the Paleolithic figurines found all across Europe that depict the female form?


Bows and arrows were invented separately in all of the following places except

north/south orientation of the Americas

What hindered the spread of maize in the Americas during the Neolithic period?


The Sumerians, Akkadians, and Babylonians were all people who live in


Which of the following was not one of the First Civilizations?


Which of the following provided the economic foundation for civilization?

New Zealand

Which of the following regions was settled most recently by humans?

Norte Chico

All of the First Civilizations were built on a foundation of grain-based agriculture except

the Americas

Pastoral societies emerged in all of the following regions except


Which of the following human accomplishments emerged with the First Civilizations?

oracle bones

In practicing divination, Mesopotamians studied the stars as well as animal organs. Chinese shamans were better known for studying

North American and Europe

Which of the following were not connected by a land bridge created during the last Ice Age?


Which of the following was not an early agricultural settlement?

hunting and gathering

The economic system that humans first used for survival was


Homo sapiens first emerged in what region?


The territory of ancient Mesopotamia is presently occupied by which country?


In which of the following areas did agriculture not develop separately and independently?


Which of the following was the last of the First Civilizations to emerge?


Which of the following is not a technology associated with the Agricultural revolution?


The rulers of this First Civilization held authority thanks to the Mandate of Heaven


Which of the following is NOT one of the three Cs of World History?

northeast Africa

In which of the following regions were animals domesticated before crops were?

migration to Australia

Which human migration was the first in which boats were used?

goats/east Africa

Which of the following animals is mismatched with one of its probable areas of first domestication?


Which of the following animals was not independently domesticated in the Fertile Crescent?

settlement of nomads

Which of the following have scholars not advanced as a possible explanation for the origins of the First Civilizations?


Which of the following groups was least strongly tied to the web of commerce and cultures that existed between 1700 and 1100 BCE?

6 million

Scholars estimate that the population of humans on the planet around 10,000 years ago was

South Africa

Which of the following regions did not produce a classical civilization?

foreign invasion

Probable reasons for the collapse of Mayan civilization include all of the following except


What city was the largest city established in the Greek empire during the Hellenistic period and contained a library of some 700,000 volumes?

The Niger Valley

This classical civilization developed significant cities but not encompassing state structure


Which of the following philosophies and religions proved the most useful to those intent on challenging that social hierarchy?

scholar-gentry (landowners)

The class with the highest status in Chinese society was the

subordination to the emperor

Which of the following was not one of the "three obediences" required and Chinese women?

spread of Roman religion

Which of the following was not a motivation for the expansion of the Roman Empire?

independent city-states

The civilization of the Mero� included all of the following elements except

Ancestral Pueblo

Which of the following cultures did not produce a written language?


This cultural group based its religious practice on the idea of "continuous revelation


Which of the following historical figures lived most recently?


Which Roman emperor was the first to convert to Christianity?

civil service exams

Persian political organization included all of the following features except


Confucius is most closely associated with which of the following concepts?


In philosophical Hinduism, the union of atman with Brahman is known as


A ritual calendar of 260 days was a feature of which cultural region?


Zoroastrianism most probably influenced which of the following philosophical or religious traditions?

writings of Ban Zhou

Which of the following did not lead to a loosening of patriarchy in China after the fall of the Han dynasty?


Which of the following is the term for World Soul, the final and ultimate reality, in philosophical Hinduism?


Which classical culture has enjoyed a recent revival, including an armed uprising that began in 1994?

Mediterranean world

In which of the following civilizations was slaveholding both widespread and central to the economy?


This great classical city was apparently centrally planned, with a grid of streets, temples, and grand homes for the elite


Which of the following systems of thought provided inspiration for the harsh reunification of China under Shihuangdi and the Qin dynasty?


Which of the following classical religions and philosophies focused more on affairs of this world that on the realm of the divine and its relationship to human life?


The Persian ruler who allowed the Jews to return from exile in Babylon and to rebuild their temple in Jerusalem was

The Americas

On which of the major supercontinents was metallurgy least developed during the classical era?


Which of the following was not a classical empire?


The cosmic struggle between Ahura Mazda and Angra Mainyu lies at the heart of which religion?

New Mexico

In which present-day state did the Chaco canyon culture exist?


In which of the following ancient societies did women enjoy the fewest restrictions?

representative democracy

Solon brought all of the following reforms to Athens after 594 BCE except

representative democracy

Which of the following was not a unique feature of Greek political life?


Which of the following was not one of the four original great classes in the varna hierarchy?


The use of hallucinogenic cactus was typical of the religious practices of which region?

Brahmin class

The varna with the highest status in Indian society was the


In The Republic, which Greek philosopher advocated rule by a class of highly educated "guardians" led by a "philosopher-king"?


The region that, because of its heavy Greek settlement, sparked the fifth-century BCE wars between Greece and Persia was


Which foreign religious tradition was absorbed into China during the classical period?

set of city-states

Into what type of political system was Swahili civilization organized?


The most significant source of technologies that were borrowed by the Europeans was from

rejection of Daoism

Which of the following was not a major development in Chinese society that took shape in the centuries following the collapse of the Han Dynasty?

Western Europe

Which of the following civilizations gave the least amount of power to its rulers during the period 1000-1300 CE?

Ottoman turks

Which of the following groups ultimately brought an end to the Byzantine Empire through a successful siege of Constantinople?


In the first centuries following its arrival in China, Buddhism had its greatest success converting which sector of the population?


Between 600 and 1450 CE Roman Catholic missionaries were least successful in

Ibn Battuta

The fourteenth-century Muslim scholar who wrote an account of his extensive travels in the Islamic world and China was named


Among the following, the most thoroughly Islamized region in the period 600-1500 CE was


Despite its successful spread into Central Asia along the Silk Roads, Buddhism was largely blocked from spreading westward by which faith?


The Islamic community whose membership was a matter of belief rather than birth was known was the

Western Europe

In the era from 600 to 1450, the Japanese political order most resembled that of


Which of the following technological innovations spread from China during the Tang or Song dynasty periods?

Inca Empire

Which of the following states had the greatest control over economic exchange within its borders?


Which of the following was not an early state in Southeast Asia?

Great Zimbabwe

Which of the following was not a kingdom in West Africa?


The ideas of "holy wars" and crusading in the Christian world are paralleled by which of the following Islamic ideas, at least in the latter's political (or "lesser") expression?


The special tax imposed of Jews, Christians, and Zoroastrians, payment of which permitted them to continue to practice their own religion was known as the


Swahili civilization was heavily influenced by which of the following cultures?


The first family dynasty to rule over the Islamic empire was known as the


Islam became an important faith in all of the following regions except

Byzantine Empire

Caesaropapism characterized the


China regained its unity after 581 CE under which dynasty?


Which of the following Western European rulers was the first to be crowned by the people as emperor of a revived Roman Empire?


The group probably most responsible for shaping European feudalism in its early days were the


Which of the following luxury goods came to symbolize the Eurasian exchange system?


The Abbasid Caliphate eventually was destroyed by the

the clergy

Most early universities were founded to educate

The Catholic Church

Which of the following was the most important check on power of the kings on medieval Europe?