Chapter 13 : Japan, Korea, Vietnam

Japan began borrowing heavily from China's culture

In the 5th and 6th centuries

In what year were the Taika reforms enacted in Japan?

646 AD

What was the central purpose of the Taika reforms in Japan?

remake Japanese monarch into an absolutist Chinese-style emperor

When the emperor moved his government from Nara to Heian,

the aristocracy took over most of the positions in the central government

The Tale of Genji described

the life at the imperial court at Heian

the ninth century, what Japanese family dominated the imperial court?


Bushi were

warrior leaders in the tenth century who controlled provincial areas of Japan from small fortresses

Not true about the rise of a provincial military elite during the tenth century in Japan

The rise of the provincial elite corresponded to the recovery of the imperial government and its overthrow of the aristocracy of the court.

Samurai were

mounted troops who served the provincial military elite.

What is true about nature of warfare among the Bushi?

Battles hinged on man-to-man duels of great champions typical of the heroic stage of warfare.

The rise of the samurai in provincial Japanese society

reduced peasants to the status of serfs bound to the land they worked.

The Gempei wars

settled the power struggle between the Taira and Minamoto families.

The end of the Gempei wars signaled the beginning of

the feudal age

Which of the following was not a result of the growth of power of the provincial warrior elite?

The Confucian precept that warriors should dominate the social and political world was strengthened.

In 838 the Japanese

ceased to send official embassies to the Chinese emperor.

The Korean bureaucracy

admitted members almost exclusively by birth rather than test scores.

One of the major reasons for the Chinese failure to assimilate the Vietnamese was

the lack of impact of Chinese cultural imports on the Vietnamese peasantry.

What regions of Asia were most drawn to Chinese cultural and political models?

agrarian societies on east and south

What religion played a key role in the transmission of Chinese civilization to Japan?


What group so threatened the security of the Japanese imperial court in the eighth century that the imperial family moved to Heian?

Scholar gentry

Immidiate impact of move to Heian?

Aristocracy restored to counterbalance Buddhism power and took over central government positions

Relationship of imperial court to provincial military elite?

in absense of imperial military force law and order broke down leading emperor and official to hire lords

Political result of wars that destoryed the Ashikoga Shogunate?

japan divided into 300 little states

Impact of rise of samari on peasantry?

they were reduced to serfdom

Korean bureaucratic under Chinese influence....?

Korea established exam system but admission was based on birth not test scores

The development of regional power bases in Japan among the warrior elites of the countryside corresponded to what events in china

decline of tang

What kingdom was successful in establishing a unified and independent government in Korea


Following the assertion of vietnamese independence from China in the 10th century, what aspects of chinese culture were retained by the vietnamese rulers

chinese admin system based on confucian exam system

Political result of the wars that destroyed the Ashikaga Shogunate

division of Japan into 300 little states

Women status during the daimyo era?

while daighters of the bushi often got some martial training, under the daimyos women were excluded from inheritance and treated as defenseless appendages of their warrior fathers or husbands

Primary concern at the imperial court at Heian?

social conventions and original verse

Relationship between Ashikaga shogunate and emperor?

Ashikaga shoguns fought the emperor at Kyoto who refused to recognize their authority and drove him to the mountain town of Yoshino while setting up a puppet empire

how did warfare change under the daimyos?

scientific warfare based on spying, timely assaults, wise command and organization of massive armies replaced heroic combat

Status of Japan court aristocracy

aristocratic families at the court of depend on alliances with the provincial warrior elite in order to excersize any power