Chapter 8 : African Civilizations and Islamic Spread

Between 800 and 1500, as the frequency and intensity of contact with the outside world increased, what was the most significant impact on sub-Saharan Africa?

The arrival of Islam

-What is true concerning the universality of religion in Africa

There was no universal religion in Africa, but both Christianity and Islam found adherents.

***What are stateless societies in Africa?

organized around kinship or other forms of obligation and lacking the concentration of political power and authority.


Because their membership cut across lineage divisions, they acted to maintain stability within the community and diminish clan feuds.

***The grassland belt at the southern edge of the Sahara that served as a point of exchange between the forests of the south and North Africa was called the


-What kingdom arose in the Sudan following the decline of Ghana in 1076?



Between Niger and Senegal Rivers

-Which of the following monarchs was referred to as Mali's "Lion Prince?



African traders associated with the Mali Empire.

What was one of the major "port" cities of the Mali Empire?






***What accounted for the downfall of Songhay?

invasion by a Moroccan Muslim army equipped with firearms


With the Muslim conquests of North Africa and commercial penetration to the south, slavery became a more widely diffused phenomenon and the slave trade developed rapidly.


the East African coast.


Lack of writing system



Social organization of Mali?

three groups off free people, religious people, and tradesmen

***What african region converted first?

North Africa

***Sudanic states of Mali and Songhay?

terribrial cores of some ethnicity, power extended

To what extent did Islam penetrate East Africa?

Outside clans converted for trade

***Differnce between Africa and other societies?

built less clear on prior descent

***Who did not migrate to East Africa?

Berber people

***Impact of Africa on Sub-Saharan Africa?

Africa never totally isolated from Mediterranean

***Great Zimbabwe was NOT...?

Constructed by Arabs who traded with Bantu

Political form of Congo?

Construction of small states under the king

***Political form of Karoba?

small city states

Common cultural traits of parts of East Africa?

Bantu and Arabic

Where was Islam most profound?

Sudan and Swahili Coast

Urbanization of Mali?

Niger River (Timbuktu) that flourished commercially and culturally

Problem with African Trade?

Exchange raw for manufactured products and did not develope technology

***What does "Equality before God" mean?

emphasis on equality, acceptence of social stratification

***How did Islam expansion aid in trade creation is SouthEast

Islam expanded to India and Southeast Asia provided religious trust bond between regions and converted city rulers

***What part of empire was Songhay first part of?


***Agriculture in Mali?

Difficulties of soil, dought, no technology, farmers could barely provide food

***African economy was NOT...?

region lacked Market economy and agricltural unitys

What was true about the African economy?

settled agriculture and iron working by post classical trade, trade handled by professionals in kinds, North Africa involved in Mediterranean and Arabic world


Neither universal states nor universal religion characterized Africa, but both Christianity and Islam did find adherents in Africa.


Animistic religion � belief in the power of natural forces personified as deities � characterized much of Africa.


the basic tenets of Coptic Christianity




Griots mastered the oral traditions of the Malinke and by knowing the past were considered excellent advisors of kings.


The Muslim concept of a ruler who united civil and religious authority reinforced traditional ideas of kingship.


With the Muslim conquests of North Africa and commercial penetration to the south, slavery became a more widely diffused phenomenon and the slave trade developed rapidly.


In theory slavery was seen as a stage in the process of conversion of pagans to Islam.


Bantu-based and Arabic-influenced Swahili language

***Social organization of Malinke people?

two sorts of people, those who were free and those who were slaves