chap 10

in comparison to Byzantium, latin christendom before 1000 ce was

a localized society

what advantage did the byzantine empire have that enabled it to survive as a political entity for a thousand years longer than the wester part of the roman empire

a stonger military

which of the following was a long term impact of the crusades in europe

spain, sicily, and baltic region permanently joined the world of western christendom

disagreement over which of the following contributed to the split between the roman catholic church and the eastern orthodox church

veneration of icons

features of the byzantine empire did the new civilization of Kievan Rus adopt

political ideals of imperial control of the church

an example of the byzantine empires influence on eurasia

transmission of ancient greek learning to western Europe of the islamic world

europe after the fall of the roman empire, what system emerged that emphasized the reciprocal ties between a king and his vassals, and between a lord and his serfs?


following describes the situation in western europe after the collapse of the roman empire in 476

long distance trade was limited to italy

evidence of the expansion and growth of european civilization during high middle ages

increase in long distance trade

how did economic growth and urbanization during the high middle ages affect women in western europe

women practiced trades and sometimes trained female apprentices

characterizes the spread of christianity throughout western europe from 500 to 1000

earlier cultural practices were absorbed into the Christian tradition

technological changes in what field limited women's opportunities in western europe by 15th century


besides islam, which of the following was also a target of western european crusaders

eastern orthodox christianity

during period from 1000 to 1300 the rulers in which region held the least power

western europe

example of european innovation made possible by borrowing technologies from other civilization

use of gunpowder in cannons

contributed to the decline of christiantity in asia and africa by 1500

spread of islam

describes the situation of christian communities in the middle east and north africa from 650 to 1300

shrinking communities of second class subjects

outside of europe, the strongest presence of christiantity from 500 to 1300 was in


an example of how christianity was reinterpreted as it spread throughout asia and africa

jesus sutras

event in 13th century influence the egyptian state change in attitude toward its christian subjects from tolerance to prosecution

the crusades

describes feature of byzantine empire

emperor claimed to be gods representative on earth

brought byzantine empire to an end

capture of constinopole by ottoman empire

greater influence on eastern orthodox christianity than on roman Catholicism

greek philosophical concepts

11th century the religious culture of the byzantine empire had a significant impact on

slavic speaking peoples in balkans and russia

describes the process of conversion to eastern orthodox christianity in Kievan rus?

was a freely made decision on the part of prince vladmir of kiev who chose eastern orthodox christianity to unify his people

centuries between 500 to 1000 europes center of gravity shifted away from Mediterranean toward

the north and west

describes the relationship between politics and religion in western europe from 500 to 1300

rulers provided protection for the church in return for religious legitimacy

in western europe from 1000 to 1300 power was divided among

kings, nobles, and church leaders

which civilization was the rationalism and secularism of greek thought used to explain religious doctrines

western europe

in comparison to Byzantium, latin christendom before 1000 ce was

a localized society

what advantage did the byzantine empire have that enabled it to survive as a political entity for a thousand years longer than the wester part of the roman empire

a stonger military

which of the following was a long term impact of the crusades in europe

spain, sicily, and baltic region permanently joined the world of western christendom

disagreement over which of the following contributed to the split between the roman catholic church and the eastern orthodox church

veneration of icons

features of the byzantine empire did the new civilization of Kievan Rus adopt

political ideals of imperial control of the church

an example of the byzantine empires influence on eurasia

transmission of ancient greek learning to western Europe of the islamic world

europe after the fall of the roman empire, what system emerged that emphasized the reciprocal ties between a king and his vassals, and between a lord and his serfs?


following describes the situation in western europe after the collapse of the roman empire in 476

long distance trade was limited to italy

evidence of the expansion and growth of european civilization during high middle ages

increase in long distance trade

how did economic growth and urbanization during the high middle ages affect women in western europe

women practiced trades and sometimes trained female apprentices

characterizes the spread of christianity throughout western europe from 500 to 1000

earlier cultural practices were absorbed into the Christian tradition

technological changes in what field limited women's opportunities in western europe by 15th century


besides islam, which of the following was also a target of western european crusaders

eastern orthodox christianity

during period from 1000 to 1300 the rulers in which region held the least power

western europe

example of european innovation made possible by borrowing technologies from other civilization

use of gunpowder in cannons

contributed to the decline of christiantity in asia and africa by 1500

spread of islam

describes the situation of christian communities in the middle east and north africa from 650 to 1300

shrinking communities of second class subjects

outside of europe, the strongest presence of christiantity from 500 to 1300 was in


an example of how christianity was reinterpreted as it spread throughout asia and africa

jesus sutras

event in 13th century influence the egyptian state change in attitude toward its christian subjects from tolerance to prosecution

the crusades

describes feature of byzantine empire

emperor claimed to be gods representative on earth

brought byzantine empire to an end

capture of constinopole by ottoman empire

greater influence on eastern orthodox christianity than on roman Catholicism

greek philosophical concepts

11th century the religious culture of the byzantine empire had a significant impact on

slavic speaking peoples in balkans and russia

describes the process of conversion to eastern orthodox christianity in Kievan rus?

was a freely made decision on the part of prince vladmir of kiev who chose eastern orthodox christianity to unify his people

centuries between 500 to 1000 europes center of gravity shifted away from Mediterranean toward

the north and west

describes the relationship between politics and religion in western europe from 500 to 1300

rulers provided protection for the church in return for religious legitimacy

in western europe from 1000 to 1300 power was divided among

kings, nobles, and church leaders

which civilization was the rationalism and secularism of greek thought used to explain religious doctrines

western europe