WHAP Period 4

Atlantic System

The network of trading links that moved goods, wealth, people, and cultures around the Atlantic., along europe, africa, and americas. known as triangular trade, moved goods and slaves


A small, easily steerable ship used by the Portuguese and Spanish in their explorations and navigations in the water

Cash Crops

crops to sell and not for the consumption by the people or for their own use. Examples include, tobacco, maize, and sugar

Catholic Reformation

Catholic response to the Protestant Reformation; reformed and revived Catholic doctrine and catholic church

Columbian Exchange

the transfer of plants, animals, and diseases between the Americas and Europe, Asia, and Africa, exchange of goods, ideas, and people between Europe and the Americas as well as Native Americans

Commercial Revolution

small scale trade to a more international trade,
the expansion of trade and business,
a period of European economic expansion, colonialism, and mercantilism, economy based on trade and business expansion in Europe

Domesticated Animals and Foods from African slaves

animals includes sheep, pig, and horses fro transportation and food include corn, wheat, barley, and potatoes for population growth and growth of economy


a movement that emphasized science and reason as guides to help see the world more clearly, freedom and equality seen between individuals, A state of perfect wisdom, in Europe

Global Silver Trade

trade where sliver spread to other areas and is widely used as money and to trade for goods in many areas, especially China


Religious order devoted to teaching, converting, and defending the Catholic faith around the world, members of the Society of Jesus, a Roman Catholic religious order founded by Ignatius of Loyola

Joint- Stock Company

A company in which investors buy stock in the company in return for a share of its future profits,
A business in which investors pool their wealth in order to make profit., a company's stock can be bought or sold by a shareholder


the theory that a country should sell more goods to other countries than it buys, sell more and buy less, belief in the benefits of profitable trading; commercialism.Maximize trade and profit

Prince Henry the Navigator

This was the Portuguese Prince that gave steadfast financial and moral support to the navigators, navigational technology,
Sent others to explore for him, made very first explorer or navigational school, first person to value exploring

Protestant Reformation

a religious movement that began as an effort to reform and create Protestant churches and destroyed the unity of Roman Catholic Churches , by Martin Luther, a split in the church caused by corruption in the church, during the Renaissance


Rebirth, the period of European history at the close of the Middle Ages and the rise of the modern world, , the revival of learning and culture, and art

Safavid Empire

Iranian kingdom (1502-1722) established by Ismail Safavi, who declared Iran a Shi'ite state and shia muslim, ruled Persia, did not have a navy


Originating in Cuba, a religion that blends African traditions and Christian beliefs, Christianity with the ideas of Aja people from Africa

Scientific Revolution

The series of events that led to the birth of modern science and mathematical theories in Europe, A new way of thinking about the natural world, questioning the teachings about church based on science theories


religion founded by Nanak that blended Islamic and Hindu beliefs, a monotheistic religion founded in Punjab in the 15th century by Guru Nanak.


African religious practices among descendants in Haiti., Or voodoo is a syncretism faith that combines the animist faith of West Africa with Christianity.

African Diaspora

the forced removal of Africans from their homeland to serve as slaves in the Americas,
Name given to the spread of African peoples across the Atlantic via the slave trade or around the world

Chattel Slavery

Absolute legal ownership of another person, including the right to buy or sell that person, treated as property and had to work for their owners

Encomienda System

the right to demand labor or tribute from Native Americans in a particular area, they worked in fields and mines and in return were protected and converted to christians, System that gave settlers the right to tax Native Americans to make them work

Hacienda System

similar to the feudal system, Natives got money and had to buy their products from their owners, produced goods in order to sell in America and get profit, The owners of large estates directly employed native workers

Indentured Servitude

An agreement to exchange labor for travel expenses an/or job training for a certain amount of time,The opportunity provided to Englishmen to go to the New World through 7 years of labor or work to flee from Europe

Little Ice Age

A period of cooling temperatures and harsh winters that lasted for much of the early modern era., cold period that lasted from the 1300s to around 1850, around 300 years

Mit'a System

An Incan volunteer labor system that the Spaniards used and changed into a forced labor system., required public service from the Incan government, public service done for 2-4 months every year

Plantation Economy

System of growing one crop by forced labor to sell overseas, Economy based on growth of cash crops, dependent on slave labor, mass productions, one type of crop is sugar made by enslaved africans


Archaic tax system of the Mughal empire where decentralized lords collected tribute for the emperor.,Government workers who were paid with taxes from small areas of land instead of a salary, officials collected taxes from the government


A political system in which a ruler holds total power, the principle or the exercise of complete and unrestricted power in government, ruler is final dictator

Casta System

System in which people were divided into social classes based on their hereditary and race, made by Spanish elites, includes the europeans, africans, and indigenous people


Ottoman policy of taking boys from Christian peoples to be trained as Muslim soldiers and used as taxes and for services, Ottoman requirement that the Christians in the Balkans provide young boys to be slaves of the sultan

Divine Right

Belief that a rulers authority comes or chosen directly from god.,the idea that monarchs are God's representatives on earth and are therefore answerable only to God.


Checked the military power of the sultan, being an elite military group, highly trained soldiers in the elite guard of the Ottoman Empire, christian boys who became muslim and trained be part of the elite forces of the Ottoman army, famous group

Manchu/Qing Dynasty

Manchus seized the empire from the Mings and closed off China except for trade through Canton, the last imperial dynasty of China (from 1644 to 1912) which was overthrown by revolutionaries, good women rights and infrastructure, isolate from western cultu

Maritime Empires

an empire composed of small portions of land separated by water, oversea colonies under full European control and Portugal and Spain control, Empires based on sea travel

Ming Dynasty

Chinese dynasty that ruled from 1368 to 1644,
Dynasty who sent Zheng He on a series of naval voyages, founded by Hongwu, Chinese rule, civil rights exam, Neo-Confucianism, trade, global superpower

Mughal Empire

a period of Muslim rule of India from the 1500s to the 1700s, Muslim empire, early 1500s, in India, which brought new customs that conflicted with the Hindus, Akbar was the main ruler which helped make the empire flourish and Aurangzeb made it decline, Ba


A strong feeling of pride in and devotion to one's country, loyalty given to a nation or clan, love of country and willingness to sacrifice for it

Omani-European Rivalry

A trade rivalry between the Omani of the Middle East and the European traders, Rivalry between the omani and the Europeans in the Indian Ocean, wanted power or high authority

Ottoman Empire

A Muslim empire based in Turkey that lasted from the 1300's to 1922., Istanbul is the capital and Islamic religion, conquered Byzantines, took Constantinople(Istanbul) in 1453 controlled eastern Mediterranean trade, religiously tolerant

Ottoman Miniature Painting

Art form based off of Persian and Chinese traditions. Shows syncretism, famous in Ottoman empire and are very small painting hung in many buildings or areas, scenes from quran

Ottoman Safavid Conflict

A century-long conflict from 1534-1639 in which the Sunni Ottomans fought the Shiite Safavids., fought between Safavid Persia and Ottoman empire for the control of Mesopotamia

Pugachev's Rebellion

1773, tried to restore traditional system with rights for peasants., led by Emilian Pugachev who was a cossack, biggest Russian peasant rebellion between 1773 and 1775, rebellion of peasants and Cossacks against Catherine's policy of favoring the landed n

Russian Empire

As the empire expanded, so did its cultural, ethnic and linguistic diversity, One of the largest empires in the world; very similar to France in the 1800s; houses St. Petersburg, 1721 CE - 1917 CE, ruled by Czar and the Ivans, Peter the great, expansion o

Samurai Revolts

Rebellions by samurai due to wages and ideology

Taj Mahal

A beautiful tomb built by the Mughal ruler Shah Jahan to honor his wife., place of burial, monumental architecture of Agra, India, a building of beauty built as a tomb for Mumtaz Mahal, his wife.

Thirty Years War

Devestating war between Protestants and Catholics in Europe during the 1600s, a conflict over religion and territory and for power among European ruling families

Tokugawa Shogunate

a dynasty of shoguns that ruled a unified Japan from 1603 to 1867, Japanese ruling dynasty that strove to isolate it from foreign influences, a political ruler who used silver to unify the country and defeat the lords

White Lotus Rebellion

Peasant rebellion against the Qing dynasty led by the Buddhist cult, led by Buddhists who were frustrated over taxes and government corruption, weakened Qing dynasty, during 1796-1804