Industrial Revolution Inventions

Industrial Revolution

the period following the Agricultural Revolution in the 1700's and 1800's reflecting an era of rapid industrial development in industry, urbanization, communication, and transportation

Great Britain

location where the Industrial Revolution BEGAN, due to its stability, natural resources, and enhanced transportation (due to plentiful rivers and the steam powered locomotive and abundant railroad tracks

Enclosure Movement

the period during the 1500's and 1600's in England when land was being fenced off and small lots of land were combined into larger, more efficient holdings

Textile Revolution (Textiles = Cotton)

the agricultural revolution led to greater production of cotton. people were looking for a way to turn cotton into useful products quickly. industry changed from the cottage industry, people working their homes, to the factory system, people running machi

Industrial Revolution & Machines

factories no longer relied on water power, steam engines became a new way to power machinery


refers to a process in which an increasing proportion of an entire population lives in cities and the suburbs of cities. historically, it has been closely connected with industrialization

James Hargeaves

invention: the spinning jenny
significance: faster production of more thread

James Watt

invention: first steam engine
significance: new form of power

Eli Whitney

invention: cotton gin
significance: cleans cotton faster
1. more cotton cloth
2. increases slavery because more slaves are needed in fields to produce more cotton

Henry Bessemer

invention: bessemer process- mixing cold air to remove the impurities that weakened steel-new way to make steel
significance: new material for machines, buildings, transportation objects

Henry Ford

invention: assembly line
significance: faster and cheaper production of goods

Thomas Edison

invention: incandescent light bulb, electric generating, phonograph (record player)
- better, more efficient light source
- source of electricity

Alexander Graham Bell

invention: telephone
significance: revolutionized communication

Edward Jenner

invention: developed smallpox vaccination
- only known cure
- increased medical care

Louis Pasteur

- discovered bacteria
- developed pasteurization
- vaccine for rabies
significance: revolutionized medicine