The Age of Exploration

Ottoman Turks

Middle Eastern power that acted as the middle man in trade between Europe and Asia and blocked land routes


a portable navigational device that measured the distance of the Sun and the stars above the horizon in order to measure latitude

magnetic compass

a navigational device that was created during the 12th century but was improved upon during the Renaissance


Portuguese map makers who incorporated information gathered by travelers and explorers in order to make maps more reliable


a large ship that was powered by sail and became popular during the Age of Exploration

Columbian Exchange

widespread exchange of food, spices, plants, animals, disease, ideas, and populations from the "Old World" to the "New World


the riches that could be brought back for the glory of the country and the explorers, one of the three Gs


Europeans wanted to spread Christianity and convert the native people of the New World. Also, missionaries played an important role in colonies, as they prevented mistreatment of the Indians, one of the three Gs


Finding new lands would bring honor and fame to explorers who found them and the countries who sponsored them, one of the three Gs


a kind of Portuguese ship with a new kind of mast, more room, and they had a rutter (which allowed people to steer the boat)


European nation that initially was at a disadvantage in trade because of its position, but went on to dominate exploration and trade with Asia

the Cape of Good Hope

the southernmost tip of Africa, initially known as the Cape of Storms, discovered by Bartholomeu Dias, and used by Portugal to reach India

Admiral Albuquerque

took the spice trade away from the Ottoman Turks and set up ports in Goa and Melaka in the name of Portugal

the Spice Islands

center of the spice trade from which Portugal initially had exclusive trade with

Christopher Columbus

the first European to reach the Americas and opened them up for exploration and colonization, worked for Spain

Vasco de Gama

the first European to use an all water route to Asia by rounding the Cape of Good Hope, worked for Portugal

Ferdinand Magellan

explorer who set out to sail around the world, crossed the Pacific Ocean, and discovered the Philippines, but died in battle before he could finish the voyage, worked for Portugal

Amerigo Vespucci

Italian explorer who sailed down South America and was the first to realize that the Americas were their own separate continents from Asia

Bartholomeu Dias

the first European to discover the Cape of Good Hope, which allowed for an all water trade route to Asia, worked for Portugal

Prince Henry the Navigator

was a sponsor to many explorers, allowing many discoveries to be made; created a sailing school, which he gave the best available information and technology; and encouraged explorers to sail down Africa

joint stock company

a company made up of individual merchants who combined their resources and raised by selling stock to investors


the economic theory that the world had only a fixed amount of wealth and to increase its own share, a country would have to take wealth away from another country; therefore, countries obtained imports (particularly raw goods) only from their colonies

Treaty of Tordesillas

treaty between Portugal and Spain that drew a division, on the east side newly discovered lands that Portugal could claim, and on the west lands that Spain could claim

Line of Demarcation

imaginary line that divided new lands that were to be discovered between Portugal and Spain (lands east of the line would be Portuguese and lands west would be Spanish)


Spanish conquerors who created a vast empire within the Americas

Francisco Pizzaro

conquistador who conquered the Inca Empire in South America

King Charles I of Spain

made it so missionaries were required to go on expeditions in the Americas to convert the natives

Bartolom� de las Casas

Spanish missionary who became the "spokesman" for the plight of the native peoples and believed that the Indians should not work on plantations; instead people from Africa should be used (wrote A Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies


technically the enforcers of the New Laws, but did not fulfill their job because they profited from the encomienda system

encomienda system

system in which a king gives grants allowing settlers to demand labor and feudal dues from native subjects (supported the common belief that certain people, whites, are naturally superior than other people)

New Laws of 1542

laws instituted by the king of Spain after he was convinced by Bartolom� de las Casas. They outlawed the forced labor of the Native Americans, noted that the natives should be given religious instruction, and made it difficult for people to inherit encomi


large, agricultural estate that grows cash crops and requires many people to work on it

the Triangular Trade

large trade system that involved Africa, Europe, and America (finished goods went to Africa and America, slaves went to America and Europe, and raw materials went from America to Europe)

the Middle Passage

the journey from Africa to America from which slaves were traded (called this because it was the middle step in the slave trade)

the New World

North and South America

the Old World

Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Middle East


city in India where a Portuguese port was set up by Admiral Albuquerqe


an Indian city where a Portuguese port was set up, was a strategic location because it served as a pit stop on the way to the Spice Islands

Marco Polo

Italian explorer who reached China and influenced the Renaissance view of exploration

The Travels

a book written by Marco Polo, in which he detailed his journeys in China


Europeans had access to kinds of ______ which could be used for labor, while the Native Americans did not; also, exposure to animals gave Europeans immunity to the diseases that came from them, while Indians did not

Fertile Crescent

the area from which human civilization and farming first evolved (today known as the Middle East), its proximity to Europe caused the humans who migrated there to be more technologically advanced than those who moved to the Americas


Indian city, which Vasco de Gama reached, and from which the first Portuguese-Indian trade was conducted


helped preserve food and made it taste better as well


went to North America in order to convert the Native Americans and control the conquistadors

Atlantic slave trade

the capturing, movement across the Atlantic, and the selling of African slaves

Hispanic race

created as a result of the Columbian Exchange (Native American mixed with Spanish and black)


beneficial in combat for conquistadors because they frightened Native Americans with smoke and sound


were spread by Europeans in America, leading to Indians being exposed to diseases they had no immunity to


led to armor, better swords, and better tools for Europeans


gave Europeans ways to communicate and allowed for guidelines for exploration in the Americas

favorable balance of trade

mother countries only traded with colonies, while exporting more than importing (as a result, the mother countries were the ones who benefited)