AP US History Chapter 6


protestants who fought against the Roman Catholics in France

Edict of Nantes

granted limited toleration to protestants in France

King Louis XVI

1643- 1715 King of France, interested in colonies


France's 1st permanent colony

Samuel de Champlain

soldier and explorer who led the Quebec exploration


Indian tribes that were helped by the French to defeat the Iroquois

New France

Canada- ruled directly by King

Coureurs de bois

French fur trappers- caught mostly beavers

Fur hunting

major industry- French fur trappers discovered many new places


worked to save the Indians and convert them to Christianity


found by Robert de la Salle- named in honor of Louis XIV

Robert de la Salle

explorer who found Louisiana- later killed by men when he couldn't find it again

New Orleans

fortified post that guarded France from the Gulf of Mexico- fur trade industry

King William's War

British colonists against French coureurs de bois- recruted Indians- guerrila warfare

Queen Anne's War

Similar to King William's war- the British won and recieved Nova Scotia and Hudson Bay

Deerfield Massacre

bloody massacre during King William's War

Treaty of Utrect

treaty that gave Britain Nova Scotia and Hudson Bay after Queen Anne's War

Nova Scotia

New Scotland" awarded in Treaty of Utrect

Salutary Neglect

time after the war and before the French and Indian War when Britain allowed the colonies to run themselves

War of Jenkins Ear

Between Britain and Spain- Carribean Sea and Georgia- ended with Louisbourg back to France

King George's War

war of Austrian Sucession- France allies with Spain- New Englanders invade New France

Ohio River Valley

area of contention between French and British- French and Indian War is started here

George Washington

sent to Ohio River Valley to fight the French, killed French leader- later had to surrender

Fort Duquesne

French fort- 1st George Washington fight- kills French leader

Fort Necessity

after a 10 hour siege on the fort, George Washington surrenders- defeated by French


French-speaking Acadians who were moved to Louisiana to protect Britain from being overthrown in the newly acquired Canadian territory- Roman Catholic

French and Indian War

started in Ohio Valley- against French for land- ended with the Peace Treaty of Paris (1763)- Britain gets Canada, and Louisiana, French get Sugar Islands

Seven Years' War

European version of French and Indian War- Britain and Prussia against France, Spain, Austria and Russia

Benjamin Franklin

leading spirit of the Albany Congress

Albany Congress

group of delegates from 7 of the 13 colonies- agreed on union through French and Indian War


British general- tried to capture Fort Duquesne- failed because of slow, heavy equipment

William Pitt

British general- attacked Louisburg for 1st British victory- helped capture Quebec

James Wolfe

led British on Plains of Abraham (died)- Quebec surrenders

Plains of Abraham

place where the British and French faced each other in Battle of Quebec

Marquis de Montcalm

the French general during the battle of Quebec

Treaty of Paris

1763- French power is thrown off North America- Spain gives up Florida, Britain gets Canada, and Louisiana, French get Sugar Islands


name for an army or troops

Pontiac's Rebellion

Indian cheif who wanted to expel the British colonists out of the Ohio River Valley- failed, but led colonists to set up army on frontier

Proclamation of 1763

prohibited settlement in an area beyond the Appalachians- tried to stop Indian problem- colonists saw as it as way to oppress them