Amer. Hist.: The Span-Amer War, 1st Six Weeks Review


Nickname of General John J Pershing, which came from his years with the 10th Cavalry, an African-American regiment that fought in Cuba during the Spanish-American War


One of the last Spanish colonies in the Americas, located only 90 miles off the coast of Florida


Pearl of the Antilles


Site where an American fleet sank a Spanish squadron on July 3, 1898, ending Spanish resistance in Cuba

Dr. Walter Reed

U.S. army surgeon who proved the transmission of yellow fever by mosquitoes


Site of a U.S. naval station in Cuba


Nicknamed Gitmo

Paris at the Palace of Versailles

Site where the peace treaty was signed on December 10, 1898 to end the Spanish-American War

General Weyler

Spanish general who was sent to Cuba to put down the revolt for independence

Felipe Aguinaldo

Leader of the Filipino rebels fighting for independence from Spain

Congressman Thomas Reed

U.S. Speaker of the House who resigned his congressional seat in protest of colonial expansion

San Juan Hill

The most famous land battle in Cuba during the Spanish-American War; battle that made the rough riders famous

Admiral George Dewey

U.S. naval leader who sank the Spanish fleet stationed in Manila Bay; stating to an officer, "You may fire when ready, Gridley.


Capital of Spanish-owned Cuba


Caribbean island that became an independent nation as a result of the Spanish-American War

General Nelson Appleton Miles

U.S. general who captured Puerto Rico during the Spanish-American War

Puerto Rico

Caribbean island that was aquired by the United States as a result of the Spanish-American War

Senor De Lome

Spanish diplomat who criticized the U.S. president in a private letter, stolen by a Cuban rebel and later published in the New York Journal

William Randolph Hearst

Publisher of the New York World whose sensational newspaper stories called for a war to liberate Cuba from Spanish War

Rough Riders

A volunteer unit in the Spanish-American War, a mixed crew of cowboys, college students, and adventurers


Port on the southeastern coast of Cuba, site of a major naval battle during the Spanish-American War


Pacific islands that were acquired by the United States as a result of the Spanish American War

Admiral Pasqual Cervera

Spanish naval leader in the Caribbean during the Spanish-American War


Pacific island that was acquired by the United States as a result of the Spanish-American War

John Hay

U.S. Secretary of State who called the fighting with Spain a "spendid little war

Teddy Roosevelt

Leader of the First Volunteer Calvary Regiment during the Spanish-American War, who had resigned as assistant secretary of the navy in order to fight

Tabacco and Sugar Cane

Cash crop of Cuba, in which American industrialist had invested millions of dollars

John Pershing, Blackjack

U.S. military leader in Cuba during the Spanish-American War, officer of the 10th Calvalry

Captain Sigsbee

Captain of the U.S. battleship that exploded in Havana's harbor on Febuary 15, 1898

USS Maine

U.S. battleship that mysteriously exploded on Febuary 15, 1898, killiing 260 American sailors

Butcher Weyler

Nickname that the American press dubbed the Spanish general in Cuba because of his brutal treatment of prisoners and his cruel policies

Rear Admiral William Sampson

U.S. naval leader in the Caribbean during the Spanish-American War

Senor De Lome

Spanish minister to the United States who resigned just prior to the Spanish-American War

William Randolf Hearst

Publisher of the New York Journal whose sensational newspaper stories called for a war to liberate Cuba from Spanish rule

William McKinley

U.S. president during the Spanish-American War

Nelson Appleton Miles

U.S. military officer in Puerto Rico during the Spanish-American War

Fredric Remington

U.S. artist who illustrated reporters' dispatches during the Spanish-American War

Teddy Roosevelt

Leader who organized group of Rough Riders

Remember the Maine

Became the battle cry of the Spanish-American War

Colonel Leonard Wood

Commander of the USS Maine