HS&F: Chapter 11 - Blood


Which of these statements concerning white blood cells is correct?
a) Leukopenia can result from a tumor of the red marrow, or bacterial infection.
b) There are normally 50,000 to 100,000 leukocytes per cubic millimeter of blood.
c) Leukocytosis is an abn


The type of formed element shown in the figure is responsible for
a) transporting oxygen and carbon dioxide.
b) phagocytosis of microorganisms and other substances.
c) releasing chemicals that reduce inflammation.
d) releasing chemicals that promote infla


Which of the following could cause an abnormal prothrombin time?
a) vitamin K deficiency
b) liver disease
c) drug therapy
d) decreased levels of von Willebrand's factor.
e) All of these are correct.


________________ are involved in the destruction of worm parasites.
a) Lymphocytes
b) Eosinophils
c) Monocytes
d) Neutrophils
e) Basophils


The enzyme initially released in response to a reduction in blood flow detected by the kidney is
a) angiotensin I.
b) renin.
c) angiotensin.
d) angiotensin converting enzyme.
e) aldosterone.


Which of these does NOT help to prevent blood loss?
a) synthesis of thromboxanes
b) blood vessel constriction
c) formation of a network of fibrin
d) formation of a platelet plug
e) release of heparin


Hemophilia is an inherited abnormality in
a) the globin portions of the hemoglobin.
b) platelet membrane receptors.
c) one or more of the clotting factors.
d) intrinsic factor production.
e) antibody production.


Which of these conditions must occur to produce hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN)?
a) The pregnancy is the first for the woman.
b) The mother must be Rh-positive.
c) The baby must be Rh-negative.
d) The woman must have been sensitized to the Rh antig


An 8-year old boy has periodic trouble breathing. A complete blood count is performed on the boy to determine if he has stress-anxiety syndrome or asthma (an allergic reaction). With which type(s) of white blood cells should you be most concerned?
a) eosi


Damage to red marrow by chemicals or radiation can cause
a) hemorrhagic anemia.
b) pernicious anemia.
c) aplastic anemia.
d) sickle-cell anemia.
e) hemolytic anemia.


__________ is a hereditary disease that produces abnormal hemoglobin.
a) Hemorrhagic anemia
b) Sickle-cell anemia
c) Hemolytic anemia
d) Aplastic anemia
e) Pernicious anemia


a) is a type of clotting factor.
b) is blood plasma without the clotting factors.
c) is a type of formed element.
d) makes up 58% of the plasma proteins.
e) is a type of plasma protein which act as antibodies.


Red blood cells
a) are biconvex disks.
b) have several nuclei in each cell.
c) divide frequently.
d) contain large quantities of hemoglobin.
e) have all of these properties.


Which of these statements about antigen-antibody interactions is correct?
a) When antibodies bind to antigens, the result can be agglutination (clumping together) of cells.
b) Blood groups are named for the antibodies normally present in that blood.
c) Bo


What is the function of water in the plasma?
a) forms clots
b) acts as a solvent and suspending medium for blood components
c) maintains osmotic pressure
d) destroys foreign substances
e) source of energy


___________ are the most common leukocytes and their dead cells are part of pus.
a) Basophils
b) Lymphocytes
c) Monocytes
d) Eosinophils
e) Neutrophils


Which of these transfusions would be least likely to cause a transfusion reaction?
a) type O+ blood transfused into a type B+ patient
b) type A+ blood transfused into a type B+ patient
c) type B+ blood transfused into a type AB- patient
d) type A+ blood t


A red blood cell (RBC) count on an adult male showed 6.5 million red blood cells per cubic millimeter of blood. We should consider this to be
a) an example of agglutination.
b) an example of polycythemia.
c) an example of anemia.
d) a transfusion reaction


In contrast to red blood cells, leukocytes
a) are smaller.
b) have no nucleus, while red blood cells may have many nuclei.
c) can leave the blood and move by amoeboid movement through tissues.
d) contain more iron in addition to the iron in the hemoglobin


Platelet adhesion
a) results in platelets sticking to collagen exposed by blood vessel damage.
b) is mediated through von Willebrand's factor.
c) causes the activation of the platelets.
d) allows for the platelets to change shape and release chemicals.


Each hemoglobin molecule
a) can carry 1 oxygen molecule.
b) is bluish in color when bound to oxygen.
c) contains red-pigmented globin molecules.
d) consists of 4 protein chains and 4 heme groups.
e) contains 1 iron atom.


Vitamin K
a) is important for the synthesis of clotting factors.
b) comes from your diet.
c) is produced by bacteria in the large intestine.
d) can be obtained from food such as milk.
e) All of these are correct.


_____________ perform phagocytosis, especially when out of the blood and in tissues.
a) Lymphocytes
b) Basophils
c) Monocytes
d) Neutrophils
e) Eosinophils


Cross matching of blood
a) involves mixing a recipient's blood cells with the donor's serum.
b) is done after a transfusion.
c) is done to help ensure that there are no new antigens formed in the recipient.
d) Involves mixing a donor's blood cells with th


Which of these leukocytes is NOT correctly matched with its function or description?
a) monocytes � become macrophages
b) basophils � synthesize or produce antibodies
c) lymphocytes � important in the immune response
d) eosinophils � reduce inflammation


Which of these substances dissolves clots?
a) plasminogen
b) plasmin
c) antithrombin
d) prothrombin
e) tissue plasminogen activator


__________ is the spread of microorganisms and their toxins by the blood.
a) Anemia
b) Septicemia
c) Thalassemia
d) DIC
e) Ischemia


Tachycardia occurs when
a) ectopic beats occur in the atria.
b) the heart rate is less than 60 beats per minute.
c) the heart rate is more than 100 beats per minute.
d) Either the heart rate is more than 100 beats per minute or ectopic beats occur in the


Which of the following would inhibit the activation of platelets or the formation of the platelet plug?
a) increased amounts of thromboxanes
b) increased levels of von Willebrand's factor
c) increased levels of fibrinogen.
d) aspirin (which inhibits the s


Antithrombin is
a) an activator for prothrombin.
b) a plasminogen factor.
c) a clotting factor.
d) an activator for fibrinogen.
e) an anticoagulant.


Clotting factor activation can start with
a) the contact of clotting factors with connective tissue.
b) the activation of fibrinogen.
c) clot retraction.
d) the formation of fibrin.
e) Either the contact of clotting factors with connective tissue or clot


The enzyme that catalyzes the reaction that converts CO2 and H2O into H+ and HCO3- is
a) carbonic anhydrase.
b) erythropoietin.
c) thromboxane.
d) endothelin.
e) hemoglobin.


Which of the following constituents of the blood plasma help to maintain the osmotic pressure of the blood?
a) nutrients and dissolved waste products
b) albumin
c) sodium chloride
d) dissolved waste products
e) both albumin and sodium chloride


Which of these statements concerning gases in the blood is true?
a) Almost all of the carbon dioxide in the blood is transported by hemoglobin.
b) Most oxygen is transported dissolved in the plasma.
c) Carbonic anhydrase catalyzes a reaction that converts


Following birth, a newborn's bilirubin levels can increase faster than their liver can break it down. Which of the following is frequently used to treat this condition in newborns?
a) phototherapy
b) injections of erythropoietin
c) transfusions of red blo


All of the following are functions of the blood EXCEPT:
a) maintenance of body temperature
b) production of hormones and neurotransmitters
c) regulation of pH and osmosis
d) protection against foreign substances
e) transport of gases, nutrients, and waste


The major component of plasma is
a) gases.
b) ions.
c) water.
d) proteins.
e) nutrients.


As platelets become "activated"
a) they express surface receptors called fibrinogen receptors.
b) they release endothelin.
c) they release von Willebrand's factor.
d) they release thrombocytes.
e) All of these are correct.


Persons with impaired kidney function may develop anemia. This is because
a) white blood cells break down red blood cells.
b) waste products destroy red blood cells.
c) less erythropoietin is released from the kidneys.
d) proerythroblasts are destroyed.


Which of these statements concerning ABO blood types is correct?
a) Persons with type O blood have been called universal donors.
b) Persons with type B blood who receive type A blood would have a transfusion reaction.
c) To reduce the likelihood of a tran