Presente Perfecto Verbos Regulares e Irregulares

me he levantado

I have gotten up (levantarse)

hemos escrito

We have written (escribir)

hemos mirado

We have looked (mirar)

Ud. ha hablado

You (Ud.) have spoken (hablar)

me he dormido

I have slept (dormirse)

se han ido

They have gone (irse)

te has desayunado

You have had breakfast (desayunarse)

he estudiado

I have studied (estudiar)

le has dibujado

You have drawn (dibujar--a �l)

te han cortado

They have cut your hair (cortar--a ti)

ha roto

He has broken (romper)

hemos hecho

We have done (hacer)

os hab�is muerto

You (vosotros) have died (morirse)

me he despertado

I have woken up (despertarse)

has vuelto

You have returned (volver)

ha descrito

He has described (describir (treat it like to write-escribir)

he constru�do

I have built (construir)

han escogido

They have chosen (escoger)

hemos recibido

We have received (recibir)

has viajado

You have travelled (viajar)

han llamado

They have called (llamar)

hab�is pedido

You (vosotros) have ordered (pedir)

he expresado

I have expressed (expresar)

ha le�do

He has read (leer)

has dicho

You have said (decir)

hab�is visto

You (vosotros) have seen (ver)

ha abierto

She has opened (abrir)

ha descubierto

He has discovered (descubrir)

hemos puesto

We have put (poner)

hab�is hablado

You (vosotros) have spoken (hablar)

ha venido

You (Ud.) have come (venir)

has abierto

You have opened (abrir)

nos hemos puesto

We have put on (ponerse)

nos he visto

We have seen each other (verse

has terminado

You have finished (terminar)

he vuelto

I have returned (volver)

nos hemos ido

We have left (gone) (irse)

me ha dicho

He has told me (decir--a m�)

se han muerto

They have died (morirse)

nunca he visitado

I have never visited (visitar)

no me he desayunado todav�a

I haven't had breakfast yet (desayunar)

ya he terminado

I have already finished (terminar)

hab�is so�ado

You (vosotros) have dreamt (so�ar)

han bebido

They have drunk (beber)

has comprado

You have bought (comprar)

�Has comido ya?

Have you eaten yet? (comer)

No, no he comido todav�a

No, I haven eaten yet. (comer)

�Has montado a caballo alguna vez?

Have you ever ridden a horse? (montar a caballo alguna vez)

No, nunca he montado a caballo

No, I've never ridden a horse (montar a caballo)

�Has hecho tu tarea?

Have you done your homework? (hacer)

�Te has quedado en ese albergue juvenil?

Have you ever stay in that youth pension? (quedarse en ese albergue juvenil?