Los Quehaceres- Chores (with commands)

�lava los platos!

Wash the dishes!

�Saca la basura!

Take out the trash!

�Arregla el cuarto!

Straighten your room!

�Quita el polvo!


�haz la cama!

make the bed!

�pon la mesa!

Set the table!

Yo hago la cama todos los dias.

I make my bed everyday.

Ella lava la ropa.

She washes the clothes.

Mi padre corta el c�sped.

My Dad mows the lawn.

Mi hermana pone la mesa.

My sister sets the table.

Mi madre pasa la aspiradora.

My mom vacuums.

�Cocina el taco!

Cook the taco!

Use the Ud. form of the verb to make a...

command- (Mandato)

Lavar el coche

to wash the car





Don't forget what symbol with commands?


Los quehaceres


Limpiar el ba�o

to clean the bathroom

�limpia el ba�o!

clean the bathroom!

Tengo que hacer mi cama.

I have to make my bed.

�No es justo!

It is not fair!

Ella no tiene que poner la mesa.

She does not have to set the table.


I wish

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