La Casa de Bernarda Alba Vocabulario 2


well behaved

la envidia la come

she is eaten by jealousy

con intenci�n

meaningfully (intentionally)



el hombre de los encajes

the laceman

mi cuerpo ser� de quien yo quiera

my body will be for whoever I want

ver a trav�s de las paredes

to see through walls

ir contra la ley de dios

to go against God's law

en casa decente

in (a) decent house

lucirse ante nadie

to show oneself off

un convento

a convent

los segadores

the reapers

nacer mujer es el mayor castigo

to be born a woman is the worst punishment

el verano interminable

the unending summer

una mulilla sin desbravar

an untamed mule

un barrunto

a suspicion

la almohada



to hide

un esc�ndalo

a scandal



registrar los cuartos

to search the rooms

tener no ataros m�s cortos

to keep on tighter leash

sembradura de vidrios

sower of discord

saltando llena de celos

exploding with jealousy

por tus dineros

for your money

ver la tormenta venir

to see the storm coming

estallar las cadenas

to break chains

mandar recado que (+ imperfect subjunctive)

to send a message that (+ imperfect subjunctive)

mi sangre juntarse con

to join blood with

conocer su fin

to know one's destiny


to work


to keep quiet

la obligaci�n de los que viven a sueldo

the duty of paid workers

salirse con la suya

to get one's own way

torcer mi voluntad

to go against my wishes

dejar sueltas

to let loose


to obey

las mujeres ventaneras

nosy women

romper de su luto

to break the mourning

arrastrada por una maroma

dragged by rope