History 121 Unit One Test

According to the map above, the colonies most inclined toward religious toleration were

New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania

The English colonists on the Mayflower were primarily motivated to leave England because they were

fleeing religious persecution

A result of the Loyalists' exodus during and after the Revolution was that

Patriot merchants replaced Tories at the top of the economic ladder

The Pequot War in 1637 had enormous consequences for all involved. Settlers in New England gained new access to fur trade routes and farmland" For the Pequot, the war resulted in

most of the tribe being killed or sold into slavery

Which of the following was the most basic reason that slavery spread throughout the Americas?

need for cheap labor

What was the most significant outcome of the Continental Army's winter at Valley Forge?

The army had emerged a better-disciplined force with a new sense of purpose.

Which factor most influenced the economic development of the colonial South?

warm and wet growing seasons

What was the main cause of the French and Indian War (1754-1763)?

disputed land claims in the Ohio River Valley between the French and the British

Which conclusion can be made based on this illustration of the Boston Massacre?

British troops stationed in Boston fired on an angry mob of civilians

Which of the following best completes the diagram?

Exposure to European diseases

A conclusion supported by the information on the map is that slavery in the American colonies was

concentrated in areas suitable for large plantations

How did the Columbia Exchange impact people living in Europe and in the Western Hemisphere?

People in both places were introduced to new crops and animals

How were geography and slavery related?

Geography influenced the types of crops gown, and the crops required different levels of labor

'The Columbian Exchange" picture

As new crops were introduced in Europe, food production increased

Which of the following is true of the French and Indian War?

As a result, Great Britain gained control of more territory

What is the best reason why early settlements were near waterways?

Waterways were critical for the colonial American economy

French colonists developed a better relationship with the Indians than did either the English or the Spanish because the French

respected Indian values, did not use natives for forced labor, and tried to keep alcohol away from them

This quote describes

the middle passage

What was the significance of the Treaty of Paris in 1783?

It officially ended the American Revolution, and Great Britain recognized American independence

Which of the following best sums up the main point of the passage above?

Wanting religious freedom often led people to support the independence movement

The pattern of colonial settlement up to 1700 resulted most directly from which of the following factors?

The orientation of the British colonies toward producing commodities for export to Europe

Which event best fits the sequence of events?

Bacon's Rebellion

The change in settlement patterns from 1700 to 1775 best explains the

development of economic differences between the northern and southern colonies

In this statement, Thomas Paine suggested that the American colonies should

declare independence from England

One reason the plantation system developed in the southeastern section of the United States was that

the climate and topography supported crops that required a large labor supply

Which action completes this diagram?

British pass the Intolerable Acts

Which of the following statements best explains the dramatic increase in African-Americans in colonial America between 1730-1750?

Plantation agriculture expanded in the Southern colonies

Based on this map, which statement about the geography of colonial New England is most accurate?

The first communities developed along rivers and coastlines

Which of the following sentences best characterizes the nature of the Revolutionary War?

It was a slow war fought between an inexperienced militia and a traditional army in a huge territory

The result of these attacks (Powhatan) was that

The British fought back and nearly wiped out the Powhatan and their culture

Other than attacks by the Algonquian, what contributed most to the high mortality rates among Jamestown colonists?

They were not used to the area's climate or its natural resources

What was the major motive for Charles and James to take these actions?

They wanted to limit the power of the Puritan church in New England

What was the primary reason that slavery became more widespread in the South than in the North?

Geographic factors contributed to the growth of the southern plantation system

In the 1700s, the Triangular Trade Route led directly to the

increased importation of enslaved Africans to the Western Hemisphere

The export of the New World crops to the Old World transformed European society mostly by

improving diets and thereby stimulating population growth

Which of the following was a consequence of the First Great Awakening?

a division between "New Light" revivalists and "Old Light" traditionalists

Which of the following is a reason why the Battle of Saratoga is known as a turning point of the American Revolution?

It ensured the colonists' success of seeing military aid from France

The presence of which pair of geographic conditions discouraged the development of a plantation economy in the New England colonies?

rocky soil and short growing season

The excerpt would be most useful to historians as a source of information about which of the following?

The role that appeals and advertising played in encouraging men and women to participate in colonization efforts

One reason traditions of self-government developed in American colonies before the French and Indian War was that the British

practiced salutary neglect in the colonies

The change in settlement patterns from 1700 to 1775 best explains the

development of economic differences between the northern and southern colonies

Which geographic feature most limited the westward movement of American colonists before 1750?


Which conclusion can be drawn from the map?

Economic activities in these places were interdependent

A Native American living in the Ohio River valley region would have which of the following views about the Proclamation of 1763 that forbade colonists from entering the region?

They would agree because they didn't want to see Europeans in the area

What was a negative result of this location?

Many colonists died from disease

According to the passage, why was life expectancy in colonial New England considerably higher than life expectancy in the country of England?

low population and high rates of subsistence farming

Which important reason for the American victory in the Revolutionary War is missing from the chart?

aid from foreign nations

Which conclusion is best supported by the information on the time line?

British efforts to increase control over the colonies were not successful

The main reason Great Britain established the Proclamation Line of 1763 was to

avoid conflicts between American colonists and Native American Indians

This political cartoon was used in 1765 as a means to

rally colonial unity against the British

As a result of England's policy of "salutary neglect," the colonies developed

a desire for self-government

What is the best explanation of why early colonial North America developed into three distinct regions?

Each region was settled by people of different origins and was shaped by the natural resources available

The result of this oppression was

the establishment of religious havens in new colonies such as Rhode Island

This map shows the western limit on colonial settlement that resulted from the

Proclamation of 1763

What role did slavery play in the mercantile system?

Slave labor enabled European countries to earn huge profits on crops grown in the Americas

Which of these statements best explain why the British made the decision to end the war with the American colonies?

Continuing the war was becoming too expensive

Which of the following best explains why the French had very little territory in North America after 1763?

They had given up most of their claims after losing the French and Indian war

Which geographic factor most directly influenced the location of the first English settlements in North America?

rivers along the Atlantic coast

The ideas about government expressed by Paine and Jefferson are most consistent with which of the following?

the ideas of the Enlightenment

The export of New World crops to the Old World transformed European society mostly by

improving diets and thereby stimulating population growth

During the Revolution, Native Americans were LEAST LIKELY to

join the Patriot cause

An indentured servant is best described as

a servant that gives 5 years of servitude in exchange for passage, food, and shelter

Based on this passage, with which complaint in the Declaration of Independence would John Locke agree?

He has refused his assent to laws the most wholesome and necessary for the public good

Which statement best describes the experience of African-Americans during the Revolutionary War?

The black soldier was likely to join the side that made him the quickest and best offer in terms of personal freedom

In the 1700s, the Triangular Trade Route led directly to the

increased importation of enslaved Africans to the Western Hemisphere

This quote describes

the middle passage

What was a major motive for Charles and James to take these actions?

They wanted to limit the power of the Puritan church in New England

How did the Columbian Exchange impact people living in Europe and in the Western Hemisphere?

People in both places were introduced to new crops and animals

A result of the Loyalists' exodus during and after the Revolution was that

Patriot merchants replaced Tories at the top of the economic ladder

