French and Indian War Quiz


French move into the Ohio River Valley, trying to control the fur trade


French lose Ft. Louisburg


Fighting ends in North America


Treaty of Paris is signed, oficially ending the French and Indian War


French react to British attempt to claim land around Ohio River Valley, beginning the French and Indian War


French surrender Quebec and Montreal

Name the 5 terms of the Treaty of Paris

1) French lose Canada and all French territory east of the Mississippi River to Britain
2) Spain loses Florida to Britain and gains Cuba
3)France had given all lands west of the Mississippi River to Spain in a secret treaty called the Treaty of Fontainebl

Treaty of Fountainebleau

In 1762, during the French and Indian War, France needed money and military aid from Spain and in exchange, France gave up Louisiana west of the Mississippi and the isle of Orleans.

What was the cause of the French and Indian War?

By the 1750s, the French had pushed into the Ohio River Valley, seeking control of the fur trade there. the British were eyeing the same territory. The British government wanted the fur trade and the colonists wanted the land. George Washington led a troo

Where did the heaviest fighting take place in the French and Indian War?

present day Canada

What was the location and importance of Ft. Louisburg?

(1758) Ft. Louisburg was located in present day Nova Scotia, an island in the Atlantic that protected enemies from sailing down the St. Lawrence River to attack Quebec. The loss of this stronghold opened the way to the heart of New France.


Spain enters the war to help France.

Treaty of Paris

The treaty between France, Spain, and Great Britain that ended the French and Indian War. In it, the three nations divided up North America as a war prize.

What territory did France control after the French and Indian War?

France gets a small piece of land in Canada and present day Haiti

Why did Spain get involved in the French and Indian War?

Spain entered the war in 1762 to help the French. The kings of France and Spain had signed an agreement to support each other.

What happened to the French claims after the French & Indian War?

France lost all of its land in North America except a small portion of Canada and Haiti and some islands in the Caribbean.

What country got the most land after the French and Indian Wars?


What happened to Louisiana after the French and Indian War?

It went to Spain, along with all land west of the Mississippi River, including New Orleans.

How might history have changed if the French had won the French and Indian War?

Perhaps the 13 colonies would have become French and England would have fought to get them back, or the colonists might have rebelled against French control.