Chapter 4: Life in the American Colonies

Indentured Servant

An individual who contracts to work for a colonist for a set number of years in exchange for ship passage, room, and board.

Town Meeting

A gathering of free men in a New England town to elect leaders, which developed into the local town government.

Triangular Trade

A three-way trade route for exchanging goods between the American colonies and two other trading partners.


The theory that a state's power depends on its wealth. If you increase exports you accumulate precious metals in return.


Separate, apart, or different from others.



Slave Code

A set of laws that formally regulated slavery and focused on the behavior and punishment of enslaved people.


Philosophy that emphasizes the role of logic and reason in gaining knowledge.


Large public meeting for preaching and prayer.


A binding legal document between two parties.

Cash Crop

A crop that can be sold easliy in markers

Substance Farming

Producing just enough to meet immediate needs.


Variety, such as of ethnic or national groups


To sell abroad (overseas).


To bring in from foreign markets.

Representative Government

A system by which people elect delegates to make laws and conduct government.


An illness that affects large numbers of people.


A young person who learns a trade from a skilled crafts-person.


To change in response to a new set of conditions.

Civic Virtue

The democratic ideas, practices, and values that are at the heart of citizenship in a free society.


A military force made up of ordinary citizens.

Iroquois Confederacy

A group of Native American nations in eastern North America joined together under one general government.




To change the religious beliefs of someone.

How did agriculture differ in the three colonial regions?

In New England, the land and climate supported mainly subsistence farming while in the middle and southern colonies farmers grew cash crops.

What was the middle passage?

The second leg of the triangular trade route.

Why was the middle passage so horrible?

Slaves were packed in so tightly, starvation, disease, and death.

Where did the colonists get their ideas and attitudes about government?

Magna Carta, English Parliament, the English Bill of Rights, and their history of representative government

How did the colonists react to the Navigation Acts?

At first they liked it because it guaranteed them someone to sell their goods to, but later they wanted to sell to other markets and get higher prices.

What caused the population size to grow greatly in the 1700's?

Immigration, slavery, and the large size of families.

What were the main values and beliefs of the colonists that helped shape the culture of the American colonies?

Education, the free press, religious freedom, Enlightenment ideas, and civic virtue.

What was the role of the Ohio River Valley in the growing conflict between the French, Native Americans, and British in the mid-1700's?

Both the French and British claimed the land. Native Americans lived on this land, and many of them favored the French.

What was the role of William Pitt in the French and Indian War?

Pitt became prime minister of Great Britain during the war, and he helped turn the tide of the war by sending many more British soldiers to fight in North America.

Why were the American colonists dissatisfied with the outcome of the war?

The were denied the opportunity to move onto the lands west of the Appalachians, and then they were subjected to new taxes.

The middle colonies were known for what?

A diverse population.

The success of the large plantations of the Southern Colonies depended upon what?


The concept of protected rights began with the _______.

Magna Carta.

The Great Awakening was a _______.

Religious Movement

The Enlightenment was a __________.

Philosophical Movement

Merchants in the American colonies began smuggling goods because _________

They could sometimes get better prices from customers in other countries.

The Great Awakening resulted in a renewed interest in __________.


Benjamin Franklin is an example of an American colonist strongly influenced by _______.

The Enlightenment

How did the British victory over the French affect the Native Americans of the Ohio River Valley?

It hurt the Native Americans because they lost their French allies and trading partners. The British also did not pay them for their land and they increase the price of goods sold to the tribes.

What year did the French and Indian War official begin?


What year did the French and Indian War end?


Who fought in the French and Indian War?

French, British, Natives, Prussians, Austrians, Spanish

Where was the French and Indian War fought?

North America, Caribbean, Africa, Europe, India

Why was the French and Indian War fought?

Land and Trade

What does land and trade equal?

More money and power which leads to conflict with other nations.

What year did Spain get involved with the French and Indian War?


What was the biggest killer of the war?


Why was France concerned about Britain making so much money from trades?

Britain was making so much money from imports and exports that France was worried they would come after their sugar plantations in the Caribbean.

The colonists accepted King George's right to restrict their freedom of movement. True or False


The Proclamation of 1763 prohibited colonists from moving west of the Appalachian Mountains. True or False


Following the French defeat, Native American were happy to trade with the British. True or False


After the French and Indian War, the French lost all of their land in North America. True or False


Why did the leaders of the Iroquois Confederacy refuse an alliance with the British?

They didn't trust the British who wanted their land.

From what continent were enslaved people taken?

West Africa

What percentage of captive Africans were taken to the United States?


Where were the sugar plantations located?

Caribbean and South America

Where were the tobacco and rice plantations located?

Southern colonies in North America

If a slave didn't work the fields what type of jobs would they have?

Maid, cook, house servant, work with the animals.

George Washington was first stationed at the Ohio River Valley. True or False


What was the name of the British Prime Minister that drove out the French from North America?

William Pitt