Causes, People, and Events of the American Revolution Test

Boston Massacre

when British soldiers fired into a crowd of protesting colonists, killing 5.


colonists who were loyal to the King.


colonists who wanted their freedom from Britain.

Thomas Jefferson

wrote most of the Declaration of Independence.

4 parts of the Declaration of Independence,

It tells why it was needed; their basic rights and their ideas about government; the complaints against the King; and it declares that they were no longer part of Britain.


started the Revolutionary War. "Shot heard round the World.

Battle of Bunker Hill

first major battle of the war. Shows the war will not be easy. "Don't fire till you see the whites of their eyes.

Continental Army

had about 10,000 men at any one time, no uniforms, no experience or training, few guns and ammunition.

British Army

had 50,000 men including mercenaries (hired soldiers), uniforms, experienced soldiers, the best guns.

Patrick Henry

He was a symbol for the struggle for liberty. He gave his famous "Give me liberty or give me death" speech.


why the colonists were angry about being taxed: famous slogan and reason for the war.

Date of Declaration of Independence

July 4, 1776

King George III

King of England during the American Revolution

John Locke

political philosopher that influenced the "Founding Fathers of America", challenged the divine right of the king, said government gets its power from the people. Life, liberty, and property.

Thomas Paine

wrote Common Sense" which highly influenced many of the colonists to break from England

Unalienable Rights

rights people are born with and can't be taken away. Life liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Stamp Act

put a tax on all printed and written paper goods.

Boston Tea Party - 1774

Sons of Liberty protested the tax on tea by dressing up as Indians and dumping the tea into Boston Harbor.

George Washington

The head of the Continental Army, and later first president.


Ideas spread to influence public opinion for or against a cause.

Result of French and Indian War

British war debt should be paid by colonists through taxes.


importing or exporting goods illegally

Townsend Act 1767

Tax on certain imports from England

French and Indian War

(1754-1763) War fought in the colonies between the English and the French for possession of the Ohio Valley area. The English won.

Paul Revere

He rode through the night to warn the colonists that the British were coming.

Daniel Boone

famous early pioneer who cleared Wilderness Road, a new route to the west. Wilderness Road became the main route used to cross the Appalachian Mountains


Colonists refused to buy or use British goods because of the taxation of goods.

Continental Congress

The meeting of representatives from the colonies to petition King George to stop the taxation and eventually, the presence of the British army in the colonies.