SS Final Exam Study Guide

How many original colonies were there?


What did the New England Colonies do to make money and survive?

Shipbuilding and Fishing

What were the Middle Colonies known as?

The Bread Colonies

What did the Southern colonies do to make money?

They grew crops (indigo, tobacco, rice)

How did the Southern colonies work all their land?

They bought slaves

What all countries/people were involved in the French and Indian War?

France, Britain, the colonies, and the Native Americans

What caused the French and Indian War?

Because both the French and British claimed the Ohio River Valley.

What treaty ended the French and Indian War?

Treaty of Paris

Why were the British upset with the colonists after the French and Indian war?

They got into debt because of the war and thought it was because the colonists couldn't handle things themselves.

What did the Proclamation of 1763 do?

prohibited colonists from settling west of the Appalachian mountains

Why were the Colonists upset with the British?

They were taxing them without giving them any say. "No taxation without representation

What were some of the taxes put on the colonists?

Tea Act, Stamp Act, Townshend Acts, Sugar Act, Intolerable Act

What is a boycott?

To reject/refuse something to buy or participate as an act of protest

What was the Boston Massacre?

Incident in 1770 in which British troops fired on and killed American colonists after the colonist threw snowballs and a rock at the red coats

What was the Boston Tea Party?

A 1773 protest against British taxes in which Boston colonists disguised as Mohawks dumped valuable tea into Boston Harbor.

Who was the leader of the colonist army during the American Revolution?

George washington

What was the turning point of the American Revolution?

Battle of Saratoga

What country helped the colonists win the war?


What was the last official battle of the war, where the colonists and France surrounded the British and forced them to surrender?

Battle of Yorktown

What treaty ended the American Revolution?

Treaty of Paris 1783